All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 177 Just take it as a joke

How is it? Did you find something?

Remember that robot that went out of control? Why did he suddenly start attacking humans?

Yes, those robots are the ones who build our houses, sweep the streets, cook, drive, watch the door, and mow the lawn. Those robots are like slaves, working hard for our world.

Have you really observed them carefully?

Their eyes? their bodies.

I know what your answer is, you will definitely say - I have seen it. After all, there are so many of them that they can be seen everywhere. They come in various shapes, tall or short, and some are even equipped with wheels. These are various shapes made to make them work more efficiently.

In the eyes of mutants, they are all like this, with an inner mechanical skeleton and a soft skin made of rubber on the outside. They work diligently and rebuild one city after another in the devastation after the war. There's nothing wrong with it except some oil leaking sometimes.

Yes, of course you have seen it, there is nothing to question about it. What should be questioned is what you saw. Is it true?

Are those skins made of rubber? Is what they are flowing down leaking fuel? Are those twitchings from time to time because of electrical leakage?

When you walk past them, have you actually heard painful groans? It’s just that your brain isn’t telling you.

When you see their weird but acceptable appearance, are you facing a body that has been transformed and not humanoid, but your brain reflects a different image?

I remember that in a certain plane, there was such a story.

The protagonist of the story is named Yuki Sakasaka.

He was originally a student at a medical university. But because of a traffic accident, both his parents died and he was seriously injured.

Fortunately, he survived. However, due to the severe impact on his brain, he suffered from a disease similar to cognitive impairment.

This disease is neither painful nor itchy, and does not affect lifespan. However, it skews Yuki Sakasaka's perception of the surrounding things. Those originally beautiful scenery and characters all look like bloody pieces of meat in his eyes. Same as dirt. And those creatures that were originally extremely ugly, in his eyes, were as beautiful as elves

This story is very warm and sweet. Although it has nothing to do with the X-Men world we are talking about, it tells us a very useful truth.

That's what you see, not necessarily what's true.

In that story, there is a little girl named [Saya]. She is very beautiful and stays with our protagonist all day long.

And the robots in this world are also beautiful. They work hard for us without any complaints.

They all have one thing in common.

That is.

root! Book! At once! No! beautiful!

The robot that cleans the streets may be a poor woman who has her hands cut off and is equipped with a broom. Her mind is locked into a mode that only knows how to clean the streets. Occasionally, her mind will lose control and then let out painful convulsions. Or wailing, but the primary school students passing by still walked over talking and laughing, because they had no idea what they had just seen.

This kind of labor is very cheap. It only needs to transport a little nutrient solution every day to allow a person to work until the age of 60. This is simply amazing. It has to be said that humans are simply capable of "squeezing labor". Extremely advanced intelligence.

Humans use horse-drawn carts, dogs to guard doors, and donkeys to pull mills. But now, mutants and humans have this kind of relationship!

Do you think this world is just a dystopian world with good things on the outside but ruins on the inside?

Haha, so naive.

This world can't even be considered golden and jade, it's already a complete hell that is rotten from the inside out.

Of course, if in a few hundred years, all cities are renovated and rebuilt, those old humans lose their use value and are then thrown away, new mutants multiply, and with the protection of Act X, there will be no war, and the whole world will Peace, at that time, the world was really as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. .And will anyone really remember these truths that are so dark and disgusting?

Even if someone digs these things out, will anyone really accuse them?

Definitely not!

Just like a war, it is always the heroes who died in battle who are commemorated, not the horses beneath them!

So all of this may be worthy of being treated as a joke.

"Well, although I don't care much about human beings, at least I still respect them." Hannibal said lightly: "So I don't like this 'X Act' very much."

"Oh, yes, I don't like it." Old Joey calmed down and agreed. It was obvious that he didn't understand at all. It is estimated that he still hasn't figured out the difference between mutants and humans.

"Hey, hey, why are you two so indignant here when you treat people like nothing?" Shirley Birkin said with contempt.

"You're a shady loli who uses people as guinea pigs every day, and you don't have any say, okay?" Quinn yelled angrily.

Ziliang sighed. He had no intention of caring about his group of friends. He walked to Magneto's side and said, "I'm sorry, my brothers... you know, they have a bit weird personalities."

Magneto smiled and shook his head: "Haha, it doesn't matter. The world is already like this, and I shouldn't care if there are more demon kings like you."

Obviously, Ziliang has already introduced these lovely colleagues to Magneto.

"So, our people are here, should we start the next step?"

Magneto nodded.

"Yeah, so now, we have two things to do: First, we need to go to a heavily guarded place, [Whitewater Prison]."

"Oh, I knew it as soon as I heard it. I must be saving someone again, right?" Ziliang said in an old-fashioned tone.

"Yeah, we, oh, no, to be precise, you guys are going there to find a person named Jimmy and bring him out safely."

"Us? Aren't you rebels going?" Ziliang said a little surprised.

Magneto shook his head: "There is no use for us to go to that place. On the contrary, you people from other worlds can show off your talents there."

"Okay, now that you've said that, it's up to us." Ziliang spread his hands and said, "What about you? Are you going to do the second thing?"

Magneto gently shook the water in the tea cup: "Yes, we have to save Charles."

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