Age of Heroes

Chapter 504: The thing people do for love (2)

In mere minutes, twenty horse riders have disappeared. Sixteen died under his hand while the other have some minor injuries and ran away leaving Reoh with pale face.

'I…YOU!!!' he yelled at Arial pointing his finger in anger.

That is the only thing Reoh could say before his heart was pierced by a stick. Arial did not have time to even listen to the Warchief indignation. 

And during this entire bloodbath, Arial expression did not change at all. The moment Reoh was pierced his body exploded into smithereens of meat. 

The blood went everywhere but the moment it touched Arial clothing it dissipated because of the lightning energy around his body.

The crowds who were looking at this scene drew a breath.

They could not believe that a man, a lone man defeated twenty elite horse riders using only a stick and didn't even take an effort. 

The man didn't even look tired or overspent. It was just like he was strolling around and didn't even participate in any battle.

Arial knows now that this will become a big problem so he jumps from his horse and glided through the wind like he was a bird flying towards one of the deserting horseriders. 

Some of the crowds flinched and almost prostrated when he sees Arial glides because he almost look like he was flying.

Like an immortal riding the clouds, like a dragon that soar high above the skies.

Grabbing the man collar he brought the horseriders down from his horse and with one stomp of his feet, Arial fly backwards to his horse and landed perfectly on his own horse like he didn't ever left.

'Show me the house of your chief' Arial said in fluent Ragranian.

The horseriders who by now is already fearing this man to the extreme nodded his head vigorously. 

'That way' the man said pointing at a direction

'You will be my guide. Lie to me and I'll kill you' Arial said and the man nodded again more vigorous than before.

Arial then look around him. Challengingly he looks at the guard nearby who have come here after hearing the commotion. 

He looks at them and when his eyes glared at them, the guard lowered their heads not brave enough to stare at him. 

Not to mention the pressure they felt on their bodies. 

It was like they were locked by some primal predator and they were pressured both physically and mentally since they discovered that they almost could not breathe under the expert gaze.

They heard of expert around the world that could kill dozens of men as easy as swatting fly but this is the first time they ever see it with their own eyes

How could they dare to match their eyes with that kind of existence?

And the rules of the tribes are easy. The strong will gain recognition wherever they are.

'Is there anyone else that wanted to obstruct my way?!' He asked daringly and with disdain, clear in his tone. 

There was only silence.

'Humph.' Arial snorted and then he moved his horse to the area where the captured horseriders pointed and he rides his horse.

The moment he leaves the crowds heaved a sigh of relief.

But there are some brave men in the crowds whose eyes shine with glint of excitement.

One such person is Ragar. 

Ragar was once heavily punished by the Warchief Reoh because he drives straight into the enemy battlements without a care in the world when they battle the Saranites tribes a few years ago.

He was stripped from his horseriders positions and was banned from entering the Temple of Cretus and Haral Barog. 

It was considered a humiliation not being able to worship the very Gods that gifted them with the blessings of the world.

Even though Ragar filed a petition to the Chief, the Chief could not exercise many restrain towards the Warchief so Ragar was neglected, his spearmanship and strength is left to waste as he work in the port becoming a sailor traversing the Dark Seas.

In these five years he has watched many inexplicable things. 

He went to the Western Seas and watches dragon like creatures that swims beneath the Western Seas. 

He went to the Eastern Seas and once had the chance to see the Gigantic Elephant which behind his back was an island where they lived a tribe of men blessed with ungodly strength.

He went to the Northern Seas and once sees the Eye of the Winter Beast which is as wide as the mountains.

He also traverse down below the Southern Seas and encounter an island covered by illusion fog where there is only woman living there and each of these women was a heaven striking beauty and each one of them have the strength of a hundred men.

But even though he has experienced all this he still returned here.

To Ragran. To his tribe. 

Because he once encounters one of the Three Wise Men of the Sea. The Three Wise Men of The Sea was the magister of Magi, the guide to the Great Hero Levitia.

It was said that the each of the Three Wise Men possesses the knowledge of everything in this world. 

One is blind. 

One is deaf. 

While one of them is paralyzed.

The Three Wise men of the Sea rides the wind and the cloud is their mounts. Ragar was stranded in a very strange island after his ship shipwrecked hitting a large horn that protruded suddenly from the deep sea.

It was then that found a sword. 

A white sword in a white stone. Ragar tries to pull the sword from the stone but no matter how he tries to do it, it didn't even budge.

There was an inscription on the left side of the sword edge. It was written in Ancient Enochian. It was the name of the sword.

Lightbringer. But when Ragar check the right side, he was shocked because there is another inscription. 

Ragar believes that the sword has two names. The name on the right side was….Godslayer.

It was then that the wind howls and lightning strike the Earth when Ragar utter the sword name in ancient Enochian.

Then from the sea, Three Men emerges all riding a lump of solid clouds. 

The Blind Wise Men has a cane that shines like the sun in the sky, when he swings it, the sea ebbs and flows.

The Deaf Wise Men has eyes as bright as the stars and when he look at you, you will feel like your existence is but a speck in the vast world but also at the same time sow the seeds of humility inside your heart.

The Paralyzed Wise Men has a halo of Light behind him, like the very Sun in the Sky is behind him and smile was very warm that any fear will disappear and every worries will pass by like clouds.

The Three Wise Men gifted him with a reminder that the Savior will come to his tribe and if he was lucky and devotedly serve the Savior, his name will be remembered through the Ages.

The Wise Man tells him that the Savior will have a hair of winter, the eyes of the sky and his aura is an aura of a King. 

He will also possess the might of a God and holy feeling could be felt from him. When he is in wrath, the clouds will darken. 

When he is pleased, the world will prosper. If he won in the final battle, the World will prosper for a thousand year.

If he loses, an Age of Darkness will descend into the Earth until the Next Bloodline is awakened.

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