Chapter 41 School Trip (5)

Malia picked up Sage’s phone and looked at the screen. The text arrived just as the teachers had previously promised.

The content was generally similar, but simple.

[let’s begin.]

It was the signal for the start of the operation.

While the response team tracks down the Indus leadership, the lead team searches for an Indus member who might be somewhere on the train.

If Indus really wants to use business cards, there is something they must check.

—Where is Frontier?

A business card that only tells you to kill Frontier. So it is natural to try to find the location of the key, the Frontier.

And in order to know the exact location of Frontier, Indus also needs someone to get on the train.

Constell students aren’t the only ones on this train. There are, of course, regular passengers as well, and the Indus will be hiding among them.

To this day, Malia and other teachers have shared something in common with some students.

‘Frondie gets into another vehicle for volunteer work.’

This was not actively communicated to all students. All I know is the members of Class 5 to which Frontier belongs and a few students who have asked about Frontier.

However, if this is communicated to some personnel, information will be shared among the students, and the story will spread. Then, naturally, the original content will be distorted and inflated.

This inflated information is transformed into ‘rumor’, which lowers credibility. Information with low credibility causes confusion.

For Indus, Frontier may indeed be in another vehicle, but that’s a rumor and may be in this vehicle. In the end, Indus has no choice but to divide the staff.

The influence of ‘rumor’ that Gregory used in Constell is now being used by Constell.

But the truth is, Frontier wasn’t on the train in the first place.

As long as the Indus is tied up and contemplating which vehicle Frontier is in, he will never be able to locate Frontier.

A psychology that makes it appear that one of the two is the correct answer, preventing you from thinking about the third truth.


“Wow, what is this? Interesting.”

On the other side of the train, some female students were chatting. Each of them had several masks in their hands.

“Can I really use this? It looks expensive.”

“it’s okay. I got it from an old man I know. But if you use it and do weird things, you will be arrested immediately, so be careful.”

“Ahaha, don’t do that.”

A female student handed out a mask pack to her friends. It was introduced almost as if it were a toy.

The owner of the mask pack was, of course, Quunier.

Of course, this was not Quinnier’s intention, and Frontier had asked for it.

“What do you think? What do you think?”

“Wow! Same! It’s like a goosebumps!”

The girls put face masks on their faces, and they looked at each other and laughed as they wanted to change. It was natural because when Quinier gave it to him in the first place, he gave it as a ‘toy’.

Of course, they have no intention of changing their face to Frontier, and they don’t even know what Frontier’s face looks like.

But when Indus witnesses students wearing face masks, other suspicions arise.

It is not yet clear which vehicle it is in, but there is a suspicion that it may not be possible to confirm it with just a face.

Then, in the end, members of the Indus do a bit more to identify the Frontier.

“There, lady.”

“Yes, yes?”

“You try to ‘feel’ our students, where did you learn that?”

“Yes, I, no, I… … .”

“Can you come over here for a moment?”

Teacher Jane was smiling, but the smile behind her was too bloody.

The woman looked at Jane, swallowed her saliva, and meekly followed Jane’s instructions.

There’s no point in catching them. Most of them will not even be central to the Indus, nor will they have any proper information about the Indus.

Just this is an appeal. The appeal of Frontier is that he is definitely on the train.

The harder Constell’s teachers respond, the more focused on finding Indus, the more Indus will believe Frontier is on the train.

‘… … Come on, then.’

Jane checked her phone.

A long awaited but unwelcome text has arrived.

[The president has contacted Indus.]

A text from Malia. Jane’s expression turned cold. The woman following her face was more frightened for nothing.

‘… … I don’t know how great the Indus is.’

Can you defeat Principal Osprit?

Osprit is the pillar, the pinnacle of Constell, and the pride of all Constell teachers.

‘Show me the time. President.’

Read at

No, just kill me. cockroach-like bastards.

* * *

Between two cliffs where the aerial railroad passes.

Standing in the air, Osprey faced a girl.

“… … Wow, it’s really floating. grandfather.”

The girl spoke admiringly, and Osprey smiled kindly.

“Isn’t it the same with the girl?”

“… … I am a little different.”

“To be honest.”

Osprey looked at the girl’s feet. It was hard to see with the naked eye, but something like a thin thread was holding the girl up.

“What is the lady doing here?”

When Osfried asked, the girl looked down at her. There was a public railway.

“I’m here to blow up the train.”

“Hey, you mean the train?”


“A lot of people would die.”


The girl nodded her head. Those eyes were innocent.

“The students at Constell are so strong. especially 1st grade. Everything has to be done here.”

“Isn’t it a good thing to be strong?”

“right. If it’s on our side But they are not on our side.”

It really was a simple dichotomy.

But Osprit was strangely convinced. All the powers in the world must be fighting with a simple dichotomy like this girl. I just put a number of reasons on top of that.

And according to that dichotomy, Osprit belonged to ‘them’, so it was enough to be hostile to the girl. It was a logic that really refreshed my heart.

Osprit said.

“But you can’t blow up the train.”

“I will.”

“The image of Indus is ruined. For a ‘revolution’, you have to be patient.”

The girl’s eyes twitched at Osprey’s taunting voice. It was brief, but Osprey did not miss it.

Read at

No doubt Indus has yet to believe that the word ‘revolution’ will be caught.

Osprit himself didn’t even think of that exact name until he heard about it from Frontier.

… … Perhaps this will be a means of cultivating doubts within the Indus.

“I do not care. I will do it though.”

“It can’t be. You don’t know the ‘degree’ of your revolution. If you look at ‘too high’, you will stumble. If that happens, what will become of ‘Nara-style’?”

Osprit deliberately emphasized a few words. It was very subtle. It doesn’t say exactly what it refers to, but it was enough to put ‘thoughts’ into the girl.

“… … .”

The girl didn’t show it. Osprey’s words were completely ignored. He was in a good position for being young.

“So what is Grandpa doing here?”

“I’m trying to catch a cockroach.”

“… … Perhaps.”

The girl’s eyes narrowed. From head to toe, a well-preserved life bloomed.

“Is that what we are talking about?”

“Heh heh heh. Why are you doing this, lady?”

Osprit smiled comfortably as he accepted the girl’s death.

“Is the lady a cockroach?”

“… … We are not cockroaches.”

“It’s been called us from a while ago, isn’t she alone now?”

The moment Osfried said that, he felt a strange sensation.

At first, I felt a small feeling that I barely noticed, and suddenly it felt like it was swelling up countless times and crawling up from my feet.


Osprey looked around for a moment. Countless threads swelled around the girl, and something was coming from outside.

Things crawling on threads from the edge of the cliff. it was a spider As thin as a thread, the spiders were smaller than ordinary worms.

“We are not cockroaches.”

said the girl.

“That’s right, that’s right. Not a single word is wrong.”

Osprey nodded as if he understood.

“The young lady is ‘we’, but not ‘cockroaches’. That’s what it meant. i apologize As you get older, you get into the habit of thinking about simple words behind the scenes. Forgive me.”

Osprey raised a hand. The thumb of the hand held horizontally touched his chest. Mana swirled from the point it touched.

“By the way, lady. Either way, we need repellents.”

“It’s not us who should be saved, but you-!”


The girl stopped talking. My mouth didn’t move as well as I thought it would. The girl touched her face. No, I didn’t touch it. His fingers scanned the air.

Half of the head flew away. It was then that the girl realized that half of her field of vision had been removed.

‘What, magic? What happened to you? I didn’t see it.’

The girl slumped down. Barely caught on to the pre-installed thread. however.


This time, the hand holding it flew away. body trembled. He knew the attack was coming, but he couldn’t avoid it and couldn’t stop it. The girl saw the blown hand. It was definitely a magical effect.

The girl’s hair fell out of water. Soon, even a single strand of hair split innumerable and scattered through threads. They were all spiders too.

“Girl, I hope you come to ‘Main body’ next time. That way we can have a real conversation.”

The girl was divided into countless spiders, and she looked at Osprey with the last remaining pupil.

I’m here to find out just how strong Osprite is and what that strength really is. It was almost impossible to dry.

The last remaining pupils soon became spiders and scattered.

* * *

Indus member Thompson observed the sight from afar.

He manipulated the parts installed in the prosthetic arm and pulled the ring with his finger. Then, after making a squeaky sound, a telescope protruded from the side of the prosthetic arm. Thompson put an eye to the telescope.

“… … What a crazy inspiration.”

The Indus members were convinced when they saw Osprit waiting on the air rail. Constell has noticed our Indus move!

To find out about Osprit’s power, member Kian sent his dummy to Osprit. Thompson tried to check it out to see how Osprit fights.

“Wow, don’t you know?”

Even from afar, he couldn’t tell what Osfried had done. Kian, who had suffered in front of him, would not have been able to understand at all.

Just then, his phone rang. Thompson brought the phone to his ear.

“Hey, I couldn’t move even one finger.”

– So what is it? that grandpa

“I don’t know.”

Thompson said bluntly. There was a brief silence across the phone.

– You can. Thompson is incompetent. I guess my line was wrong.

“Does this little boy know how to do some taunts?”

-I have something more important to tell you.


Is there anything more important than the identity of Osprey’s power right now?

Thompson frowned in doubt, but soon hardened his face at Kian’s next words.

-Osprit knows about the ‘revolution’.

“… … .”

Thompson’s mouth shut tightly. His playful look was gone.

“Isn’t that just a coincidence?”

-Nope. I knew I wasn’t going to blow up the train, and I knew it was for a ‘revolution’. It’s no coincidence.

Thompson’s eyes grew cold. Perhaps the same will be true of Kian’s eyes, who is on the phone now.

“… … Then really, the last thing we joked about was,”

– Yeah, I think you’re right.

They both had the same thoughts. As if confirming that, Kian said.

-There’s a traitor in the Indus.

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