The Elf Continent, the battlefield, as time passed, the war here became more fierce, but by this time the war had changed from the balance of power between the two sides to the advantage of the royal power alliance, and the key turning point was the elves.

Although it is said that this war was caused by the elves, when the tree of life was silent, the elves were actually more of a spectator, and nobody cared about it. However, under such circumstances, the four members of the alliance with the royal power With the cooperation of Tier 7, the elves seized the opportunity to use the Eye of Silver Moon to directly obliterate a Tier 7 outside the territory, and the fall of Tier 7 completely changed the course of the war.

The Star Fortress, the temporary command base of the extraterritorial alliance.

The dark yellow candlelight flickered, rendering the meeting room a little dim, and five powerful people with different auras gathered together.

"Spiel is dead. The Royal Power Alliance is stronger than we expected. I think we should stop the loss in time."

At the beginning of the meeting, a whole body of emerald green, crystal-like, and human-like appearance opened his mouth. He was the patriarch of the alien race in the starry sky, and his words had already given a hint of retreat.

In the final analysis, their alliance is just a temporary product, it is a piece of scattered sand. If the war goes smoothly, then there will be no problem, but now it has encountered setbacks, or a seventh-tier has fallen directly, which naturally gave rise to this fragile alliance. Cracked.

"The elves in this world still have a certain foundation. They are walking together with the royal power alliance. We need to pay a great price if we want to win, and giving up may not be a wise choice."

A soft and charming voice sounded, a woman who was wearing a revealing, black tube top, black short skirt, exposing large white skin, and a gorgeous-looking woman spoke up. He has black hair and black eyes, and looks like a human, but his pointed ears have exposed him. The identity of the elf.

Dark elves, a branch of elves that are not recognized by the elves, are called fallen elves. Unlike most elves that are proud and clean, most of the dark elves have a dissolute temperament, indulge in enjoyment, and chase desires. It is precisely because of this. They are repelled by the elves, and even both sides can be called enemies.

Black Widow Katerina, the seventh-order dark elf, is notoriously wanted in the elves in the starry sky. As a lone traveler, after seeing the unsuccessful actions this time, he naturally had the idea of ​​shrinking.

"Huh, it's just that one person died. You want to shrink now. You are too courageous. It is obviously a taboo method. It is impossible to use it a second time in a short time."

A cold snort sounded, the upper body turned into a human form, but the lower body was a strong man with a snake tail. He was the patriarch of the Black Mamba. When he spoke, a cold light appeared in his triangular eyes, falling on the crystal clan patriarch and The body of the black widow.

Feeling the unabashed threat from the Black Mamba Patriarch, the faces of the Crystal Clan Patriarch and the Black Widow sank.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the conference room became extremely dull.

As an important pillar of the extraterritorial alliance, the idea of ​​the Black Mamba Patriarch is different from that of the Crystal Clan Patriarch and Black Widow. For this war, the Black Mamba has invested too much and sacrificed too much, and just gave up. He was really unwilling, and he was born in the starry sky snake clan with his own arrogance, he did not allow himself to bow to an indigenous force like this.

Looking around, he glanced at the silent Necropolis Tier 7 wizards and Hell Tier 7 wizards. The Black Widow understood something in her heart, and she didn’t say anything, but the crystal clan patriarch who had similar reactions to him, although they were all seven. Level, but there is also a gap between them.

"The preparations for the Sky Veil of the Undead have been completed, and I will do my best tomorrow. If this time I cannot defeat the King Power Alliance, then there is no need to continue."

After a long silence, a cold voice sounded, breaking the rigid atmosphere in the conference room.

Hearing this, his gaze fell on the figure wearing a black card and with dry flesh and blood, only skin covered with bones, deep-set eye sockets, no pupils, only two clusters of blue flames, the black widow and the patriarch of the crystal clan paired. After a glance, he finally nodded and agreed. This is also the result of a compromise between the two sides.

In the early morning of the second day, when the sky was just getting dark, the alarm bells rang across the board, and the war began again, and it was far more fierce than before. The troops of the extraterritorial alliance seemed to be in madness, desperately attacking the royal power alliance. Line of defense.

The sky was dim, and as the killing progressed, a gloomy, dead energy quietly eroded the sky, completely isolating this sea area from the outside world.

"Ah, my face."

A miserable scream sounded, slightly itchy, a soldier from the Emerald Kingdom scratched his face, and then the flesh on his entire face was easily grabbed, revealing bloodshot white bones, and this was just A start.

The sky of the dead, a taboo ritual witch formation inherited from the towers of the necropolis, where life is withered, only the undead can survive. In the starry sky, the necropolis has used the sky of the dead to transform the world into a paradise for the undead more than once. With the existence of the undead canopy, many witchcraft in the necropolis can be greatly enhanced.

"It's really ruthless even if I don't let myself go."

On the viewing platform of Malinfoddo, I felt the formation of the canopy of the dead, and Julien Borges’ face showed a rare look of fear. The canopy of the dead was shrouded in not only the royal power alliance, but also the extraterritorial alliance. The army is also included.

"It seems that they have been preparing for this day for a long time, and even the previous battles were just covering up and laying the foundation."

Breathing out a trace of the green pheasant stood up from the throne.

In the next moment, Malinfoduo vibrated, and a layer of pale golden divine halo radiated outwards with it as the core.

At the same time, the various units of the Royal Power Alliance were ordered to operate quickly, pooling the loose forces in a resonant way and focusing on Malin Foduo.

Om, the illusory war fortress is taking shape, flowing with unbreakable tenacity, covering all the troops of the Royal Power Alliance and isolating the erosion of the undead canopy.

Legion Skills·Castle of the Multipliers, which involves not only magic but also air luck. It has the dual effects of guarding and suppressing. The more troops gathered, the stronger the ultimate power will be. And because it affects the air luck, it naturally suppresses it. Extraordinary power outside the system.

At the moment when the Castle of Ten Thousand Peoples took shape, all the enemies who rushed into the defense line of the King Power Alliance were severely suppressed. The powerful and extraordinary power in the body continued to weaken, and eventually became ordinary people with relatively strong physique. The army was slaughtered.


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