Age of Heroes

Chapter 480: A group of kids can trap a rabbit, but cannot kill a tiger (2)

The other people in the tavern look at the trio but they did not interfere. Nobody going to interfere in your business unless you interfere with them.

Arial was checking the man pulse. He feels the thrumming of energy inside Sanaa from the pulse that he is touching

The energy is slightly deviated but his internal energy is quite good. 

I guess I will feel safe leaving Ana to him.

He thinks of this as he could feel the pulse beating

Then confirming all this in but a fraction of seconds he tossed Sanaa back and Sanaa landed gracefully, not sprawled on the tavern floor.

'What are you-'Ana was about to nag Arial but Sanaa hold her arms and stop her. 

'He was checking my internal energy' he said.

'What?' Ana asked then she looked at Arial and then blushed.

'If you have made your decision Ana, then it's good. Thank you for what you have done for me and for helping me that time. I will never forget about the kindness you have shown and one day I will repay you.'

Ana just nodded and then she asked

'Will you be going back? Go back To the Human Continent after you got some gold?' Arial think for a moment before answering and he said.

'I come here to search for someone.'


'Someone' he answered. Ana is really annoyed at this side of Arial. Never a straight answer.

'Why?' She asked again.

'She has something.' Arial replies

'What does she have?'

'Answers…I hope.' Arial said coldly

'Anyway' Arial said.

'It seems you have everything you need here. You look after him good, Sanaa. Or I will find you. Or else.'

He didn't have to finish that sentence to make Sanaa lost his nerve. He is acquainted enough with the cruelty of the Emperor to his brethren.

But since Arial doesn't know Sanaa true identity Sanaa tries as hard as he can to feign bravery.

'Don't worry. I have some merchant friends that could help her open some bakery. I was friends with her sister and her sister helps me years ago, escaping from the Knights of the Round Table. Bastion and their rules.'

Arial does not respond to any word Sanaa is saying he just looks at Ana with a look of appreciation and then he come closer to Ana and hugged her gently.

Ana was surprised by this but she did not resist. She even blush red as she ask

' do you h-' she was about to reprimand Arial behavior but then Arial whispered to her ears.

'Be well.' Just these two words and she was silent. 

He kissed her on the cheeks and then he broke his hug and just gaze at her and slowly he smiles.

And Ana realize that Arial smile is very beautiful and there is a certain kindness in them. She even wonders why did he do not smile more often. 

Then after a few moments Arial went to the tavern keeper and then said something and then he went out of the tavern. 

It was like time slowed for a while as she looked at him, step by step, fading away from her gaze.

Ana just watch as his back recedes from her vision and she felt a little regretful but she knows she can't make him stays. 

Both of their objectives are so different. 

She wanted to be safe. She wanted safety. She might be out of the Bastion but the things that made her, her is still there. 

The reason why she stays in the bastion is because of safety. And even out of the bastion she still seeks safety. 

For a martial art master like Arial he must be seeking for something or someone that is dangerous and she is not confident she can follow him and there is no reason to. 

Arial is nothing more than just an acquaintance, a passing cloud in her life.

She did not have to risk her life for him and he will not risk his life for her. They were just people who encounter each other in time of need.

And each encounter has a farewell and now was the time. 

Thinking of all this, Ana smiles bitterly and then she turns he attention to Sanaa again and tries to move on from this brief encounter.

After all, it's not like they will meet again right? she thought this inwardly. 

But even thinking of this, her heart aches. She did not want to acknowledge this feeling so she runs upstairs.

And the sound of the crowds once again fills the tavern like nothing has happened. Sanaa on the other hand looking at that disappearing silhouette of Arial heaves a sigh relief as he thought to himself.

You must not blame me, Celestial Emperor. You have your difficulties; I have mine as his eyes turns cold and calculating looking at Ana as she runs upstairs.

'Nia, I'm coming for you' he slightly whispered as he climbs the stairs.


It was the sound of the sea that made him feel refreshed

He looks around and he feels his heart opens. The waves lapping to the shores, the sound of the seagulls, the smell of the oceans and the beautiful sunsets.

Arial is sitting on the sand looking at the beautiful sunsets. It reminded him of Seaworth.

He just registers himself at the Adventurer Guild and he took all the extermination job, capturing job and rescuing job on the quest board. 

By the evening, he solved all the rescuing job, half the capturing job and one third of extermination job. 

Extermination job means fighting against monster that has begun spawning in some dark places, like caves, abandoned temples and abandoned houses.

In one day he was promoted to Silver ranked Adventurer.

For some people this is a great honour but Arial of course doesn't put this on his eyes. He was an Emperor of a large empire. 

How could he care that he becomes some silver ranked adventurer in this land. He was an outsider in this land, an Outlander.

And this achievement is usual for someone of his strength. If not that he needs immediate gold for his purposes, he would not lower himself taking these jobs.

He also posted a few quest of his own. 

The reward is ten thousand gold. Of course he didn't possess such gold right now but if anyone managed to find what he is searching for he wouldn't mind returning back to the human continent to pay.

Tonight he is going to leave the city and travels to the Green Plains. 

He would travel through the Green Plains and then traverse the Greenlands and will go to the Vergonians Tribe.

He will have to travel inside the Red Swamps. He wanted to be ready.

The reason is because Amara has reminded him to go there to seek the Seals. It was like she was speaking beside her when she talks before.

Nowadays, Arial could sense things more acutely than before. 

After consuming the Divine essence, it was almost like he unlocked something inside of him, something primal, something ancient.

He could see sometimes, certain patterns in nature. He could manipulate some energy that should not be possible to be manipulated.

Nowadays he could also hear whispers in his head, Amaras reminders, her instructions, her guidance. 

Like The Great Liberator, Levitia, the Great Hero that liberate the Human Continent from the Demon Lords.

Like, him, he also hears whispers. But then he reminded himself. Didn't Levitia died in the end, betrayed by his family, dying in unfairness?

With no descendant to speak of? That is not something that he wanted to emulate.

He shakes his head.

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