American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 118: little partner

After listening to Gao Fei's story, Carrie probably has a superficial understanding of the future - there will be many individuals with superpowers in the future world, and they will gradually grow into superheroes or super criminals with the advancement of the times.

In the process of violent collision between different camps, New York became one of the main battlefields, and the citizens of New York were very miserable, and they became cannon fodder in the war.

"So Dad Goofy, will we also become cannon fodder in the future?" Carrie asked seriously.

"I shouldn't be a cannon fodder. My survivability is very strong." Gao Fei said proudly.

"Father Goofy, what about me?" Carrie asked nervously, "Will I become cannon fodder?"

"You..." Gao Fei smiled slyly, "Only by going to school well can you change your fate of becoming a cannon fodder."

"Really?" Carrie asked innocently.

"Of course it's true." Gao Fei patted Little Loli's head, "As the saying goes, knowledge changes destiny."

"Okay, then it seems that I can only go to school..." Carrie said helplessly, and she sighed softly. The little girl deeply felt the helplessness of life and the exhaustion of struggling for survival.

Gao Fei succeeded in his trick and smiled slyly: "That's right, are you hungry? Dad will take you to dinner."

As soon as she heard there was food to eat, Carrie's eyes suddenly lit up, her originally gloomy emotions were also swept away, and her whole body became clear again.

No matter how troublesome things are, as long as you still have delicious food in mind, then life is full of motivation and motivation!


Goofy was on patrol at night, so he stayed in the apartment with Carrie during the day. The father and daughter had dinner together, and Goofy took Carrie downstairs to meet Hank.

The whereabouts of that old man Frank was unknown again. Carrie dared not stay at home alone at night. In desperation, Goofy had to take her on patrol together.

At a little after 7:30, Hank drove his Ford Taurus police car No. 288 to the downstairs of Gao Fei's house. The old policeman's mental state was not very good, and he yawned with dark circles under his eyes.

Rolling down the car window, Han Keqiang said hello to Gao Fei: "Let's go man, our nightlife has begun..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Carrie who was sticking to Goofy's back like an asshole, and a look of surprise flashed on his face: "Little guy? Why are you following the patrol?"

Carrie smiled timidly and did not dare to answer Hank's question directly. Maybe she was afraid of being caught by the police when she was wandering on the street. The little girl was still a little worried when she saw the police.

Gao Fei spread his hands helplessly and said, "That old man Frank went to drink again. Carrie doesn't dare to be at home alone at night. I'll take her on patrol together. Isn't this a violation of discipline?"

"Isn't there any other way to violate the law? Get in the car." Hank waved and said freely.

But after saying this, Hank couldn't help yawning again. Seeing Hank's listless appearance, Gao Fei couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's the matter, old man? It's been spinning in the past few days?"

Hank nodded with a wry smile: "Yeah, the Green Goblin thing is too involved, and the connection with the FBI has to be watched by Sheriff Schneider and I. It's been three days since I slept. As a result, Jill has a fever today. The child's mother can't take care of her alone. In the afternoon, Sheriff Schneider asked me to go home to sleep, and I took the child with me for a long time..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei patted the roof of the car: "Come on, don't say anything, old man, drive my Audi home and go to sleep. You can have a good rest tonight."

Hank hurriedly shook his head: "How can this work? How can I let you patrol alone."

"Don't I have a little partner here?" Gao Fei pointed at Carrie, "Don't think she's small, she's quite useful."

This is really not to be said casually. With Carrie's current combat effectiveness, she can basically stand up to the FBI agents, and the general police are really not as good as her.

Hank still had an embarrassed expression on his face: "This... is not appropriate, is it?"

Gao Fei directly took out the Audi car key and threw it to Hank: "That's it, let's go, if you don't rest for a while, your body must collapse."

"Okay, then I'm welcome. If you need me, just call me directly." Hank took Gao Fei's car key, and then handed the Taurus car key to Gao Fei.

Before leaving, Hanker asked cautiously, "By the way, shouldn't your Stark-modified chariot suddenly transform and launch missiles?"

"Don't worry, it will only automatically counterattack when it encounters an attack. In addition, it should only recognize me as the owner, so you will not wake it up." Goofy said.

"Is that so..." Hank nodded when he heard the words, but there was a hint of disappointment in his expression.

Watching Hank drive home, Goofy and Carrie got in the car and started patrolling.

Goofy drove, Carrie sat in the co-pilot, and the two drove slowly along the streets of Brooklyn late at night, listening to the radio and observing the crowd on the street along the way.

"Father Goofy, why doesn't our car have a siren? It's the kind of siren that is so the bad guys are scared when they hear it..." Carrie asked curiously.

Gao Fei explained patiently: "This thing only makes noise when it is in action. Normally, it is turned off. Otherwise, it will disturb the neighbors."

"Is that so." Carrie nodded, then returned to her seat and sat down obediently, but after a while, the little girl turned around again and asked curiously, "Dad Goofy, where are our weapons? Isn't there a lot of guns in the police car?"

"I have a Glock on me, and a spare pistol, a shotgun, and an assault rifle in the trunk. Don't worry Carrie, we're well-armed." Goofy said with a smile.

Carrie nodded lightly, and then offered herself, "Father Goofy, can I help you catch criminals too? Just like me and you deal with the Green Goblin together!"

Gao Fei smiled and rubbed the little girl's head: "You can't really do this, at least not in front of everyone. Remember what I said to you, Carrie?"

"You have to disguise yourself as a normal child... don't do things that normal children can't do." Carrie repeated Goofy's words as if she was reciting the text, "I remember, Dad Goofy, I remember it all."

"That's right." Gao Fei nodded with satisfaction, "The gun is the best, don't be too pushy in everything, only by keeping a low profile can you avoid trouble."

However, before he finished speaking, Gao Fei suddenly heard a panicked cry for help not far away.

"Help... help us, help..."

Just as Gao Fei was about to speak, Carrie suddenly pricked up her ears and said in a low voice, "Listen! Father Gao Fei, it seems like someone is calling for help!"

Gao Fei was shocked on the spot - this little girl's hearing is actually on par with his hearing enhanced by the system!

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