Age of Heroes

Chapter 180: The meeting between the prince and king




Arial entered the grand hall and he could see all his vassals are there waiting for him. The atmosphere is tense as he could hear murmurs all around the hall

They are whispering something. Then they recognized me and the whispering stopped. Arial look at them, some of them are nervous, though it is a different kind of nervousness.

a nervous excitement on the air of his grand hall.

They all bowed as Arial proceed to enter. His mother and father is also present in the seta on honour.

His father sits among the lords and his mother sit beside his father, holding Adrianna on her arms.

Adrianna is cooing and almost cried. His mother quickly consoler her. Arial glance at his mother and his mother nodded her head, telling him not to worry.

Arial walk forward and he could see a young man waiting for him standing in the middle. Some lords tried to invite him to seat among them but he insists in standing.

He gestured them to return to their seats, but the lords seem uncomfortable seeing the young man standing in the middle of the grand hall.

The young man has a misshapen face and a crunched back.

Arial immediately recognize who this person was. There is only one reason why these people show so much respect to this person.

That must be the King. Edward Merovich. THE King of Vangua. Arial took a glance on his features and he was surprised, because it is different than what I have imagined.

His face is misshapen, and he has a crunch back, but Arial can feel the determination that he had, his face showing no fear in a foreign court.

Arial imagine a man of his position must felt fear, to come here, because the history of Vangua and theirs is a murky one.

Vangua have always been bitter enemies with the Dukedom but no war had ever been declared.

Usually there is dispute over land far south of the Dukedom. To think he dares show his face here! This showed that he is fearless.

But thinking about it, anyone that is scared can be fearless. Arial smiles a little. After all, bravery and fear go hand in hand.

Arial gestured one of the lords to come near him as the King look at him with amazement.

The lord quickly comes to Arial aware. He was nervous and glancing both at him and the King.

'Why is he standing there? Offer him to sit' The lord then hesitates to speak before explaining to Arial

'We did offer him to sit. He has been like that since the beginning, demanding to see you. Unless he sees you, he will stand there. That is why the lords send a messenger to invite you back to the castle as quickly as possible.'

'Why didn't they themselves tell me this news?'

'They fear you would be angry so they didn't dare'

Arial look at the lords gathered here and they all avert their gaze.

Well, the King is also a problem.

After all, who is stubborn enough to force Arial entire vassal to dare disturb him when he has already told them only to disturb him on matter of grave importance?

He is stubborn.

Like all Kings. King of Vangua. Runaway King of Vangua. And now he has maybe brought his problem on Arial domain.

'Your majesty' Arial greeted as he takes his seat at the highest chair in his grand hall. He may be a King but the lord of this castle is him and this land is not his land.

The King recognized him; the expression on his face was amazement and awe. He must not be expecting a very young man to be the lord of this castle.

At most he thought that Arial lead the army but he did not think that the young lord truly has the grasp of all the lords under him

He bowed a little. But Arial just nodded. In some way, Arial have been accustomed to live this life. Life of a lord son, at first, and now a High Lord.

And he has no obligation to bow to him. He is a King. But not his King.

'It is an honour to meet the young lord of Acro, the young Duke and Prince.'

'I couldn't say the same your majesty. I am a busy man, occupied with many endeavours. I know of your disappearance which begs the question why do you come here? Certainly you did not come here for some conversation.'

'No I'm not.' He said

'Where is your Knight your majesty?' Arial asked realizing not even one of the king lords and Knights is here.

'I ordered them to stay outside. I wanted to speak to you as a supplicant. I should act as supplicants.'

'Hmmm' And Arial looked at the young king, trying to see something. Whatever the King of Vangua wanted to discuss with him, Arial guess it have something to do with the rising of the Orleans family in the South.

Or maybe the rebellions that is happening in his county. Or a million other reasons. Whatever it is, Arial smell trouble.

He sighed and look at the lords inside the grand hall. He then ordered

'Clear this room'

'Son!' his father exclaimed.

'It is alright father. Let me speak with the King. I think both of us preferred to speak in private.'

The other lords bow their head as they head out. Arial squeeze the golden handle of his chair and got up from the seat.

The pain suddenly strikes his heart right now but he quickly regulates his breathing and the poison recedes from the centre of his heart.

A slight inconvenience for now but it will encroach him one day, if he has not found a cure by then.

Arial know people said the poison has no cure, but since when he took people words so blindly? If there is no cure, he will find it.

If there is nowhere to be found, he will make it.

Arial walk to the King when the room is empty. He waited for Arial to come to him. At least, even in foreign land he still looks like a King.

'Let us sit and talk like men.' Arial said when he approached the king.

'I would appreciate that.'

They then sit down on a table. Arial took a bottle of wine from the cabinets and bring it to the table as he poured the King of Vangua some wine.

The wine is a high quality wine from Ranoa, a gold colour liquid, soft and rich and beautiful as he has once tasted.

It took Arial a thousand gold to bought one bottle of this and he only serve it in the most auspicious occasion.

His mother and father always like to raid it when they were arguing and making up.

'My lord!' The King exclaim in shock that he had humbled himself to pour his wine and also his eyes widened when he sees the liquid.

'Riella Wine?' he asked in utter amazement and Arial just nodded. It is his custom to flaunt his family wealth to the nobles and hide it from the common people.

The lesson Arial learned about envy, is seared on his mind. Gain the common folks heart and they'll worship you, gain the nobles respect and they will die for you.

'My lord, please let me do this' the king said almost snatching the wine bottle from him.

'This is fine' Arial said with a smile.

'In front of my vassals I need to act tough or they will accuse me of weakness.'

The King nodded. And his eyes showed understanding.

'I understand. I too had to do as you did even to my family.' The King eyes looked away, like he remembers something painful in his past

Arial look at him and he could see that the king must have experienced a lot.

'Tell me, Your Majesty' he shakes his head.

'Call me Edward, Lord Arial.'

'Then you will call me Arial'

'Hahahaha' he laughed

'Fine. I will call you Arial and you will call me Edward.'

Then for a while there is only silence. Arial clapped his hand and called the attendants to serve the King some grapes and fruit dishes, for he must have come far and Arial intend to give him the hospitality he deserves.

Then he serves him a second wine.

The hard but intoxicating, Roselle wine, one that Arial knew that the King would recognize since this wine is made in Cori.

But like the golden wine, this too is expensive kind of wine. One thousand and two hundred gold coins for one bottle. And scarlet like blood when Arial poured it over in the King cup.

The King in his haste, drinks the precious wine in a single motion.

Arial quickly intervenes the King, surprised at this haste reaction by the King. He is impulsive sometimes Arial mused.

'Allow me, Edward to show the right way in drinking wine.'

'There is a way in drinking wine?' Edward ask puzzled.

'There is.' Arial said smiling.

'I've never heard of such thing.' Edward said puzzled.

'Please let me show you' Arial said

'I will take the glass in my palm and warm it up slowly. We swirl the wine in circular motion in order to smell its fragrance. 'Arial said slowly and calmly explaining it

'But that is not enough surely?' The King asked.

'True. So we take it to our nostrils and smell the aromas- '

'And then? When do we drink it?' the King said impatient. Arial smile a mischievous smile

'Then…' Arial replied

'We put it back on the table and talk about it.' The King looked at Arial. Just looked at him.

Then he laughed. The King then laughed sincerely since the first time he set his foot here. He doubled himself and releases a cackle of laughter.

'True!' he exclaimed.

'True indeed!' as he gulped the wine and praise its rich texture, it's aromatic smell and the beautiful scarlet liquid.

Then after some small tales and exchanging battle stories, finally the King revealed his intention coming here.

'I came here to ask for your help in sheltering me and my lords.'

Arial did not immediately answer it as he ponders the question and he ponder Edward request as the silence fills the hall, and Edward sit uncomfortably waiting for my answer.

Arial understand what Edward is asking of him but if he shelter him here, then this will complicate Aetherland relations with Vangua which is already strained right now.

'Can you not do that simple favour for me, lord?' he asked. Arial shows a complicated expression and then he asks Edward

'First, I would like you to tell me what happened in Vangua that force you to run.'


Now, Arial meet the true King fo Vangua. What do yoiu think will be Arail decision? Will he help the King or will he decline?

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