The Emerald Kingdom, the Forest of Golden Oak, Sieggal and Double Punk carefully monitored the state of Orov. As the first sample, Orov has a representative meaning.

   hum, volatility in the void, a crystal ball that was cut into 129,600 sides, with a sacred golden oak in the center, and a crystal ball exuding light golden brilliance was caught by Sieggel from the mountains of the gods.

   Most of the cut surfaces on the crystal ball are blank, only text is born on one side, the crystal ball rotates, and the information on that side is frozen by Siegger.

  【Title】: Guardian Spirit of Greystone Town

   [Order]: Level 3

   [Description]: The guardian of Greystone Town, has the ability to kill evil and bless.

  【Occupier】: Orof

[Life]: Born in a fisherman's family in the Emerald Kingdom of Menfitos, he was admitted to the Kingdom's Fifth Naval Military Academy with honors. After graduation, he joined the Navy and served in the Fourth Fleet. The third-order knight died in a naval battle in the elven continent at the age of thirty.

   [evaluation]: He is a qualified soldier and a true patriot. He has excellent performance appraisal and can be a god.

   Browsing the information engraved on the hearts of the gods, Sieggel's thoughts kept turning.

  The priesthood, Doublepunker, after restoring some of the external theocracy technology, innovated through the old and created new products based on Sieggel’s needs.

   The priesthood has a similar function to the theocracy, but the lower limit is far lower than the theocracy. In theory, it can cover the first to the eighth order. Of course, the highest priesthood created by Double Punk so far is only the sixth order.

   From a fundamental point of view, the priesthood is actually not completely illusory. It is more similar to a special strange thing refined with the core of the technology theory of external theocratic power and the main carrier material of the fragments of the kingdom of God.

At the very beginning, all the priesthood was actually blank. It contains the divine realm. Under the influence of belief and the power of the world, it can eventually breed products similar to divine power. At this time, the priesthood is truly complete. , Possessed extraordinary power, of course, it was possible to do this because the Emerald Kingdom controlled the door of incomparableness, and could easily connect God's Domain with the Great World of Liberal Arts and gain the power support of the Great World of Liberal Arts.

Take the guardian spirit of Greystone Town as an example. At the beginning, it was just a blank third-order priesthood. Under the guidance, the beliefs were gathered first, and the extraordinary power was born after experiencing the influence of the beliefs, and achieved the third-order priesthood of the guardian spirit of Greystone Town.

"From the current point of view, Orov’s performance is not bad, but this is normal. After all, he was a third-order transcendent before his death. It is still very easy to carry a third-order priest. As long as he completes the transformation of the virtual god, he will become a qualified person. Gods."

Glancing at the message in the hearts of the gods, Doujiapunk spoke, and there was a hint of excitement in the words. The priesthood is undoubtedly the result of creativity. It lowers the threshold for the gods to be high. Starting from the first level, even one It is also possible for ordinary people to integrate the priesthood to gain extraordinary power and step into the threshold of the gods. From the current performance, the experiment is going smoothly.

   Of course, in the view of orthodox gods, the priesthood created by Double Punk is naturally infamous. It can even be said to be heretical and pseudo-god, because gods who rely on the priesthood have great limitations compared to true gods.

The first is the geographical restriction. Except for some special priests, most of the priests are subject to geographical restrictions. Take the third-tier priesthood of the guardian spirit of Greystone Town as an example. In Greystone Town, the guardian spirit can fully perform The power of, but leaving Greystone Town, the so-called gods have become useless mortals.

The second is the limitation of faith. The formation of all priests is closely related to faith. It can be said that all the gods who achieve the priesthood are faith in gods. Once there is no maintenance of faith, the priesthood will be broken, and the gods will also fall because of heavy dependence. Faith, the gods themselves will inevitably be affected by faith, and may even be kidnapped by faith and become completely unrecognizable.

If a **** can’t perform his duties well, rely on his god’s power to behave, lose the support of believers, and even arouse the resentment of many believers, then he is likely to fall because of this. This is at the cost of faith for food. Faith is defeated, but also faith.

Finally, there are the limitations of the priesthood itself. All the gods who have achieved the priesthood have all their extraordinary foundations placed on the priesthood. First, they have the existence of the priesthood. These gods can be said to be the gods of the priesthood and flowing water. With the corresponding authority, the superior can easily deprive the subordinate of the priesthood and knock the gods down. This is completely different from the divine authority, which is completely private once it is accommodated, and the power belongs to itself, and it is difficult to be deprived again.

   Hearing Double Punk's words, Siggle nodded.

   "Indeed, Orov will become a qualified god."

   After many confirmations, it was found that Orov's state was indeed normal. Sieggel breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. This represented a solid step forward on his "king of the gods".

If you want to control cause and effect, you must first sink into cause and effect, and the gods who feed on faith are undoubtedly the existence that is the easiest to involve cause and effect. Set up the mountains of gods, establish a new **** system with faith as the foundation and extremely low threshold, and become a **** King, this is Sieggel's final plan after careful calculation.

Once this **** system fully grows, the causal power that converges on Sieggel will be incalculable, and under the impetus of this force, Sieggel’s causal rules will inevitably change, as long as It is not impossible for Siegger to stabilize his personality without shifting or falling. It is not impossible to become the king of cause and effect.

   Even under the support of the gods, Sieggel may not be able to go further on the path of the gods. Even if he does not have enough accumulation on the path of the gods, he can still overwhelm others and forcefully occupy it with a domineering attitude.

It can be said that Sieggel’s plan for the "king of the gods" has a bright future Once it is completed, there will be big gains, but the process must be tortuous, because the life involved in this road is too great. Many, fortunately, now we have a good start.

   "Since the progress on your side is going well, then I will return to the starry sky. With the help of Whale King Muen, the Star Fleet's efficiency in capturing life and stars has improved a lot. I need to go back to preside over the overall situation and strive to improve the sky eye as soon as possible."

  Confirmed that there is no problem, Doublepunk prepares to leave here and return to the starry sky.

Hearing this, Sieggel nodded. The Sky Eye is very important and involves a lot of things. Doujiapunk really needs to go back to preside over the overall situation. Although it is said that the plan of the **** king and the plan of the sky are partially overlapped, that is to create the so-called star god, but now not the right time yet.

  Time passed, and as the war on the Elven Continent continued, under the influence of the power of causality, more and more souls came to the sacred mountains, merged with the priesthood, and became a new generation of virtual gods.

Because of the experimental nature, these spirits are basically from the Emerald Kingdom. They all have some common characteristics. First, they have excellent aptitude, firm heart, and excellent performance in war. Secondly, they have a great deal with the kingdom before they are alive. Loyal and made a good contribution.

In order to select qualified candidates for the gods, Sieggel has formulated a set of relatively complete screening criteria. The main judging indicators of this set of screening standards are the qualifications of the souls and their previous performance, which is the so-called performance appraisal. Only the spirits who pass the performance appraisal are eligible to be attracted by the sacred mountains and become gods after death.

   Of course, in order to enrich the experimental samples, Sieggel deliberately selected some souls with other characteristics this time, and observed them as a reference for the experiment.

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