Chapter 41 School Trip (6)

Thompson was silent for a moment.

A traitor in the Indus.

I was conscious of it, but I didn’t take it seriously.

The Indus has embraced all who have ever called themselves Indus.

That made it difficult to measure the size of the Indus, and it made it difficult to know who was on top and who was the leader.

It’s okay if some dirty water seeps in from underneath. It was enough to filter it out and refill it.

But what if the dirty water pooled up to the top?

In other words, if one of the leaders of the Indus is a traitor.

“Huh, then there’s a chance you might be a traitor?”

Thompson said in a pretentious way.


Kian said quietly. There was no response to the provocation.

While Che and Thompson clicked their tongues, Qian continued.

[Move with that thought in the future. I don’t know who betrayed me. If it’s you, me, the Kraken, or Skyler, it must be removed immediately.]

“Well, let’s not be too hasty. We still don’t know who muddyed the water. It could be a guy a long way down.”

[…] … okay. If there are people who think the worst, there must be people who see optimism.]

“Are you sarcastic?”

[I’m serious.]

That was then.

Thompson abruptly stopped speaking and frowned. The telescope was also retrieved and placed back into the prosthetic arm.

Kian continued to talk in the meantime.

[By the way, when is the Kraken coming? Are you still thinking about where to spend the rest of your heart?]

“I do not know. you find out.”

[What, irresponsible? The Kraken needs to finish the work quickly before we can proceed with this. You should know it, too.]

“Not that.”

Thompson turned and took a stance. He looked at the operation of the prosthetic arm one by one. Click, click, click, while the machine made a sound, I felt something approaching from afar.

“You are a guest.”

[…] … Is it Constell?]


[Yeah, see you later.]

The call ended.

When he put the phone in, the identity of the feeling that Thompson was feeling was revealed.

She was a woman with a hard gait and a very strict impression.

“… … What’s going on?”


Thompson asked, pretending to be carefree, and the woman answered similarly. But the boundaries were not cleared. both.

This is the top of Dolsan Mountain to watch the public railway. In other words, it is a rugged highland with a cliff right behind it.

Read at

Not a place for a single woman to come for no reason.

the woman asked.

“My name is Isamaya, the teacher at Constell. I’m trying to arrest you, can you cooperate?”

“Who are you arresting?”

“Of course it is you.”


Thompson laughed. His prosthetic arm boomed and made a sound as if turning on the engine. Thompson put mana in to ‘activate’ the prosthetic arm.

“Is it possible that I can’t be arrested?”

“… … Oh.”

Isamaya took the glasses out of her arms. Wearing it, the face that was still stern, became more strict.

“It is. Let’s make sure we don’t accidentally kill him.”

“… … You crazy b*tch!”

It was Thompson who ran first.

* * *

Cora was hiding at the bottom of a cliff.

After a while, someone approached him.

“Have you waited long? Cora.”

It was Pascal who smiled warmly.

Up to this point, it was working as it should.

“Where did Frontier go?”

“… … To carry out the operation, I have moved.”

“Hmm, yes.”

Pascal nodded.

Pascal doesn’t know what Frontier’s personal plan is. Only Osprey knows. Everyone believes that Osfried did it.

However, there are a few things that can be predicted.

The reason Osprit is floating in the air is to lure Indus members.

In fact, a spider girl had appeared. was a pile.

But perhaps Osprit is really aiming for another zodiac within the Indus, Heldre.

If the Indus really wants a ‘revolution’, Osprit is the most annoying enemy to get in the way.

If the Indus really planned to do something on the aerial railroad, Osprey would have personally met him in the middle of the enemy line. To attract Heldre.

‘Hmm, anyway, it’s too dangerous.’

Pascal doesn’t know how strong Osprit and Heldre are. But simply thinking, if we have the same zodiac, wouldn’t it be advantageous to attack first?

‘Maybe there is Frontier… … ?’

After luring Heldre, is the frontier doing anything to Heldre? Isn’t that the most dangerous, or perhaps the most reckless, act of those involved in the operation?

“… … pascal.”

Then Cora made a nervous voice.

Pascal stopped thinking. It must have been something that had to be done before that.

“There is something. Before.”


Pascal and Cora are standing at the bottom of the cliff. This front is a blank slate.

So, there is no blockage in the field of vision, and no one is caught in the field of vision.

however. As Cora said.

Obviously something was coming towards them.

Quad Duck-

When something invisible came close, the wall of the cliff suddenly broke. Huge pieces of stone flew away as if they had a will, and gathered in front of Korra and Pascal.

The stones were attached to each other and assembled into the shape of legs, arms, helmets, and armor.

The stone armor so completed, the helmet was filled with darkness, but of course it was empty.

within it.


Surprisingly, a voice came out.

Cora wrinkled her nose as she looked at him.

“… … It doesn’t smell at all.”

“I think so.”

Pascal narrowed his eyes.

‘Is it some kind of ghost?’

Although most ghosts remain in reality, their existence is hazy. because he died once. Most of them have no memory and wander aimlessly.

Even if such ghosts are detected with mana, their form is blurred. Things that will disappear on their own if left alone.

However, those that remain with a clear resentment, resentment, and murderous intent, often called evil spirits, become clearer in their form.

However, like ordinary ghosts, these people do not have a proper memory after they die.

Most of the time, they have a grudge for some reason during their lifetime, but they forget the reason and just move on with the resentment. They go through people who have nothing to do with them for no reason. They are the most dangerous guys to the general public.

“My name is Skyler.”

Skyler makes a plain self-introduction. There was no resentment or regret in that voice.

… … If the ghost is left behind by ‘belief’, not by resentment.

If that belief is so strong that it will continue to exist even after death.

This monster in front of you is born.

“Nice to meet you. It’s called Pascal. He’s a newcomer to Constell.”

Skyler looked at Pascal for a moment and then raised a finger. He was pointing at Cora.

“The kid next door.”

Then wiggle your fingers.

“Give it to me. It’s a timber suitable for the Indus.”


Pascal looked at Cora. Cora frowned and shook her head.

Skyler said he didn’t care.

“The beast of the white tiger. Pure and destructive power and wildness and human reason combined with it. It is perfect. It’s ideal. Only such a person can become a perfect ‘soldier’.”

Skyler sincerely praised Cora. It looked as if the hand of the armor was gently stretched out to receive Korra.

Pascal looked at Cora.

“What do you think?”

“Yes, yes?”

“Do you want to go to the Indus?”

Cora looked at Pascal with a sad face. It was a face that said something crazy. Pascal laughed softly.

“just joke.”

Even if he said that, Cora’s expression did not open up. This time, he was wondering how he could make such a joke.

“It’s disappointing. Was it a joke? I thought it made sense.”

“lie. You knew I was joking.”

“right. Aren’t you the proud teacher of Constell? I heard that all the teachers there had faith and a high sense of calling. There’s no way I’m just throwing away a student.”

Skyler praised Pascal again this time. There was no sign of ridicule.


Skyler rummaged through the armor with his own hands. There was a small pocket in the hand he took out again.

Pascal looked at it with interest.

‘There must be nothing in that armor. How do things come out?’

Skyler said.

“If a student turns into a monster, shouldn’t it be punished? As a teacher in Constell.”


Skyler threw his pockets as he spoke.

It was a powder that destroyed Cora’s reason. Even if Pascal cuts it, the powder will stick to Cora, and if you try to grab it, the pouch will burst.

‘What are you going to do, Constell?’

Skyler looked at Pascal as if to try.

In the brief moment the pockets flew, Cora hardened and Pascal still smiled.

When the pockets come close.


Pascal did nothing. On the surface it was.


The pockets burst in the air.

The powder did not reach neither Pascal nor Cora. Each time the powder came close, it scattered in a light curve.

“… … Come!”

Skyler was surprised to find out his identity.

At first I thought it was a barrier made by magic. But there was no preparation for that. I did not feel any stage such as singing, chanting, or starting words.

“I spit out the Auror with my bare hands, and I use it as a veil!”

Boom, Skyler pulled out his sword from behind and slammed it to the ground. At that, Pascal’s eyes became interesting again.

Again, a sword of ‘steel’ protruded from the ‘behind’ where there was nothing. To say that a sword was made as if it was made of armor when it appeared earlier, there is no such thing as ‘steel’ around here.

“Great! I want to compete with you!”

“Haha, I don’t know what to do when I get compliments from my enemies.”

Pascal also drew out his sword. Cora took a step back.

Pascal pulled the sword back. Faat, Auror surrounded his sword.

“Be careful. My sword can cut ‘soul’.”


The distance between each other was still far enough that the swords could not reach each other,

The two swung their swords, and the Aurors collided in mid-air.

* * *

Meanwhile, I watched the situation from the other side of the cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff, Pascal could be seen confronting someone.


A member of Indus, Skyler.

Its true form is a ghost. It is also a ghost of a considerable position.

The ‘Slave’ I met in the dungeon is also a monster close to this side. Only Slav clearly remembered who he was and what he had to resent. So it was strong.

‘Now Skyler has also appeared.’

The most important thing for Constell to respond to the Indus attack is where the Indus members are located.

Because of this, Osprit is floating in the air, and Isamaya finds Thompson and confronts him.

Read at

Now that Thompson and Skyler are located, the Kraken is probably not here. As far as I know, the Kraken is now implementing plans elsewhere.

‘The problem is Kian.’

In the game, Indus is usually played by teachers. An event where players who play Aster can confirm the strength of Constell’s teachers and, in particular, know the strength of Osprit.

Besides, it’s much later than now, so it’s a standard strategy for Aster and his colleagues to grow up individually and defeat the Indus members together with their teachers.

So it is not easy for players to check all Indus members. While fighting with one member, the other member is already fighting. There are many cases where they know the face but do not know the ability, and there are many cases where they do not even know the face at all and have only heard the name.

‘But Kian can’t know.’

Qian is the most annoying creature in the Indus.

First of all, being able to make a dummy that looks just like you is very annoying.

It’s not like a doll, it’s a collection of spiders, so it’s even more so in terms of cleverly pretending to be human. A person who is not sensitive to the senses is indistinguishable from a real human being.

But it’s definitely around here. You must be close to control the dummy and the multitude of spiders.


From now on, this is not Constell’s operation.

start my work

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