Age of Heroes

Chapter 181: Sharing the same enemy

'First, I would like you to tell me what happened in Vangua that force you to run.' Arial asked

Edward smiles and then he began his story.

'Then hear my story' as he tells Arial the story of his assassination attempts, his suspicion for the death of his father and the traitorous Orleans family that constantly trying to undermine his power.

In Arial opinion the Anglais-Raxons is disloyal to their lawful King and betrayed him by rebelling

'This is unfortunate and awful' Arial commented

'Please, you must!' He said, desperation in his voice, fear in his eyes, and uncertainty in his tone. He fears the Orleans. He fears them more they fear his old enemies.

Arial suspected Edward is a very smart politician. The fact that he turns to old enemies instead some family friend's shows he does not trust easily.

He must know sometimes enemies can be a greater ally than a friend.

He must smell an opportunity after realizing the Dukedom has been united. Old grudges may have been forgotten.

'I must?" Arial asked. Now his tone is cold.

Arial could not let Edward have the upper hand in this negotiation. If not, he will take advantage of his hospitality in later future.

'You could' he amended his choice of words

Arial looked at Edward and said.

'I could' and he ponder whether he should. There is another silence for a few moments and then Arial sighed

'Fine, Edward. You will find me to be an able protector. Under my region you are protected. I give you my word. I shall be your shield if the Orleans dare chase you here. Let them contend with my armies and my walls. But only if your enemy is the Orleans. Any other enemies you have made will not be my responsibility.'

Arial did not make the decision lightly.

When Edward tells him about the Orleans Arial finally understand. Harald is up to his old tricks. In Dostov he tries to elevate his grandfather cause.

In Vangua he tries to make his father in law King which will make him a Prince. Ambition drives him. And there is nothing more dangerous than an old enemies rising to power.

'Thank you Arial'

'Do not mention it.'

He then releases a relieved sigh

'I do not think you would allow it' the King said.

'Why do you think that?' Arial ask, though to be honest he have half of mind rejecting Edward request.

'Aetherland is undergoing much internal turmoil these recent years and knowing that you are central to the King of Aetherland, I have thought you will reject me. Not to mention the past that Vangua had with the Dukedom'

Arial nodded.

Arial have no intention in interfering with Vangua politics but he understand the danger posed by Harald in Vangua.

As long as the true king of Vangua survives, Harald plans will not go so easily. Never underestimate your enemies. It has become the ruin of many capable men.

Henry Palais underestimated the Vermont and they lose. Alderam underestimated the Vermont and he have fallen.

It would be a stupid decision on his part if he himself starts to underestimate his enemy

Then Arial said to Edward

'Edward, I will send my spymaster to Vangua to collect information and see what is going on. For now, you may take up residence in one of my mansions in Arrandy. Tell it to Lord Oliver and he will guide you to the mansion.'

Then Arial got up from his seat. Edward take his one las sip of the wine before he too stands up.

He shakes Arial hand as a sign of solidarity. Edward is looking at him with an eye full of gratitude.

Then he was about to say something. But he caught himself.

'Thank you Arial.'

'It is only expected of me.' Edward hugged him, a brotherly hug, so Arial hugged him back.

Then he says to Edward

'As you are the rightful King of Vangua, I will try to gain the Church approval to you and force the Orleans to give back the throne to you.'

'You would do that!' Edward said shocked.

'Yes, this is too bold for a noble family to even rebel against their own liege.' Then Arial called back his vassal as his father socialise with the King.

His mother also talks with the King while showing the king the baby on her arms

While this was happening, Arial ordered Lord Oliver to treat the King in the best possible service they can offer him.

If he installs Edward as King in Vangua than Aetherland position is secured, no enemies at the borders.

Then Aetherland can pursue economic goals and develops internal prosperity. Arial will also have to send a letter to the other Kings to support Edward claim to the Vangua throne.

If Edward becomes King, surely he would not forget of his kindness and the relations between Arrandy and Vangua will be generally amicable.

And Edward is Caelum like him.

Arial can even send his courtiers to Edward courts. For the Church matter. He might need to send Silas. That man always has a way with words and he can socialize with anyone.

Adrian will understand.

'Oh, Adrian' Arial them remember something

He need to also send a letter to him about this matter. West can be sent to Vangua to help with the military threat, Oliver can be sent for espionage purpose. 

No, and Arial shake his head.

Oliver needs to gather more information about the movement beyond the sea. They escorted Edward out and Arial assemble the Council again. 

He quickly went to the Chambers, as the Council is already waiting on him, bringing their documents prepare to answer any of his question.

'Oliver' Arial said as he begins the meeting

'Yes, my lord!'

'Give me some information about the Orleans.' Then he called his attendants to bring him a bag. After a while he presented to Arial the document he has about the Orleans.

The Orleans surprisingly is like his family. Their lands made them wealthy but different from Arial family they did not spend it on their city or improve the livelihood of its people.

Arial look at their financial statement

'Where did you get this Lord Oliver' Arial ask, shocked that Oliver even gets this information.

'A little bird told me' he grinned.

Well, Arial have chosen the perfect man for the job. He looked back at the documents.

The lands and wealth of the Orleans family made it outstandingly the strongest family in Vangua, with about twice the income of any other family in the land.

Oliver gives statement, his analysis about Lord Jean Orleans.

He thought Orleans 'is the most cautious in counsel and the most active in war', with an 'equable temperament' and a penchant for hard work, eloquent, courteous and polite to all, treating inferiors kindly. '

A vice regal, second only to the King.

Now Arial understand why Edward is so wary of the Orleans. They acted like the land is theirs. Not only that. It seems they are also very popular with the common folk.

Maybe the rumors that Lord Jean killed Edward father is not just a rumor.  But surely the Orleans will face much opposition if they take the throne forcefully.

So Arial decided.


'Yes' Oliver perked up.

'I want you to spread a rumor.'

'Yes, my lord. What will it be?' He said bringing out a parchment and ink to write Arial words.

'Spread a rumor that's says the dragons have extended their hospitality to the Crowned Lion.' Oliver looks at him and he understands Arial underlying meaning.

He is doing a preemptive attack if the Orleans decided to displace the King of Vangua. Arial need to act as an arbiter.

If the Orleans did not accept his terms it will be harder for Arial. He has no time to spare to go wage a war on foreign lands when a threat beyond the sea has begun to move.

Arial need to focus on the bigger picture here. The bigger picture is the Invasion. The reports of Dark Lands movement worry him daily.

Arial hope the Orleans can see reason which is why Arial will press them diplomatically. The Church will be an important tool in this negotiation.

The Orleans has wealth.

But his family also has wealth. Arial can bribe some Vorthian pirates to raid Vangua ports, mercenary from Cori to raid their towns, even employ covert operation in Corian lands and flame their resentments to the Anglais Raxons population.

If they think he only know to go to battle using swords and blade, then they have underestimated him.

Then there is also the influence of the Church. His family relations with both Churches are very amiable.

His family made many contributions to the church in form of gold and building many church around the region.

Arial also ask Oliver to send a letter to Lord Jean to ask him to come to Acro to settle this dispute he have with King Edward.

Certainly at first he would object but after a few months of pressure surely he would relent to come, even if it's just to show his desire to mend relations.

Then after many other details ironed out, Arial dismiss the Council. He was about to go resume his patrolling when he saw Kyle run towards him, smiling.


'Arial!' he said his voice excited.

'Want to see something interesting?'

'Something interesting?'

'Yes.' He is panting.

'Sit down first.' He quickly sits down.

'Water' he yelled and the attendant brings him water and poured it into the glass.

'You see I was patrolling around the city, like usual since I was bored last night after sleeping- 'Kyle must have realized his face expression.

Arial know what he did last night. Seducing some girls. He has warned him not to that. If the Church knows about it, then Arial will get an earful from the Bishop and the Priest, asking why he keep such a man close to his administration.

'Alright. Not important. But this is what I saw when I was patrolling. I was just minding my business sipping some wine in some fine establishment, on the third floor when I saw a young man so beautiful that I couldn't believe that he is a man.'

'Stop it Kyle. I swear if this is another story of your conques-'

'No that's not it. Sheesh. Impatient. So, I look again. And you know what I discover.'

'What?' Arial ask in a boring manner.



'Yes, Helia disguised as a man when suddenly her pouch was robbed and she chase her thief.'

'What! Why didn't you help her?'

'She can handle herself. '

Arial sighed. His plan on patrolling the army has to be delayed.

'Let us venture to the city before she makes to many messes.' Arial know Helia.

She is kind but sometimes she makes a mess with her kind intention. Arial remembered when she was chasing this one rapist when they fight in a village.

three of the twelve house in that village were destroyed.

Thankfully her family has a lot of gold so they can pay back and rebuilt the house if not she would have bankrupted her family a long time ago.

He rushed to his stable and whistle when the sound of hoof ran to him.  Firebringer is free to move but he always come back when he whistled.

He jumped onto its back and ride him out with Kyle behind him. Their destination is the center of the city


Now, if you understand this all happened before Arial meet with Liao Bao. Anyway hope you like the chapter. Leave some comments and vote for the story

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