Age of Heroes

Chapter 207: Strike the water



Today is the day they started back their march. They have begun moving away from the Holy City.

Azrael look at the distance toward that huge and long bridge. The Bridge that Levitia had constructed and associated with many myths and legends.

Today they will begin crossing it.  The moment they walk on the steps of the bridge they could feel the wind that moves around them

It almost felt like they will be taken away by the wind. The mood is solemn and there is not much chatter on the bridge.

This is a holy bridge and Arakath still did not forget how terrifying the stories about Levitia. This bridge is the testament of his will to conquer the Demon Lands and Demonkind

The wind that passed by is terrifying but the sturdy bridge holds them steady.

Azrael sighed as his carriage keep moving even amidst the wind turbulence coming from the right side of the bridge bringing the smell of the sea

'In the end, this is the only time I could bought' He mutters to himself. He did try to buy more time but the lords have been impatient.

They protested his decision and without any other choice, he had to give the order to continue marching to the Human Continent

Nonetheless, Azrael expected that it will still take a few days before they reach the Wall. In his calculation, it might take about two or three days.

He had informed of this matter to Silas and he himself understand the matter.

Silas and him had decided to proceed as Silas concocted a new plan to find the mysterious mastermind that wanted to pit humans and demons into a Great War

Silas has sent letters to Arrandy and notified the Commander of the Bleeding Wall to anticipate the invasion and scouting party of the Demons.

Silas said he is close. So close that he can already heard the squeak of the rats and their stench.

In the days, since he got to know the man called Silas, Azrael immediately see him for what he is. A very dramatic person.

And also very smart and resourceful. Azrael sighed again as he closes down the curtains of his carriage.

Silas said he just need a few more days.

And he is inclined to believe him

Silas said that Aleister is the one heading the meeting so he said he will need some time to determine when they will hold the next meeting.

'I must admit, Silas is a great spy and manipulator' Azrael thought to himself as he leans himself on the back of his cushioned seat

Silas connection with the beggars around the Holy City and the thieves he trains from one of the many slave boys he purchased has shown their usefulness.

The slave girl on the other hand has been given their freedom and one thousand gold to share amongst themselves to start a new life.

He directed them towards Arrandy, to catch a ship. He also gave them the opportunity to follow him. Some of them takes the gold, and some of them follow him.

When he asked him why he did such things, Silas replied "Holy City"

It seems that even though Silas can be cold at times, he has his heart at the right place. Now he must wait until Silas got the date.

Silas informed him that he needs to disappear for a while to confirm his suspicion about something.

The march continues. After a few hours they finally arrived at the flat area leading towards the wall.

The day has turned to night and everyone decided to make camp and break camp tomorrow at dawn.

Azrael went inside his tent and after cleaning himself he plays melody with his harp, the sound melodious and melancholic.

Then as the night deepens, Azrael put down his harp and look toward the shadows. He could hear the rustling of the grass and he knows that he is here.

He waited.

'Silas' Azrael mutters under his breath. Out of the darkness, a black silhouette slowly come toward the tent, and he enters the tent, stealthily like the wind that come unannounced

He then looks toward Azrael eyes, his eye sis clam and then smiling a crooked smile he said 'I have a plan'

Azrael nodded and then ordered him

'Say it' Silas then laid out the situation right now.

'I have been waiting for a long time, employed many means, and send many thieves but this mastermind, are as elusive as a shadow.'

'His code name is aptly given' Azrael remarked

'Yes' Silas nodded but he is still calm.

'We know that there are some nobles, lords and maybe Kings that wanted to get rid of you, from your throne. They may view this endeavour of war as their own making, searching for something, that is what I believed and that something lies in the Human Continent. But the more I see the more I believe these people is lured to the prospect of wealth and glory, maybe even some zealotry"

Azrael nodded.

"But you couldn't punish all of them. You could not execute all of them, innocent and sinners in the same execution block could you?" Silas pose him a question

"Yes. That would surely bring a lot of opposition" Azrael answer and sighed

Silas nodded like he expected the answer

"Then they will rebel if you ever do something like that. But how do we force such elusive figures out from the dark to come under the light?" he said reciting a bit of Book of Light.

"Time has passed and no moves are made from this alliance of these evil lords so…"and Silas looks at him and smiles a perfect smile of deception, hinting some mischievousness b before continuing on

"We have to draw him out so that all the little rat come out of their tiny little hole, and only then the snake can gulp them down and the stars could shine light on these nameless traitors," He said laughing referring himself as the snake considering his family crest is a snake and Azrael family crest is a falling star.

"And how we do this? He asked. Silas smiles and said something shocking

"Give Lord Aleister Crow ten thousand strong armies of the Orc King.' He said calmly. Azrael widen his eyes

'What! You want me to give my enemy an army?'

'Yes' he said smiling

'His soldiers alone are twenty thousand strong. Giving him another ten thousand would only serve to strengthen him and weaken my already weakening power.'

'It would wouldn't it?' Silas snickered, like he had found something very funny, but his eyes is very clear like he is seeing something more.

'What is it that you are planning Silas?' Azrael asked began feeling curious of this confidence that Silas is exuding from the way he talked.

'Your Grace, I am not a strategist like my own lord, Lord Arial but if there is something I have to admit, it is this, I'm superior then my lord when it is about reading people'

And then he added

'This mastermind of this alliance may have a different reason to propagate a war between humans and demon race but Aleister? From what I can see, and what I hear he is greedy and selfish. Anyone who looks closely at him can see that he desires your throne, the power that comes with it and the guilty pleasure it would offer him. Never before I have been so disgusted of a demeanour of a man before. Even Alderam, have certain redeemable qualities."

Azrael thought about it and he looks at Silas. He knows Silas have a plan. He then took a few moments, pacing inside the tent before finally nodding his head.

He decided to take the bet. He looks toward Silas and then he asks

"Then, when I give him the army, what happens next?" Silas face had a mischievous smirk and he reply

"Then I'll do the rest" and Silas sat close to him as he whispered his plan to him. And hearing it, Azrael have to admit, this human politician is a great genius.


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