Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 475: When I was a kid, I was kidnapped in the West!

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Suppressing the Three Buddhas in Time and Space of A Sanguo was originally a part of the Taixia plan, in order to make the Buddhas of Asanguo's spiritual mountains without a leader. Only when a group of dragons without a head can fish in troubled waters... No, it is the world's best luck! Therefore, even if the Three Buddhas of Time and Space have not left the Asan Kingdom this time, some of the Taixia powerhouses will go to Fomen Lingshan under other names, and directly seal the entire Lingshan for a period of time. Wang Wudaoren slashed several swords and smashed the gods who occupied the universe into Taixia territory. If it wasn't for the fact that the gods could be sublimated to the utmost in critical moments and possess real heaven-level combat power, the extremely murderous Wang Wudaoren would have long been Move the killer and kill him directly in Taixia territory. "Go away, if you dare to enter my Taixia territory again, no matter how far you are, you will be killed, no matter how strong you are!" The young Taoist held one hand behind his back, the other held a sword, the tip of the sword aimed at the gods of the universe, his eyes were full of With awe-inspiring killing intent and a stern face, it seems that as long as this **** speaks one more sentence and stays for one more second, a stronger sword energy will be swung out. "Tai Xia...will be mine in the end!" The gods were surrounded by infinite rays of light, and it seemed that countless believers were praying. With a ruthless wave, it turned into a streamer and disappeared in place. Wang Wu didn't care about the ruthless words of this deity before he left. If he wanted to embezzle the entire Taixia, he would not only have to deal with a few of them, but the most important thing was the rising rookie, the emperor Lin Xuan! As soon as he turned around, the expression on his face was somewhat inexplicable. He saw Fallen Paradise Mountain approaching the Taixia Sea Area, entering the Taixia Sea Area, turning into a flying island and entering the Taixia Land. His eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about whether it was He wanted to get rid of this Taixia traitor directly, but in the end he shook his head, put down the sharp sword in his hand, and looked to the other side. The three top powerhouses from Xiaotianguo are quietly running towards Xidu all the way. Their concealment techniques are really good, and even ordinary powerhouses cannot perceive their breath. , but for Wang Wu, their breath is like a firefly in the dark. Although the light is not big, it is also brighter and can still be noticed. In the Western Capital, Su Huai Porridge is practicing swordsmanship at home. Her father went abroad, her mother attended the wedding of the Undying Minghuang as a guest, and she herself was unwilling to attend this event because of "personal reasons". The high-level optimistic about the wedding, he hid in the small garden and practiced the boring sword. "Obviously I came first..." One sword, another sword, she vented her inner anguish, unwillingness and discomfort, but she also knew that this marriage was very important, because it was related to Taixia! Use the sword to eliminate worry and worry even more! When you are drunk, you don't know that the sky is in the water, and the boat is full of dreams and overwhelms the galaxy! The sword in Su Huai Conge's hand danced faster, more worrying, and more enjoyable. Finally, it reached a certain point. Suddenly, Xia stopped! A sword stabs out, sadly ecstasy! "Hey, we missed it after all..." Su Huaizhu lowered his head and muttered to himself. Suddenly, a bright light flashed across the hall, and she saw a feminine and handsome young onmyoji in a white onmyoji appearing in front of her, and in the next moment, she could see a black mist filled the air, but a man dressed in white onmyoji appeared in front of her. Warrior armor, a ninja warrior with a sharp blade walked out of the black mist. In the end, Su Huai Conge suddenly looked up at the sky, but could not see the blue, but was covered by a black, a deformed eight-headed snake slowly crawled out. This Onmyoji, shouldn't it be Abe Seimei, the top ten terrifying powerhouse on the Earth List. This ninja has the appearance of a samurai, and there is only one person in the whole small country who can dress like this, that is Hattori Hanzo, who is known as the **** of ninja warriors, and is also a well-known powerhouse. In the end, the image of this wild monster is too classic. The sacred beast of the small life, the eight-headed snake, exists at the peak of the earth? ! Damn, such a strong lineup can kill all the way to Xidu, and can touch her home, I am too late? Su Huai's porridge is numb. Faced with such a lineup, even Lin Xuan has the possibility of overturning. Well, although it is small, it does exist. Naturally, the three powerful land-level powerhouses did not kill Su Huai porridge immediately. With their lineup this time, they are fully capable of bringing her back to Xiaotianguo, and as long as they are brought back to Xiaotianguo, everything will be fine. All good to say. However, Su Huai Conge is not without any resistance. She is a witch of the goddess, and she is the most powerful witch among the three noble sons. In a single thought, she can completely summon the upper body of the Amaterasu Taiyu mecha~ Fight against three opponents with temporary heaven-level power. Although the final result is still unbeatable, it is completely possible to make a big enough noise. Once there is a noise, unless Taixia is really dead, it is impossible not to let the strongest people come and take a look. This way, there is a chance to escape! Su Huaizhu was holding a sharp sword, but this sharp sword could not give her a sense of security at all. Her strength was too far off. She was already hooking up with the Amaterasu Great Imperial God mecha. It only took a moment for her to temporarily fight the heavenly order. Power will come! But the trio didn't do it right away, but were waiting for Su Huai porridge to calm down. "Do you want to be a strong man?" Abe Seimei said with a smile to Su Huai Porridge, very kind and kind, as if he was greeting his good friend. "Do you want to normalize the battle power of the Heavenly Rank?" Hattori Hanzo is not suitable for negotiation, but he can grasp the core of the problem at the fastest speed and attract the attention of the other party. "As long as you become Amaterasu, you will have everything!" The last person who spoke was the Orochi Yachi. Its snake letter was constantly swallowing, which made people shudder, but the words it said were surprisingly attractive. force. Become Amaterasu Great God? ! How to become Amaterasu, retain consciousness, inherit strength, or implant the consciousness of Amaterasu? ! Strength has always been the focus of attention of all able-bodied people, and the god-descended witch who can have temporary heaven-level combat power has attracted the attention of the entire small country, not to mention the top-level communication proposition that can have the normalization of heaven-level combat power. Su Huai porridge didn't care. She just wanted to stay at home and wait for her parents to return. She didn't want to sacrifice herself for justice and righteousness. With a wry smile, he waved his sleeves, and suddenly

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