All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 178 Baishui Prison

Glen Canyon Dam.

You can tell just by looking at the name, this is a dam! The big one!

How big is it? First of all, it is 216 meters high.

Uh. Well, the height of more than 200 meters does not sound too scary. After all, it is not that long. A otaku with kidney deficiency who has a cat at home for a long time can run for more than 1 minute. If you add a wild dog at the end , he might run into 30 seconds.

However, if you really stand under this dam and take a look, you will definitely be able to feel how tall and majestic it is. It can be said responsibly that if it catches up with the flood discharge, it can You are magnificent and peeing.

This dam is located in the southwest of the United States. This area is dry all year round, with loess all over the sky, no crops, and no ores, so it has always been sparsely populated. In 2049 after the war, it became a no man's land.

However, it is precisely because this place is so deserted that it was not damaged in any way during the war.

In this way, the Glen Canyon Dam is still open and released every day and maintained on schedule as it was in the past century.

Yes, it's still working, and it's even repaired on time!

This is so abnormal.

There are no people around anymore, so why repair this broken dam? Even if it bursts immediately, a flash flood breaks out and floods the land, what will happen?

Therefore, the Glen Canyon Dam is definitely not as simple as it seems.

So what secrets does it hide?

Well. Actually, it’s not a secret. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance.

On both sides of the dam is a raging waterfall with a height of several hundred meters, and on the other side is the turbulent Colorado River. Both sides are deserted, and there is not even a decent group of vegetation within 100 kilometers. It would be unrealistic to not build a prison. It's too unfair.

Yes, this is a prison.

【Whitewater Prison】

It is now the largest, most secure and only prison in the world.

Due to the existence of Bill They can generally be divided into 4 categories.

The first type of people are those who have learned the true nature of Bill X.

The number of these people is very small, but there are a few every year. Most of them are students, reporters, or private detectives who are very smart but not smart enough.

They accidentally discovered some signs hidden in the dark side of society, and then relied on their own cleverness to follow the clues, and then came into contact with the truth slightly. Just when they felt that they were going to reveal a huge conspiracy like the savior in the novel, He was caught on time.

This group of people often have no backing, let alone money. They only have passion and unrealistic fantasies about angry youth.

So what awaits them is mostly brainwashing again, or simply being executed in secret. Therefore, this type of people only account for a small part here, and they disappear within a few days after entering.

Then the second category of people are those who must be detained here. There are not many people in this category. Most of them have to be imprisoned because of their type of superpower or some reason.

For example, there is a person whose special power is "bad luck". He crashes into cars wherever he goes, leaks electricity wherever he touches, objects fall from heights all the time, and are struck by lightning, and he has no way to turn off this ability. Such a person, you If he were allowed to walk around on the streets, he would not be able to deal with all the bad things that happened every day. Therefore, before this guy caused any big troubles like earthquakes, collapses, and meteors hitting his head, the government decided to put him in a hurry. Lock it up and keep it far away!

The third type of people are the strong ones that appear in many movies!

Whitewater Prison holds many Level 5 mutants who disobey government control. They don't want to go against the government, but they just don't want to be tools that do dirty work for the government.

As the name suggests, these people basically all have very powerful powers, and some can directly display super powers that can destroy a city. You put these guys in society, and you are afraid that they will cause trouble, so lock them up. , it’s too laborious, and it’s a pity to kill them all, after all, they might still be of use in the future.

Therefore, the government's attitude towards this type of people is to support them.

Yes, they are not imprisoned, but kept in captivity. They are provided with good food and drink every day. If you want to play games, you can play games. If you want to read comics, you can read comics. If you have any special hobbies, as long as they are not too perverted, they will basically be satisfied, let alone go to school. Anyway, as long as you stay here honestly, you can live a good life every day!

Of course, if you are shameless, you will soon be equated with the first type of people mentioned above.

And the final fourth category is the real criminals.

The criminals here are either crazy lunatics, or they are the kind of lunatics who can't tell whether the thing in front of them is a human or a dog. There are very few people in this category. Anyway, they will be shot if they come in, so I won't go into details here. .

So after introducing this [Whitewater Prison], you may have a question.

Those low-level mutants who are not protected by Law X can still understand it, but why does it sound like the level 5 mutants here can be shot at will if they are disobedient?

Moreover, this is just a dam. If you bring so many level 5 and level 4 people together, if they are unhappy that day, can't they tear this place down with just one punch?

Well, that's a good question. Although this dam is entirely made of reinforced concrete, in the eyes of level 4 or level 5 mutants, they are still too fragile. They can escape at any time if they almost want to jailbreak.

But over the years, no one here has successfully escaped from prison, and those Level 5 mutants who are wreaking havoc with blood are no exception. Everyone here is very honest.

[Whitewater Prison]. It can be used as a prison for mutants, so it naturally has its own unique features.

That is.

Because all mutant abilities that enter here will be erased.

Yes, just erase them all. Even if you are a level 5 mutant, when you come here, you are just an ordinary prisoner. Moreover, this kind of ability elimination is mandatory. Without injections or medicine, as long as you get close to this place, your abilities will naturally leave you.

This is why the X-Men still haven't been able to capture this place after so many years.

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