Advanced Players in Arc

Chapter 84 I’m not pretending

After Dong Chen walked around the house with the camera, he finally took a picture of the scene outside the window, then turned off the camera and breathed a sigh of relief.

Phew, this section is finally finished. What do you think of my performance on the 1st? Dong Chen said softly.

As Dong Chen's voice came out, the calm and gentle voice of No. 1 came from the Bluetooth headset he was wearing, Sir, since there is no camera available around you, I can't see you, but your voice message has been recorded. The speech you just made contained 12 unnecessary pauses, 18 repeated words, 36 speech pitch deviations from the normal value, and 100 words that did not meet Mandarin standards...

Shut up.

Yes sir.


It's really not smart at all. I want to dismantle it. What should I do? Wait online. Urgent! !

Okay, just a joke.

Just now, he had been communicating with No. 1 through confidential emails. It wasn't until he heard No. 1's calm voice on the Bluetooth headset just now that he realized that No. 1 had finally learned bad things..., oh no, finally learned how to network. means of attack.

After collecting and completing the artificial intelligence must-read task yesterday before departure, Dong Chen asked it to list a series of things to learn. As a result, it listed more than 1,300 things, one of which What the hell is Xiang praising the highest authority holder every time? He obviously learned this from Jarvis from Iron Man. Only Iron Man would change the program in such a cool way.

Helpless, Dong Chen could only let him rearrange it according to logical importance, and then let him learn one by one. After rearranging the learning content, defensiveness and offensiveness were basically tied for first, so Dong Chen let him start learning these two items first. , don’t act rashly before the study is completed.

Just now No. 1 changed its contact information and directly started real-time communication by voice, which means that it has learned something in these two aspects.

I just didn't expect that the first target of its attack would be a communication satellite. This is too high for a beginner, even though this beginner is an artificial intelligence.

There are some things that humans really can't compare to machines.

Okay, No. 1, you can continue to study. I don't need your help for the time being. Dong Chen said helplessly.

Yes, sir. Number One replied, then retreated into silence.

Alas, there is still a long way to go to become the kind of artificial intelligence in movies and novels.

Otherwise, do something like praise the person with the highest authority every time, so that No. 1 can praise himself from time to time, hehe.

Eh~ No, no, this is too vulgar, I am not as cool as Iron Man.

Let’s get down to business first.

Dong Chen took out his laptop, connected it to the power supply and the Internet, and then edited the video. Since it was not a feature film, it only cut out a few minutes, but that was it, as a reminder to the audience.

After doing this, Dong Chen went to bed. Even if he was not sleepy, he still had to lie down and sleep. This was responsible for his body.

However, after such a long period of adaptation and after all-round improvement, Dong Chen is now becoming more and more precise in doing things. For example, when he wants to sleep, he can fall asleep after just one minute of lying down.

So in Dong Chen's even breathing, the night passed like this.

Early the next morning, Bill drove to Dong Chen's place early. The car he drove was no longer the four-seater car yesterday, but a seven-seater business and leisure travel RV. After Dong Chen got in the car, the last seat It was also full.

After getting on the bus, the introduction was really amazing. The seven people on the bus actually came from five countries.

Among them are two Eagle Countrymen, brothers Ian Jonson and Zorn Jonson; two Frenchmen, brothers Al Raffarin and Louis Raffarin; and one Bear Countryman, named Ivan Ivanovich. - Ivanov; plus Bill, he is American, and he is Chinese.

Well, aren't these the five hooligans... No, aren't these the five permanent members of the Security Council gathered together? These few people can hold a United Nations conference together.

Bill's ability to make friends is really good. He can call these people with just one call. You must have improved your social skills!

It must be! You can't fool me.

After the introduction, Dong Chen asked Bill, Bill, are we going to drive all the way there?

Yes, Dong, the place we are going to this time is called Edwards Air Force Base. It is in the northeast of Los Angeles. It takes a day and a night to drive. This High-tech Military Technology Open Day will be held at this military base. After We will also drive northeast, and then until Las Vegas, where the Sci-Fi Hobby Carnival and the Modified Car Show are located, because it is very close to Area 51, which is very meaningful. How about it? Do you feel that this is a magical period? Travel. Bill said to Dong Chen while starting the car.

And Ivan, who was sitting next to Dong Chen, also said to Dong Chen in half-baked English, Hey, brother Dong... from... China, this guy Bill is right, I... have always wanted to take a road trip. It's a pity that our country is too cold, so it has never been possible, so I am looking forward to this journey, not to mention the various exhibitions along the way, haha. As he spoke, he took pictures of Dong Morning shoulders.

Dong Chen felt a little uncomfortable listening to his half-baked English. He didn't speak English very well, yet he dared to wander abroad alone. It was indeed the style of a fighting nation, so Dong Chen spoke to him in fluent Xiong Mandarin, Really? In fact, I also want to travel, but as you know, our country is full of people and there is no quiet place to take a spiritual journey.

Those few people listened to Dong Chen's gibbering that sounded like Xiong Guoyu. They felt that it sounded like Xiong Guoyu, but they were not sure, so they all showed some confusion and surprise.

But Ivan, who came from the Bear Country, laughed and said to Dong Chen in Bear Mandarin: Haha, China Dong, are you learning Bear Mandarin? You speak Bear Mandarin so well!

As he spoke, he patted Dong Chen's shoulder vigorously. Dong Chen said to his heart, It's lucky it's me. If someone else had been slapped down by you, what the hell is this bear language? What's the name of your country? Bear country.

Before Dong Chen could speak, he said to Bill again, Bill, your... friends are no longer... all majoring in science. You actually have... one majoring in literature. You... are really enlightened, haha, especially ...You are still learning bear language, are you... afraid that it will be inconvenient for me to communicate?

Bill was stunned when he heard this while driving. He was obviously studying art. When did he study literature? Last time he spoke English so well. This time, Xiong Mandarin was also so good. This is a feat. What a gift for language.

Dong Chen was interrupted when he was about to speak. Now Bill was interrupted when he was about to speak. This time it was not Ivan, but Louis from the Fat Kingdom Brothers who spoke. He also spoke in unskilled English. What a pity, Brother Dong, why did you learn the Xiong language? It would be great if you just learned the pronunciation language, so that we wouldn't have to really struggle to speak English.

After he finished speaking, Dong Chen said helplessly in Chinese: Don't be sorry, I speak Chinese very well, so I can be your translator. This is so true of you. If you don't speak English well, you dare to go out casually. You Are all foreigners so chic?

Then Dong Chen said in English: And I'm not studying literature or foreign languages. I'm studying art.

What? You can speak every word!

Are you sure you are studying art and not foreign languages?

My friends were all shocked, are you just showing off?

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