American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 119: kidnapping in the alley

Although Gao Fei was already very familiar with Carrie's increasingly strong body, Gao Fei was a little surprised to learn that her hearing was on par with his own. A big boss hidden in Brooklyn.

But now is not the time to be surprised, and he has to deal with serious business, so Gao Fei sounded the siren and drove the police car towards the direction of the call for help.

Half a minute later, Goofy came to the outside of an alley, which is the junction of Brooklyn and Queens, and the gray area where violent incidents most often occur.

The cry for help came from this alley, and the police car could no longer drive forward.

So Gao Fei pointed the front of the police car at the entrance of the alley, and turned the headlights to the high beam to aim at the alley. Under the light, Gao Fei could see the situation inside.

Several burly men in the alley were besieging a mother and child. They seemed to want to kidnap the child. Several people tried to drag the child away, but the mother tried her best to hold the thin child.

However, while the burly man was pulling, the thin boy shouted "Auntie" at the mature woman beside him.

All right.

It seems that the relationship between the two is not mother and son, but aunt and nephew. Gao Fei made a mistake.

But no matter what the relationship between these two people is, it is time to save people or save them.

So Gao Fei unfastened his seat belt, pushed open the car door, got out of the police car, and shouted at the gangsters, "NYPD! Raise your hands and stand up!"

Little Carrie imitated Gao Fei's process, opened the car door and jumped out of the co-pilot, shouting fiercely, "NYPD! Raise your hands and stand up!"

Seeing Gao Fei arrive, the aunt among the victims was overjoyed.

"Officer, help us!"

At this time, Gao Fei saw that this "auntie" was tall and sexy, and she was actually a first-class beauty!

Glancing at the skinny, aggrieved "nephew" who was haunted by the gangsters, Goofy immediately identified the two people - Peter Parker and his hot and single aunt May Parker.

"Hey, you rubbish, let them go!" Gao Fei strode forward, yelling at the perpetrators.

Unexpectedly, these gangsters didn't run away after seeing Gao Fei, but instead assumed a counterattack posture.

Gao Fei immediately realized that the origins of these gangsters are not simple, and the gangsters who dare to confront the police in person are definitely not ordinary street gangsters.

In addition, the target of these gangsters is very clear - they are obviously trying to kidnap Peter Parker, and if these people are just ordinary street gangsters, the focus of their crimes should be the **** aunt next to Peter Parker. It's the normal brain circuit of a group of rogues.

So it is obvious that these gangsters should be instructed, and their target is the thin boy Peter Parker.

Wanting to understand this, Gao Fei became vigilant. Since they are not ordinary street gangsters, these people should have some skills.

Sure enough, one of the gangsters suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist and started aiming at Gao Fei.

But Goofy was already in action before he shot.

He directly kicked a bottle of discarded drink in the alley towards the gangster, and smashed the bottle containing half of the drink on the gangster's chin.

The gangster fell on his back, the pistol fell out of his hand and fell to the ground. Gao Fei stepped forward to pick up the pistol, buckled the safety and smashed the barrel of the gun with his backhand, directly knocking down a gangster who was pulling Aunt May.

Several other gangsters saw that Gao Fei had some tricks, so they rushed up together. Gao Fei was too lazy to operate, and left everything to the system's instinctive response.

So under a series of hearty and fast-paced counterattacks, the gangsters didn't even have time to take out their guns and flew out screaming one by one - the five gangsters all rushed into the street in the blink of an eye, and they didn't even have any dignity left. .

The background system pops up data:

[Worship from Peter Parker +5]

[Worship from May Parker +5]

[Worship from Carrie +5]

Gao Fei accepted all his admiration, turned to Aunt May and Peter Parker and said, "Don't worry, you are all safe now."

Aunt Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and held Gao Fei's hand tightly: "Thank you, Mr. Police Officer, thank you very much."

And Peter Parker, who seemed to be only eleven or twelve years old, also shyly expressed his gratitude to Gao Fei: "Thank you, police officer."

Gao Fei patted Little Parker on the shoulder and pointed to the police car: "You two should go and sit in the police car for a while, I will contact my colleagues to take these gangsters into custody, and my colleagues need to listen to you describe what happened at that time. situation and decide whether to prosecute these criminals."

"Okay, no problem." Aunt May nodded cooperatively, and then prepared to take Peter Parker to the police car.

Before leaving, Aunt May saw the little Loli standing beside Gao Fei, which made Aunt May suddenly overwhelmed with maternal love.

"Ah, what a beautiful little girl, take the liberty to ask, is she your daughter? Mr. police officer, or the poor lost child you happened to meet while patrolling?"

"It's my daughter." Gao Fei said embarrassedly, "No one takes the child at night, so I can only take her to patrol with me."

"Oh, poor baby..." Aunt May said sympathetically, and at the same time she expressed her admiration for Gao Fei, " You are really working hard. You have to patrol the night shift and take care of your children."

System: [Admiration from May Parker +3]

Gao Fei shrugged: "No way, it's all life."

Arranging Aunt May and Peter to sit in the police car, Gao Fei immediately contacted the support of the 109th sub-bureau, and before the arrival of support, Gao Fei focused his attention on these gangsters.

Glancing at these gangsters, Gao Fei asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, who asked you to kidnap the child just now? Don't try to lie to me, I already know your plan, and who can cooperate with me now, just will receive the least punishment."

Hank once taught Gao Fei that the best time for criminals to break through their psychological defenses is when they have just been arrested. Criminals at this time often reveal some important flaws, so on-site questioning is a compulsory course for a police officer.

In addition, Gao Fei basically guessed that these gangsters were instructed, and the questions he raised were even more precise.

After Gao Fei asked the question, one of the gangsters' expressions changed obviously. Gao Fei dragged him out by the collar and asked in a deep voice, "What do you know? Tell me."

The gangster's lips moved, and just as he was about to speak, another gangster behind him suddenly shouted: "We need lawyers! We need lawyers! We won't answer any questions until lawyers arrive!"

Hearing this, the gangster who was planning to speak closed his mouth again.

Depressed, Gao Fei threw the gangster back to the ground. It seemed that they were ready to be arrested by the police and knew how to protect themselves.

But even if these gangsters didn't answer Goofy's question, Goofy could have guessed the intention of the man behind all this - kidnapping Peter Parker, apparently for that spider-related plan...

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