American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 307: Island 1 day tour

In the afternoon, Gao Fei took Stark's private jet to the island bought by Stark. The island is not very large, and there are only some staff who maintain houses and equipment on the island.

Skye was still in a coma and showed no signs of waking up, which was a relief to Goofy, at least not having to worry about how to control her shockwave.

The crew left after placing Goofy and Skye on the island, leaving only Goofy, Skye and the three crew members on the island.

The staff usually only stay in their own dormitory, and will not come to disturb Gao Fei.

Goofy carried Skye around the island, carefully observed the living environment here, and soon he came to the conclusion that Stark is really a big dog who can enjoy it.

A random house here is a 270° sea view room. The second floor of the villa located at the highest point of the island has a 360° pure glass sun room viewing platform. If you lie here, you can enjoy the sparkling sea view during the day, and at night You can lie down and watch the sky full of stars.

The layout of the island is also very delicate. The plants on both sides of the road have been carefully taken care of by gardeners. Gao Fei is walking on the island, and it is as comfortable as traveling.

"Stark's life is really nourishing. When I have more money in the future, I will have to buy an island..." Gao Fei thought secretly, "I don't know how much this island is worth? I have to expand Raven several times. Kraft Prison can afford it..."

"Damn, a few days ago, I actually felt that the prison made too much money, and I had nowhere to spend it. It seems that I was too naive. Poverty limits my imagination..."

While thinking about it, Gao Fei chose the room with the widest view and the most spacious area for himself.

As for the unconscious Skye, Goofy just threw her into an ordinary guest room.

No way, who made her unconscious?

I simply took a nap, and after waking up, Goofy communicated with Stark via video.

Tony is still in Puerto Rico, working with Reed on the Terrigan leak.

"Hey, Tony, how's it going?" Goofy asked lazily on the bed.

Stark gets angry when he sees Goofy's laid-back state - Reid and I are toiling in Puerto Rico, and you're better off, lying in my bed, Sleeping Beauty!

If I knew earlier, I should have volunteered to send the shock girl away!

"The situation is not optimistic..." Stark frowned, "There are a lot of Terrigen under the temple, and the shock wave before the shock girl has caused some Terrigen to leak."

"What?" Goofy said gloomily, "I still can't stop this?"

"Oh, don't blame yourself, you've done a very good job. The amount of Terrigan leaked at the scene is less than one percent, which is not much." Stark said, "Reed just made a preliminary estimate that this dose of The Terrigan at most caused a few people to mutate, and maybe the sea water can directly dilute them..."

"That's good, what about the rest of Terrigan?" Goofy asked.

"The rest of Terrigan will be handled by the two of us and shipped directly to New York for storage. You don't have to worry about that." Stark said, "By the way, is the shock girl awake?"

"Not yet." Goofy said, "Tony, can you find someone to replace me and help me keep an eye on the Shock Girl, I have to go back to New York."

"Oh, Gao Fei, I don't think anyone is more suitable for training the Shockwave Girl than you. Besides, with the current lethality of the Shockwave Girl, most people can't control her... What are you doing in such a hurry to go back to New York? Live on my island for two Heaven, isn't the environment on my island bad? Wait for the shock girl's condition to stabilize before going back." Stark said with a smile.

"Please! I have to go back to work! NYPD needs to record attendance. Besides, my daughter is still waiting for me to go back. I can't just disappear out of thin air, right?" Gao Fei said depressedly.

"Let Steve do it for you at work. You've worked so hard for so long and it's time to take a break. As for Carrie, don't worry, I'll let Pepper take care of her, or you can find someone to take care of her." K's plan.

"Then I'll find someone to take care of Carrie." Goofy frowned, "Pepper has been so busy every day since you were promoted to CEO, how can I have time to take care of my children."

"Hey, I think so too, she's really not suitable for taking children." Stark said with a smile, "Okay, I have to go to work, I wish you a happy time on the island."

After finishing speaking, Stark hung up the video communication like lightning without waiting for Goofy to ask about the specific situation of the temple.

Gao Fei put down his phone and was about to take a break to continue calling Steve when he turned around and suddenly saw a timid figure standing outside the door.

Shockwave Girl - Skye.

She didn't know when she woke up, staring at Gao Fei with a blue nose and a swollen face, her face full of resentment.

"Cough cough...Are you awake?" Gao Fei felt guilty for a while, and said with a smile, "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired?"

"I'm not hungry, thirsty, or tired..." Skye said hoarsely, "Just a little dizzy, maybe a little concussion..."

Gao Fei heard it, my dear, are you going to touch porcelain?

But buddy, I come from the mysterious East, can I be easily touched by you?

Must not!

"Maybe it was the shock wave you released yourself that shook you out of the concussion." Gao Fei shrugged, "I deeply regret this."

Skye was fascinated on the spot, Nima, can you be any more shameless?

"It's obvious that you concussion me! You punched me four times! Besides, I feel like my front teeth are a little loose..."

Skye pressed his front teeth as he spoke.

"Cough cough... The situation was critical at the time, and I had no other way." Goofy explained quickly, "If you continue to release the shock wave, not only will there be a magnitude 8 earthquake in Puerto Rico, but also Terrigan in the temple. Mixed into the sea water, causing the mutation of human beings all over the world, this is a devastating blow!"

"I don't think you want disaster to happen, do you?" Goofy asked tentatively.

In his impression, Skye is still kind.

Skye did not speak with a dark face, she knew that Goofy was right.

But his face as beautiful as jade was directly sent to Gao Fei with a set of "give me a fluffy fist", and the human head was beaten into a dog's head. This tone is very uncomfortable in my heart!

"Hmph..." Skye hummed depressedly, ignoring Gao Fei for a long time.

Goofy patted Skye on the shoulder.

"If you're still not happy, just beat me and let out your breath."

Anyway, Gao Fei's ability to fight against attacks is amazing, and Skye can't hurt him even if he tries to **** at him.

Skye remained silent, and it took another half a minute before he whispered: "Forget it, I'm not that kind of vengeful person..."

He added: "Also, thank you for saving me from those bad guys."

Gao Fei Skye is indeed a good girl with clear grievances.

At this time, Skye looked up and asked, "By the way, officer, what's your name? Why did you show up at the Temple of Terrigan in Puerto Rico in time?"

"My name is Gao Fei." Gao Fei gave a brief self-introduction with a smile, "Aren't you a hacker? I think it's enough for me to just tell you my name? You should be able to find other information yourself, right? Is it?"

"That's right." Skye smiled softly and ran to the living room to start her search on Stark's computer.

After about three minutes, the Goofy backend system began to harvest Skye's Worship.

[Worship from Skye +5]

[Worship from Skye +5]

[Worship from Skye +5]

Goofy understands that this means that Skye has found his story...

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