Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 476: Su Huai Porridge was taken captive, and the Tailong King was beaten

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Above the sky, Wang Wudao looked indifferently at his named disciple being kidnapped. He didn't show any tension, and he didn't mean to rescue him. His eyes drooped slightly, and a few traces of Jiutian Gangqi were captured from above the sky. It turned into an invisible astral sword, and it fell lightly and attached to Su Huai Congee's hair. Su Huai Porridge was kidnapped completely by accident. It was an accident in the plan. The so-called plan couldn't keep up with the changes. That's the truth. Originally, Wang Wudao wanted to save Su Huai Porridge. After all, it was only his named disciple. Young people still suffer more setbacks and experience more, and they will hold back their will to do it for a while and let them take them away. After that, it is enough to send a protest letter to Xiaotianguo through Taixia. It may not save Su Huaizhu's life, but it can indeed make those Japanese people in Xiaolianguo cast their arms against rats for a period of time. When they find it difficult to brainwash and turn against Su Huaizhu, naturally will use the last resort. However, with such a period of buffering, it is enough for Taixia to send someone to rescue Su Huai Porridge, and the layout of Xiaotianguo is not going to be closed finally, so we will deal with it together by the way! After thinking about it, Wang Wudao did not stop, turned into a breeze and returned to Wudang Mountain, sat down quietly, and looked at the entire Taixia world. Su Huai Porridge was kidnapped. Naturally, it is impossible for only Wang Wudao to know. Every city in Taixia has guards on the ground. Under normal circumstances, they all need to be in the city, even if they have to go out. Basically, you have to invite friends of the same rank to guard yourself. When the three strong men of Xiaotianguo showed their bodies and kidnapped Su Huai Porridge, their breath was slightly revealed, and Abe Seimei was also very helpless. Su Huai Porridge had a powerful ability to temporarily invite God. If he did not use coercive means, he was afraid It is impossible to control Su Huai porridge in an instant. Once the power of Amaterasu Great Imperial God descends, it will not be easy for them to take down Su Huai porridge, and many Taixia tiers will rush over quickly, and they may not be able to escape. . However, the current situation is not much better. The breath leaked and was discovered by the guards of the Western Capital. He immediately started to pursue. When he discovered that there were three foreign powerhouses, the guards of the Western Capital did not hesitate to notify the senior officials of Taixia. , Taixia high-level emergency deployment of the powerhouse, be sure to rescue Su Huai Porridge. On Wudang Mountain, a communication notification sound suddenly sounded on Wang Wudao's wrist. "What's the matter?" "Your disciple Su Huai Porridge was kidnapped in Xidu. There are three suspects, suspected to be from Xiaotianguo, Abe Seimei, Hattori Hanzo, Yaqi Orochi!" "I see." Wang Wudaoren After hanging up the phone, the expression on his face did not change, and he still looked at the world under the mountain. ...On the Dongning battlefield, Lin Xuan and the others had no idea what happened to Taixia, but the Taixia Dragon King, Superman, Laughing Bat and others took action in Taixia city without paying any attention to Taixia's laws and regulations. To put Taixia in his eyes, he needs a good education. In the alien space where Lin Xuan was, the terrifying force was used on his hands to drag the giant etheric dragon king back into the alien space, but the etheric dragon king was not that weak, even if his dragon physique was not as good as that of Lin at this time. Xuan, that is similar, its two dragon claws firmly grasp the torn space crack, even Lin Xuan can't drag it into the different space for a while. The dragon tail of the Ether Dragon King swayed quickly, hoping to get out of Lin Xuan's control, but Lin Xuan grasped hard and didn't let go. But the dragon head of the Ether Dragon King is outside the different dimension. It looked at the Dongning City below with hatred, and with a thought, the huge elemental energy began to gather, and it would destroy the entire Dongning City in one fell swoop. Dragon Breath Elemental Cannon! The terrifying energy that destroyed the sky and the earth spurted out from the mouth of the Ether Dragon King. Lin Xuan, who was wrestling with the Ether Dragon King at the back, could sense the powerful power of the Ether Dragon King, but he didn't know what happened. If you think about it, you can know what is good about not dying. Just when the Dragon Breath Elemental Cannon was about to collide with Dongning City, a white dust whisk came from the horizon. Although it was only a few white threads, the threads of the dust whisk directly cut through the space, and the entire Dragon Breath The elemental cannon was wrapped, and then made a muffled sound. After a few wisps of black smoke came out, everything was calm. "Wudang, Wudang, you old bangzi!" He vomited blood with the qi of the Tailong King. To destroy the entire Dongning City with one blow, even it would need a certain amount of time to condense, that is to say, it has entered the CD stage, and it needs The amount of mana is very large, even with his stock, one or two I am afraid that it will not be able to stand it. Moreover, the shot just now took a lot of power, but Lin Xuan behind it didn't consume much. Under the change, it gradually couldn't bear Lin Xuan's pulling force, and was gradually pulled in. in a different space. Suddenly, Lin Xuan suddenly exerted force and caught the Tailong King by surprise, then released the Tailong King's tail, turned into a thunderbolt, and threw a punch with all his strength, as if an ancient idol raised his forelimbs and stepped down fiercely. Step directly through the eighteen layers of hell! Idol Suppressing Prison Strength Twelfth Floor Peak Strength! The great supernatural powers of the law, the heavens, the earth, the 12-fold limit increase! In an instant, Lin Xuan turned into a 24-meter-tall giant. Although it was a little smaller than the Ether Dragon King, he could hit its knees without jumping up. In addition, Lin Xuan increased his strength many times. , at this time, he has already reached the upper limit of the copy space limit in terms of strength! He could clearly feel the existence of this restriction. But it doesn't matter, even if his power is limited, he still has speed. "Speed ​​is power, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?" Lin Xuan's speed naturally couldn't reach the speed of light, but his sudden explosive force was definitely not small. In just an instant, the superposition of strength and speed, Lin Xuan hit double strength, such a large ether dragon king was directly hit by Lin Xuan to the bottom of the different space. Suddenly hit hard, still on the head, for a while, the Ether Dragon King was also a little stunned. This time it really made it unbearable, and Lin Xuan's strength has grown so fast, it seems to be much stronger? ! Looking at the Ether Dragon King below, Lin Xuan slowly took out the Sword of the Son of Heaven. Today, there is still a lot of power in the country, but for Lin Xuan's current strength, the help is very little. The power of national fortunes is flowing, and these powers of national fortunes can just be given to the emperor

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