Age of Heroes

Chapter 505: The thing people do for love (3)

Also, the definite proof that he will be the Savior is that one day; the Savior will come to that island, and pull the sword from the stone.

When the times come for it, He, The Savior will be ready, in body and heart, to accept his destiny. 

This is the words of the Three Wise Men and after listening to it, the Three Wise Men once again return to the Deep Sea and leaving Ragar on that island. 

Ragar then suddenly felt unconscious and the moment he wakes up he wakes up on the Port of Ana Maria.

He then calls his old crew and sail back to Ragran

Many people did not realize but during the battle, Ragar has been looking at the sky. He realized that during the battle the patch of clouds on top of the man was darkening.

But this is not the only reason why Ragar believes that the man was the Savior. It was because of the description. 

Hair like winter. His hair is white but not like white hair of an old man but almost a white tingled with a little gold. 

His eyes were blue as the sky, almost like nothing could escape his gaze. There are not many people who are known to have white hair.

Only the Vermont's. 

The Imperial Family of the Human Continent. 

The Dragon. In Jianghu he is called the Celestial Dragon, a great master that stands on the peak of martial arts.

To the great leaders of the Continent, he is famous as Arial the Great Conqueror. Arial is known to have godly might, painting the Heaven Peak red with blood of the people of Jianghu, defeating the Immortals, killing all in his way.

Ragar has travelled the world and the stories of the Dragon conquest is well known and was even popular as a form of opera.

Ragar believes this is the man in the Wise Man prediction. He quickly urges his followers to follow him.

'Brother Ragar you're following him?' One of his crews said.

'Brother Ragar, let's think about this. The man seems dangerous. You are not thinking to rob him right? You see what he does with the horseriders. '

'Who said I was going to rob him?' Ragar almost bellowed. Robbing one of the Five Master of Martial Arts? Is he crazy? Ragar mused.

'Then why does Brother Ragar want to follow him?' his follower ask.

Ragar smiles.

'Just follow your brother here. I'm thinking of doing something big here.'

Then as he said this he runs towards the direction of the man. Ragar crews looking at their leader sighed and run behind him following their brother.



The moment she push the door the bell ring signifying a customer is entering the bakery.

The woman pushing the door is a veiled woman. Her eyes were beautiful like the sun, mesmerizing everyone who could see her.

Her clothes are a merger of a feminine dress and armor to create a combination that recalls both woman and warrior in appearance.

It features a full length gown and features a top piece of a feminine breastplate featuring a shining Sun. Her bottom is a vibrant red skirt that allows for mobility.

She did not wear any jewelry or accessories but one could feel a noble aura emanating from the woman.

The woman come to the counter and asks.

'Riana, the usual please.' She said and the woman gives a smile and nodded while packing a few breads into a knapsack.

The Veiled Lady looked around the shop and takes a seat while resting for a while. Today, she will participate in a rescue mission in the Green Plains with her mercenary group. 

She has been pretty famous these days in Ragran.

Creating the Sun Tiger mercenary group, they are now recognized as a Gold level adventurer and have participated in many quests big or small.

But the reason why the Veiled Lady is doing this is because she wanted to use the fund to find Arial.

And what Mikael said to her before she disembark the Azure Dragon ship disturb her.

Mikael speak to her in a cryptic words about how even the Savior needs help. The Veiled woman is Rhyssa.

She has been here in Ragran while searching for information about Arial. 

It must be strange to see why an Empress of a an Empire could care so much about a man who did not even shows any signs of being infatuated with her but one must not underestimate Rhyssa stubbornness.

Rhyssa is a great commander, a great ruler but in love she is inexperienced. And losing? That is even more unfamiliar for her.

Curiosity turns into longing. Longing turns to love and before she knows it, she can't tear apart the image of Arial in her mind.

Are there any things in this world that are more illogical than love?

She wanted to be the one who soothe the pain in Arial heart. She remembers the ball. For some odd reason, that is a few of the memory she cherishes.

At the time before the ball, she thought she could not love him more. 

She was wrong. For the first time in her life, she wears a dress….willingly. 

And the moment, she looks at him in the ball, with that long white hair, that blue eyes that seems to see everything, and with an expression of such coldness that it would deter even the most cheerful person, she was entranced.

When she dances with him, time slows down. A moment that seems to span for eternity. An eternity captured in a moment. 

And Rhyssa could almost see it. See their future together. Happy and warm and full of happy days. 

When he looks at her, her heart beast faster without any reason at all. If not for her pride, she would have blushed.

If not for her pride, she would have kissed him. If not for her pride, she would have poured all of her feelings to him.

Because that is the way of the Renasi. To be free…and honest about their feelings. But, Arial has her pride. She has hers. She reminded herself when the dance was over.

She is an Empress. The mother of her land. And her people are her children. She is an Empress. An Empress must be strong….in heart and body.

And she endures. Endures love…. not pain. Not the kind of pain Arial was enduring. One could argue which one was harder.

But, her heart could not deny. She loves him even more than she thought she would. And there is joy in loving.

She felt what it was like…to felt magic…..without having magic. Warmth spread inside her as she recalled him in her memories. 

She looks…and she almost chuckles at this thought…like a woman crazily in love.

Thinking about her name, she chuckles. 

Her grandmother name is Rhaessa which means Gentle Sun. Her most infamous ancestors Rayniss name means Fiery Sun. 

And her name? 

Rhyssa means Warm Sun. Her mother names her with this meaning in the hopes that she will be happy and grow up to be a warm hearted person.

But contrary to her mother expectation she grows up to be a great commander and even defy all the common norm of a lady of a great house.

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