Advanced Players in Arc

Chapter 85 Military Open Day

In the empty and dry western Gobi, a winding intercontinental highway lies in it. A black and domineering leisure travel RV is speeding on this deserted road. The huge air intake grille on the front of the car looks solid and heavy. The huge body shows the strong American origin of this car.

As you approach the car, you can see that the car is full of young people. You can also hear the loud music wafting out of the car windows, and they are quickly left behind by the high-speed vehicles.

This is the car that Dong Chen and the others drove before. Now the driver has been replaced by Ivan, and the person sitting next to Dong Chen has also become Bill.

Dong Chen asked just now that all of them had international driver's licenses, and China has not signed the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic with other countries, so the driver's license Dong Chen got some time ago is not a legal driver's license in the United States. If he is in If you drive in the United States, you have to take the driver's license test again.

But if Dong Chen really wanted to drive, there would be no problem, as long as he didn't let the police see him, and there just happened to be no hair on the interstate highway, let alone such creatures as the police.

Young people abroad may lack everything, but the only thing they don't lack is courage. You see, those suicide videos on the Internet, as well as those foreigner series on the Internet, those foreigners are all playing with their lives.

And what they are least afraid of are government workers. Even they don't like the government. Many of them are anarchists.

So, if you love whoever you want, just do it and don’t worry about anything else.

So Dong Chen drove for a while, but as he got closer and closer to the destination, there were more and more people on the road, so Dong Chen took the initiative to change back. Although they were not afraid of trouble, it did not mean that Dong Chen was willing to give Friends cause trouble.

After another round, Bill, who was sitting next to Dong Chen, couldn't help but ask Dong Chen, Dong, didn't you say you studied art before? But just now you can speak nine foreign languages. Are you sure you're not a linguist? Are you really just an art student?

Others turned their heads when they heard Bill ask this. At first they thought Dong Chen only knew two foreign languages, but that was a surprise.

However, along the way, they met some people one after another asking for directions, and they were all from different countries. Some of them did not speak English very well and they could not understand them. As a result, Dong Chen directly asked He went up to talk to people in his own language and told them the way. So far, he has been speaking in nine languages ​​intermittently.

This is no longer a little surprise, okay? that's unbelievable!

And Dong Chen was also a little helpless. Why are there so many people asking for directions? Don’t you all know how to read a map? He was also a bitch-tongued, so after listening to what they were talking about, he couldn't help but speak. As a result, he couldn't hold back what he said, and he continued to speak in nine foreign languages.

Bill, you've been struggling with this for almost a long time. As for it? Don't I just know a few more foreign words? I'm really not a linguist. I really study art. These are just my usual hobbies. Then I can learn more. , so that I can travel all over the world without fear. Dong Chen said helplessly.

Dong, I feel like I'm starting to envy you. You must be God's favorite. Your language talent is so good. Poor me, I still can't speak Chinese very well. And at the same time, your mechanical manufacturing ability is so good. Strong, this is simply unreasonable. Bill looked at Dong Chen with resentful eyes and said a lot.

Others also joined in the crusade against Dong Chen. They usually thought that they had done outstanding things in some aspects and were already geniuses, but they didn't expect that there was an even more genius who was simply sent by God to attack people.

Okay, okay, I admit my mistake. I only know these nine languages. How can I be a phonetician? A linguist should know dozens of languages!

Helpless Dong Chen had no choice but to admit his mistake, but just as Dong Chen finished speaking, a car approached and someone asked Dong Chen in Portuguese, Hey, brother, do you know how to get to Edwards Air Force Base?.

Dong Chen didn't even look back, and just said, Speed ​​up, keep going forward, don't look back.

Thanks, brother! The man replied, regardless of whether he was right or not, and then stepped on the accelerator and left.

Dong Chen turned around and looked at the people in the car, and found that they were all staring at him intently, their eyes literally shining.

Dong Chen was startled, and then asked in surprise, Why are you staring at me like this? You guys are making me feel scared.

Ian from behind said leisurely, We are looking to see if your nose has grown longer.

Well, Dong Chen was speechless.

It’s not that what I said was too false, it’s just that the slap in the face came too quickly.

Okay, okay, it's really gone this time. We're almost there. Ivan, drive and look ahead, don't look at me. Dong Chen said helplessly.

But he was right. The car drove forward for another five minutes, and they saw the gate of Edwards Air Force Base and the densely packed vehicles in the open space at the gate.

When they were looking for a parking space, Dong Chen even saw the car that asked for directions earlier. Dong Chen was so angry that you asked for directions. Why don't you just drive forward for five minutes? You have to ask. A way.

After searching for a long time, we finally parked the car far away from the door. There were quite a lot of people here this time, but this air force military base is big enough. The bustling crowd evacuated immediately after walking in.

After they walked in with the flow of people, the runway of the entire air force base was filled with military equipment of all sizes, various current and newly developed firearms, military vehicles, armored vehicles, tanks, fighter jets, and armed forces. Helicopters, remote-controlled drones and smart drones, robots, etc., all kinds of things are dazzling.

Seeing this situation, they all became excited. Bill made a question, asking everyone to watch together or separately? In the end, everyone chose to watch alone, and then gathered next to the car at night.

After the discussion, everyone dispersed, and Dong Chen took out his camera as he walked. Such a good place must be recorded. He had promised the audience a surprise before, but he couldn't break his promise.

And the organizer obviously did not prohibit photography, because when Dong Chen came in, he saw many people busy with various photography and filming equipment, and when Dong Chen approached an F33 Raptor fighter jet, he found many key Every place is covered and wrapped with things of similar colors, and the entire cockpit is also covered with black opaque things, so nothing can be seen at all.

But one thing is certain, this is a real aircraft, not a fake model.

However, they put it on display and refused to show it, as if I had never seen it before. Dong Chen felt a little disgusted, but he still took a picture of the entire fuselage, not even a corner.

Next, Dong Chen carefully walked around the vehicle display area. He took pictures of the B3 strategic bomber, F46 joint attack aircraft, X-54A hypersonic aircraft, M2A3 tank, Longbow Apache AH-75D helicopter, C6M -Super Galaxy transport aircraft and other advanced equipment.

This is really a big gain, but these things look familiar, as if I have seen them somewhere.

If you think about it carefully, aren't these things found in the military base in Los Santos?

Hey, what a coincidence, why don't you find something to do for the United States?

Well, this matter has a beginning, and we can discuss it in the long run.

After a little summing up, Dong Chen went to the smart display area again and looked at the smart combat robots and smart attack drones they boasted about. Finally, he went to the single-player equipment display area and looked at their Individual soldier exoskeleton devices, and even in a place that he didn’t know whether to divide into a future target display area or a science fiction display area, he also saw models of large mechas, aerospace fighter jets, and space battleships.

The previous results are still acceptable. The scientific and technological strength of the United States is really incredible. Although it is still far from being truly practical, it is somewhat interesting.

As for the latter group, I can only say that the United States is really big-hearted and its ideas are too forward, but this may also be an advantage of this country.

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