Age of Heroes

Chapter 481: A group of kids can trap a rabbit, but cannot kill a tiger (3)

For now, he is just looking at the horizon of the sea. This beach is not far away from the City Port.

So, with his hearing he could hear the conversation of some traders in the ports, the screams of the merchants, the peddlers trying to sell their stuffs and some sailors who are joyful after a day of hard work.

Arial then focused back his hearing to this moment. 

And slowly the other noise is blocked out and only the sound of the waves, the seagull's cries remains.

And he smiles bitterly. By now his message must have found their way to all the Adventurer Guild buildings in this continent.

The Adventurer Guild has a magical bird called the Bluebird. 

Its furs are bright blue and its eyes is also blue. Hence the name. The bird is faster than any bird and can even teleport using some kind of inherited magic. 

It is a magical beast that has lived in these lands since during the Age of Gods.

It also helps that they are rarely hostile. Since they can be tamed the Guild has been using them since the founding of their Guild. 

But the odd thing about the Bluebird is that they could not leave the Continent. If they do, their body exploded into pieces.

Arial realize there are too many things in this continent that he doesn't know. The reason why he is lazing around in this beach is because he wanted to comfort his heart.

Last night he could feel his heart constricted. It was not because of some pain or poisons or anything like that but because he felt something was wrong.

That something has happened. Something important. But Arial doesn't know what happened hence he is feeling very uneasy right now.

Then looking at the scenery he smiles bitterly and he create a poem under the orange setting suns, with the sound of the waves striking the beach as the music and the sound of the wind as accompaniment.

'Victories and defeats of yesterday

Can I leave the past where the past belong?

When can I admire the beauty of the moon?

The shadow of the sword, the blade light in the dark night

When will I forget this enmity?

Love and hatred

I want to be walking with someone beside me

Do I have to charge through the earth and skies alone?

My heart has frozen over.

No longer have I cared about daybreak

We meet and we part

I wandered life alone since you went

My life is spent in turmoil

Why must life give me such fate?

When will I forget the matter of the heart?'

The words in his poems were something that evokes the feeling of loneliness and solitary. Arial sighed as his memories flooded his mind.

And he sighed again.

Slowly the suns sets but then Arial realizes something. Footsteps. It was slow but definite and it's rushing towards him.

Five people is rushing towards him and Arial could feel killing intent. 

Then suddenly a needle like substance shot out from his left side to him as a man in black attire and concealing his face appears from the nearby caves and attacked him.

'Heh' Arial smirked

Arial stomp his feet as powerful wavelike force erupted from his feet

and the sand below his feet is impacted as it produces an eruption of explosion and the sands form a tall sturdy momentary barrier as the needle was rendered useless as it stops midway 

As the sand falls back down, the needle also falls down. Arial right ears then twitched. He could hear something is coming from his right side

Something split the air and as he looks toward the source of that sound, from his right side, a dart was flying towards him.

Arial was already standing up at this point. 


Realizing that the dart is shooting towards him, Arial waved his hand and a terrifying internal energy shot out as it destroyed the dart midair and create an explosion.

The energy that he shot out was hot and of Yang nature. The surrounding sand turns into glass because of the heat.

Arial is annoyed. But his face does not show that he fears this people, it was more like he was inconvenienced. 

A stomp and a wave of his hand neutralized moves that would kill expert level master.

But Arial is not an expert level martial artist. He is a grandmaster of the martial arts, his name evokes fear and respect. 

How could these attack be seen as nothing more as a mere tricks by him?

Who is disturbing him enjoying the scenery? His eyes were cold and his posture was imposing.

He already identifies two. There is three more.

Then suddenly sands were thrown toward him but Arial could feel that this sand is not ordinary sand. 

Then he remembered something he reads.

Blinding Sands. 

He waved his hand again and this time gust of wind formed scattering the sands far away from him. 

When he was occupied scattering the Blinding Sands a sting like thing shot out towards him. 

Arial is becoming more annoyed. 

This time he uses his Palm attack as the sand around him was pushed towards the attacker like tsunami of sand, eight-meter-high is approaching the attacker. 

The attacker by using some lightness technique dodges the tsunami by creating tiny hole in the sands and rush forwards from the tsunami as the tsunami fizzles out. 

After all it was not solid and Arial was not really intending to kill.

But he is annoyed right now. The reason he didn't kill is because he realizes who he is fighting with.

Tangmen Sect.

Tangmen disciples, with their secretive behavior and hit-and-run tactics, give people an impression of being both good and evil. 

They aren't friendly with the decent high reputation Schools but also have great disdain for criminals. 

The Tangmen most famous skill is Seven Limitation Manual. The Seven Limitations are: limitation of Yin, Yang, heart, air, eye, limb, and bone. 

The seven limitations work in unison to form an organic whole. Why the men of Tangmen Sect would suddenly attacked him?

He doesn't make any great enmity with Tangmen Sect why would he be attacked? And why are they here in the Land of Shadows and not in Ming continent

'Senior is truly a great expert' a man suddenly comes out of one of the caves and look at admiration towards Arial.

The man is refined, scholarly but there is also some trace of coldness emanating from him.

'Who are you?' Arial asked.

'This Junior name is Tang Jiexiu. Hope senior could give me some pointer' he said smirking.

Arial on the other hand is puzzled why these group of people is attacking him but looking at the five men instead of feeling fear he only felt pity as he inwardly thought.

A group of kids can trap a rabbit, but cannot kill a tiger.

'Make your first move' Arial said.

'I will give you some pointer.' Saying this he grinned as he stands there on the beach, imposing like a mountains, ready to defend.

His energy rotated inside his body, crackling sound could be heard as lightning dances all around him and the sands slowly levitates under his feet.

'This Junior thanks Senior' and saying this the five people began their attack.


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