Age of Heroes

Chapter 208: Encounter at the temple (1)



The trees and grass greening up around the foothill of the temple as people passes by it with excitement.

Arial also walk the same path that the congregation of the martial artist is walking on.

He could see flowers blooming, daffodils, tulips and buttercups all coming out from the winter.

Buds blossoms on trees. The warm sun greets him as dawn passed and the sun shows it face. Arial look up at the sky.

The birds began migrating to the North.

The scent of flowers fills the path. Spring has come and the sun warmth can be felt on his skin, that fresh touch of the breeze as opposed to the winter cold.

Arial walk along with the people of the martial art world. But no one is asking anything towards him.

They thought Arial is one of them as they gossip about the matters of the martial arts world.

Some of them are curious but they held their tongue and they speak among their own companion.

Then finally, they all arrived at the foot of the temple. They all parted ways as he keeps walking forward and arrive at the entrance of the Temple

The entrance itself is big and grand and there is an air of ancientness around it.

This Temple has stand for thousands of years. Out of the many temples in the Human Continent, this Temple is the one regarded the most important.

The Temple Where Levitia Seek Refuge.

It is one of the chapters in the Levitia Saga and that chapter had immortalized Linzi temple for all of time.

Levitia Seek Refuge. For him who is an ardent fan of the Great Hero, that chapter is one of his most favourite. It is where the Great Hero first learns martial arts and begins his path to supremacy.

Arial enter the open gate of the Temple, glancing slightly at the bald headed monk that guarded the entrance.

The place is very quiet and serene if not for the chattering martial artist that has already arrived and occupied a spot in the large entrance hall.

The moment Arial come inside the entrance he could feel that there is something about to happen here.

The tension is felt. The chatters and whispers fill the entrance while each of them walks to the entrance.

Trees covered the temple and in the yard.  A huge tree that pierces the tiles of the ground act as a roof shielding them from the sun.

The shades and the shadows shelter them from the heart of evil men and sinners

Arial is reminded suddenly of one verse. He smiles bitterly

The other martial artist all tells their intention for visiting the Temple when they pass the monk that guarded the next entrance

The monk nodded and give them way. Arial then finally approached the monk.

'Reason for visiting?' he asked, apparently surprised a boy of so young age came here to the temple.

Even when Arial climbed the mountain he has never met someone as young as himself.

Arial by now is sixteen of age and still considered a greenhorn in the martial art world though Western Serpent herself is young when she roams the martial art world.

Arial doesn't know why his age would puzzle the monk so much

'To meet the Healer.' he said confidently. The Monks looks at him and from his eyes Arial know that the Monk is curios why is a young boy such as him wanted to meet the Healer.

The Monk frowned and then he said

'Young Patron. Today there is some big event involving the martial art world. If you could come tomorrow, it will be safer." The Monk informed him, to warn him of the danger today.

Actually it is a valid concern if Arial is a normal sixteen years old boy

"I am one of the martial artists" Arial said, trying to sound pleasant but what come out is a harsh tone and commanding, just like the way he always talks in his region

It took a moment for Arial to remember no one knows who he is now, and it is understandable that the Monk would be concerned letting such a young boy to enter if there is a certain danger in the Temple today

The Monk was shocked before putting his hand together and chant the myriad names of the Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All.

The Monk clam himself down and then he sighed.

After all, the Abbot never forbids anyone from coming to the Temple. It is not his job to try to rid of someone whose only sole purpose is just to meet the Southern Healer.

'Fine, but anything that happen to you will not be the responsibility of the Temple, Young Patron" he said a little warningly.

Arial nodded and took a step forward. The moment he enters the entrance and headed inside, he could see that many have already arrived.

The righteous sect and the evil sect have already assembled.

The evil sect is so called name not because they are evil but most of them use their technique to do what they want instead helping the powerless, they use their technique to help the corrupt and the sinful and many of their practise seems to challenge normal norms of human decency.

And even though they are called evil, not all do miserable thing, but they are…you can say have a complicated sense of honour.

Not to mention their technique usually inflict certain tortures and very dangerous, or in other words, lethal.

After all, two of the Four Immortals are said to be from evil sect, but those two are still respected and revered among the martial art world community whether they be from the evil sect or the righteous sect.

Arial could see that all of them seemed to be crowded around one point of interest.

It seems a person is being crowded by the other members of the other sect.

Arial could see the Ermeishan disciple, Taojing Sect and Shadow Skulker Sect is huddled up in one corner of the huge yard.

The other corner around the entrance to the main temple is crowded by the disciple of Sun Moon Sect, Blinding Sword Sect, Yilin Temple, Lishan Sect, Limitless Blade Sect and Nanshan Sect

Nanshan Sect is the sect where their leader of is none other than the famous Northern Badger, Xiang Shun Guai.

So, it seems even the Northern Badger sent some representatives to help his old friend.

Arial thought to himself.

The friendship between the Northern Badger and Southern Healer is as famous as Northern Badger enmity with Western Serpent and his rivalry with Eastern Devil.

Arial after seeing all of this find some place to sit. He then spotted a bench near the yard and he sits down trying to understand what is happening here.

The moment passes by as Arial heard some gossips and news from the martial arts world.

DONG! Arial look toward the Inner Temple as he saw the bronze door of the Inner Temple is being opened up.

Then coming out from the Inner temple is a bald man with a white long beard, wearing a monk robe, a robe of coarse cloth, his eyes are brown, a sagely gaze and a calm demeanor. The crowd chatters and whispers quieted.

The Monk is muscly but not like the Arathorne Brother but more like well-defined physique.

The Monk is fit and Arial is convinced the reason why this monk emanated such presence is because he learns the internal energy technique of the Temple

He doesn't look old but he has this calming dignity that eases one heart. He walks with a vibrant energy and his smile calms people. His face is gentle and he looks to be welcoming

Only one person could have such demeanor inside this Temple.

'The Southern Healer' Arial mutter under his breath. Before Arial could even approach the Southern Healer, something else happened.


Tioday will be a double chapter. Just feeling that I wanted to give double. No, triple. If you like the triple chapter release please do vote for the chapter

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