Age of Heroes

Chapter 467: Ragran (2)

Arial could see that there is a new and old neighborhood. In each neighborhood, there is a wooden entrance and at that entrance is a plaque that inform the name of the district. 

The place they're walking right now is the Open District. 

He could see with his superb vision, on his left side is the White District. In his right is the Black District. 

In front of him the Old District. 

In this city, maybe there are many district. Even though it is called a district, it is small. The Open district is full of stalls.

He could also see that nearby the hill in front of them has temple. 

The temple has a statue of a man with a beard holding a spear, underneath its feet was a pool of blue water and beside him was Nereids bringing him assortments of treasures, ranging from pearls and magical weapons.

This must be the statue of Sea God, Haral Barog Arial mused.

In the distance, in one of the stalls, the local troublemaker eyes the direwolf and the young couple.

'Leader Ragni is that a direwolf?' A young man said to a man with a crooked smile.

The man called Ragni nodded. 

Ragni is a man of stocky build, his muscles look like he was swollen, and his face has countless of scars. 

His left earlobes look like it was ripped apart and one of his finger in his right hand seems to be cut off.

'It is a direwolf.' He said in excitement. He then continues his words, clearly admiring the beast.

'I thought only Saranites have them. It is hard to find them, even harder to tame them. They are either rich or they are powerful.'

Ragni knows they are not Saranites. Ragni met a few of Saranites following his father. Saranite has tattoos covering their whole face and bodies.

'What do you think they are, leader? Powerful or rich?'

'Rich!' Ragni said confidently. 

How could these two young people be powerful expert? Of course they are some rich people. 

Maybe they come from the Enceladus or the Verania tribes. Some daughters and sons of the local warchief like him.

'We will rob them!' He declared. The man look lean and thin. Here is no swollen muscles o Arial look like a thin man with no power.

Ragni is a man with incredible heights and large size, so obviously he thinks that Arial is weaker than him.

And then the other one is merely a woman. The position of woman in the Land of Shadows is even lower than their positions in the Human Continent.

To Ragni eyes, woman is no better than slaves and weak.

Ten men behind him all nodded and smiling in glee. Even though Ragran has its laws but it's not like a tribe like Ragran has some military power.

Ragran is a seaside city. 

They depend on the warrior tribes like Cassini or the Lucians to protect them if ever war broke out among the tribes. 

Each of the tribes other than the Three Great Tribes swears fealty or allegiance to one of the Three Great Tribes. 

That is why Ragni is not afraid what would happen if he is robbing people in the open district.

Robbing people in the White District or the Cloud District, that he does not dare to do. That is where the Chief lives and where the War Chief influences is the highest. 

But in the open district if you get robbed or stolen from, you can only blames yourselves for not being strong.

Not to mention, Ragni has some background in Ragran. That is why he is never caught even though he did many things. 

His father always covers for him.

Ragni approached the young woman and his ten men behind him follow him.

They all imagine in their hearts how much gold they will get if they steal the direwolf and sell it to the Adventurer Guild.

Some of them also look at the woman. 

'Hehehe' they smirked. They could also enjoy her bodies.

'Halt!' Ragni yelled to the woman and the young man. Arial who was looking the city with his superb eyesight startled.

Who is this young man? Arial mused as he looks at the young man. From his appearance he looks like a thug.

Then Ragni said.

'Hand me your direwolf!' he orders Ana.

The people nearby looking at this scene all whispers among themselves, but none of them step in front to help Ana. 

They all know Ragni and his gang

'Pity! This young couple would be robbed blind by Ragni group.'

The other also whispers.

'Ragni and his group have done many evils but the warchief did not stop him because he is the son of Reoh Warchief.'

'Why do they have to invite calamity by bringing direwolf to the city? Don't they know direwolf is precious beast? It's true what people said, birds die for food, man dies for treasures'

Some added, blaming the stupidity of the outsiders.

Arial and Ana of course does not understand the preciousness of direwolf. They understand it is a powerful beast, but direwolf itself is hard to find. 

Most of them live in the northern frozen cold of Vorthy. Only experts could caught it and bring it to the Land of Shadows.

Ana on the other hand, seeing about a dozen men coming to her with the intention of robbing her, she also feels scared.

'This is mine' she said mustering her courage.

'This young hero wants it!' Ragni said and he roared in laughter. He even has the audacity to call himself young hero. 

The spectator all shakes their head.

Arial on the other hand looking at this scene snorted. And anger is rising up in his heart. He is the Emperor of Eden, the unrivalled expert in the Human Continent. 

When has he ever experience such loss of face before. 

All martial artist junior revered him, the seniors fears him, walking in the Jianghu unhindered, shedding blood like it is a norm, no one dares offend, heaven could not compare!

Even trash like this group thinks they could rob him as they pleased. 

Hearing the whispers of other spectators, he found out that this Ragni is not anyone good. 

It is fortunate that his mind could learn thing fast. 

He also realizes that when he assimilated with the lightning his speed in understanding and learning becomes faster.

That is why he could understand Ragni speech even though he speaks in Ragran.

'Or you could give yourself to me? You could be one of my women!' Ragni said, his eyes looking lecherously at Ana body. 

And his gaze stopped at Ana chest while Ana glares Ragni.

And Ragni men roared with laughter.

Then a voice startled them.

'You mean to say, you want to rob us?' The voice said coldly.

Ragni is surprised and look at the young man. The young man is handsome and for some reason he feel irritated.

'Yes! I want to rob you! So what!' Ragni yelled, daring anyone to obstruct him.

Arial smiles when suddenly he appeared in front of Ragni and grips his neck and hold him up.

His movement was very fast, leaving a trace of lightning in his previous positions and shocking everyone nearby.

Such speed is marvelous.

The other looking at this scene suddenly all take a few distance from the scene. They could feel something bad is happening

The guards on the entrance has also realized the ruckus and when he sees that Ragni the son of Reoh Warchief in the hands of the expert he quickly feel fear in his heart.

Reoh has many tribesmen under his control. Killing his son would surely invite calamity.

The guard wanted to mediate this matter when Ragni spits on Arial face. Of course, Arial holding him is even more enraged. 

Who dares spit on his face! Other than his past life, he never felt such humiliation before.

His grip on Ragni neck becomes tighter. And Ragni began feeling the pressure. But he is still confident.

'What are you doing? Do you want to kill me? Do you dare!' he said

'I am the son of the Warchief. Killing me means killing yourself��� he said smugly.

Even though his life on Arial hands right now, he felt no fear. How many times people stronger than him have been defeated by the name of his father.

But he overestimates himself this time. 

Arial does not come from the Thirteen Tribes nor he is a man with weak conviction. Could a man with a weak conviction become a conqueror?

Could a man with a weak conviction, massacre a city, killing millions?

So what if he is a warchief son? 

Arial doesn't even know what war chief son means, but even if Ragni is the son of God, why would he not dare kill!

'YES! I WANT TO KILL YOU! SO WHAT!' Arial said, his voice thundered around the open district and the ten men near him all were thrown apart by the burst of energy released from Arial bodies.

The ten men were thrown towards the stall, destroying a few of the bench and shock the nearby spectator.

Ragni seeing this…suddenly look at the young man eyes and all he could see was killing intent. 

And for the first time, he felt scared.


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