American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 306: Shockwave girl is born

Skye's petrification was only temporary, and she quickly returned to normal.

The hard shell on her body shattered and fell off, revealing the soft, baby-like skin inside - at this moment Skye felt that her senses had become sharper than before, and she was seeing a whole new world in front of her!

"Is this...the universe?"

Skye involuntarily took a deep breath, and at this moment she seemed to feel that she could perceive the bright galaxy in the distant universe...

The next second, a strange feeling came, and she suddenly realized that there was a powerful force in her body, and this force was continuously sending out shock waves.

Immediately afterwards, the entire secret room shook, and the shock wave gradually radiated to Skye's body.

Only then did Skye remember Goofy, the benefactor who rescued her from Hydra.

"Officer! Officer!"

Skye didn't even know Goofy's name, just listened to Garrett as if he was a police officer.

At this time, Gao Fei was still a stone statue, with no tendency to mutate at all.

"Too bad, he doesn't have Inhuman blood at all, I've implicated him to death..." Skye said depressedly, "Stop, this **** shock wave, stop it, stop shaking, I beg You! This police officer will shatter if you shake it any more..."

It is a pity that Skye, who has just obtained the ability, has no ability to send and receive freely, and the shock waves in his body are continuously released.

The high-flying stone statue was swept by Skye's shock wave and shattered in an instant. Skye burst into tears and shouted loudly: "No..."

But in the next second, something magical happened.

The stone chips that were originally broken into thousands of pieces suddenly fused together, and turned into their original appearance - the petrified Gao Fei disappeared, replaced by a living person!

Gao Fei suddenly came back to life!

The Obelisk-doped Terrigan Mist seems to be useless at this moment!

"Officer! Officer!"

Skye was so happy that he didn't care that he was creating a strong earthquake, and reached out to hug Goofy.

Gao Fei looked up, I wipe! A humanoid **** swooping at me?

"Stop it! Skye, don't be impulsive, I have to tell you the current situation..."

"Your ability will cause the temple to collapse, and a large amount of Terrigen in the temple will leak into the sea, which will be ingested by all human beings, creating a large number of aliens... In this way, the entire human civilization will be severely impacted, war And disaster will follow... This is the most original plan of Hydra."

Skye was stunned.

I see!

No wonder Hydra took me to the temple anyway!

It looks like the ability has to be terminated.

Skye hurriedly concentrated on trying to control the power, but the more she tried, the more powerful the shock wave became.

"No, officer, I can't control it at all! The shock wave is getting stronger and stronger, what should I do now?"

Gao Fei saw that the shock wave was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

It's too late to stop Skye.

So Goofy looked back at Skye and said seriously: "Skye, my next actions are entirely to save the world, without any personal emotional factors, I hope you don't blame me."

"Huh?" Skye was stunned and looked up at Gao Fei, "Officer, what do you want to do?"

Without saying a word, Gao Fei raised his hand and punched.


Do you think how strong Gao Fei is? It has reached ten times that of a normal person. When he punched, Skye had a nosebleed on the spot.

If it weren't for her physical fitness enhancement after becoming an alien, Gao Fei's punch would have knocked her out.

In fact, Gao Fei didn't expect Skye to be quite resistant to beatings, and the punch still hadn't stunned. It was also possible that the shock wave she was releasing weakened her strength and protected Skye.

But don't be afraid, don't we still have a 30% chance of KO punching!

Thinking of this, a triumphant smile appeared on Gao Fei's face.

Skye was lost on the spot.

"Officer, what do you want to do? What do you want to do to me?"

"Shh... Hold back!" Gao Fei stopped, raising his hand and punching again.


Skye's front teeth are about to be smashed out now.

"Woo woo... Officer, you bad guy... woo woo..." Skye cried.

"Oh, no skills yet? Don't panic, just bear with it a little longer, the chance is very high, 30% chance." Gao Fei said with a smile.


The third punch.

There were stars in Skye's eyes.

"Officer, stop hitting..."

"I... I'm dizzy!"

"Halo? That means it's almost a success." Gao Fei persevered and punched again.


This time Skye stopped talking and fell to the ground staggeringly, not knowing whether she was killed by a KO punch with a 30% chance, or was stunned by Goo Fei's punch and punch.

But no matter what the process was, the result was good - Goofy successfully prevented Skye from releasing the shock wave, and the Kree temple did not continue to collapse. Judging from the current situation, the Terrigans stored in the temple should still be recovered. Didn't have time to leak into the groundwater system...

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, wiped Skye's nosebleed on his fist, and said with a smile: "I can't save the world once again, I'm really sorry..."

at the same time.

Outside the secret room, Tony Stark and Reed Richards looked at each other, both wondering what the **** Goofy was doing inside.

"Tony, why don't you blow up the secret room, Goofy has been in for so long, and a shock wave was released just now, I'm worried that something will happen to him..." Reid whispered.

"What are you afraid of? He can't die. Didn't this guy say that the Terrigan fog inside is deadly to ordinary people? What if the secret room is blown up and rocks are thrown?" Tony said calmly, "I'll wait for Goofy's notice. Well, this kid has his senses."

"Alright." Reed nodded lightly, knowing that his teammates would not die, both of them were too stable, and there was no sense of tension at all, not exciting at all.

The two waited for a while, and the voice of Gao Fei came from the secret room.

"Cough, Tony, Tony, get me out."

"Understood!" Tony Stark exclaimed. "Stand further away."

Mark11 showed great power, and the manipulator shook forcefully against the stone wall of the secret room.


The hard stone wall shattered like eggshells in an instant, and then collapsed to the ground.

As the smoke dissipated, Gao Fei came out of the secret room, but he didn't come out by himself, with a fainting **** his shoulders.

"This... what's the situation? Ahem, did the Hydra dizzy her, or did you daze her?" Tony Stark asked in confusion.

"It's me." Gao Fei dared to take responsibility, "She is the alien who mutated this time, and her ability is to release a strong shock wave. She sent the shock wave that nearly collapsed the temple just now, in order to prevent her from blowing up. I had to knock her out first in the temple."

"It turns out that..."

Tony and Reed had a sudden realization.

"Next, we have to quickly find the remaining Terrigans in the temple to prevent them from leaking." Reed said.

Goofy nodded: "Yes, this is indeed a top priority, but I have to transport this girl away first, otherwise she will have to release a shock wave when she wakes up..."

"Then take her to an open place, otherwise her shock wave will cause massive damage and even accidentally injure the crowd," Reid whispered.

"It's like but where is it suitable?" Gao Fei frowned.

"Well, three hundred nautical miles to the southeast from here, there is a small island. I will let Jarvis take you there. You can put her there first." Tony Stark said, "When the girl stabilizes, You take her back to New York."

"Island? No other residents?" Goofy asked.

"No." Stark said.

"Is it safe? Is it legal? Will I be harassed?" Gao Fei is a cautious person, so ask questions before going.

"Don't worry, it's safe and legal." Stark smiled. "That island was a birthday present I bought for myself when I was 25 years old. It's my private property, so you can rest assured to stay on it."


Goofy and Reed were speechless at the same time, and they looked at each other.

Although no one spoke, the content in their eyes was amazingly the same - Damn, it's good to have money.

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