Academy Genius Tamer Episode 184

It was a fact that everyone in the Ardel Academy publicly knew that the relationship between the two was not good.

However, when Si-hyuk Han saw it, it seemed that he and I were arguing more childishly than Si-ha Han.

“Why are you here?”

“Any reason not to come?”

A human who is always stiff like a hard robot, and a human who always smiles like a smirking wildcat.

Either way, it was very uncomfortable for Han Si-hyuk, but thanks to Professor Ernst’s appearance, the arrows aimed at him stopped.

Professor Ernst adjusted his sleeves and answered skillfully.

“I came to see my students play. Because this one looks good.”

“There would have been plenty of seats with a good view.”

“Did you even pay this charter?”

“You’re making me uncultured even once.”

I think I’ll catch you by the neck after a while.

Han Si-hyuk frowned and turned his head.

In the midst of this, the fight between Professor Grint and Professor Ernst did not stop.

“I heard you have a good eye for students, yes. Who do you think will be the winner in third grade?”

Professor Ernst’s sharp remarks.

Professor Grint replied bluntly.

“It must be Lee Han.”

“It will be one hour.”

“Because Lee Han is 1st in 3rd grade. Even in actual combat experience, isn’t that guy overwhelming?”

“It is unconditional.”

Professor Ernst, who takes good care of my students, and Professor Grint, who argues for realistic judgment.

There was a comment from another professor.

“It’s Lee Han.”

“It must be Lee Han.”

“Heh, don’t regret seeing the results later.”

The professors are fighting loudly, even betting.

In the meantime, Han Si-hyuk was getting more and more tired. Professor Ernst called Han Si-hyuk like that.

“Professor Han Si-hyuk, what do you think? Is it Han Shi-Ha or Lee Han?”

“that… .”

“Oh, don’t answer me. child, really. You shouldn’t listen to it!”

“Right, huh. Let’s bet! No, let’s all bet for sure!”

Seeing them chattering, I can’t tell if I’m stuck between the kids or the professors.

It was at that moment when Han Si-hyuk was seriously contemplating whether he should quietly leave.

“no. It must be Marcel in fifth grade.”

Professor Levin of the Department of Natural Sciences, who was sitting quietly in the back, opened his mouth.

Convinced that Han Si-hyuk’s prediction was wrong.

Professor Levin broke through the silence and spoke calmly.

“There is no student who can defeat the prince.”

It wasn’t just a matter of skill, but the word itself had meaning.

* * *

Normal annual event with no grades, no great benefits.

There was nothing special about the day of the competition.

I applied because I was in the upper ranks, but I was able to participate, and I was about to go back after enjoying it in moderation.

In that sense, the first opponent was satisfactory.

Poor royal bastard.

It wasn’t that hard to beat him, so you should be able to beat the first match with ease.

From then on, it matters.

To be honest, there are too many monsters here.

Lee Han and Adela standing right next to each other are one of those monsters.

Among the 5th and 6th graders, there were some famous humans.

One of them is the prince Marcel Sylvester Edwin… come

“Is that the person you saw in the library back then?”

“Yeah, because it is.”

Adela motioned for her to lower her voice.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I found out later when I saw the terrified Won and Adela.

It was said that that tall guy as tall as a mul-dae was the prince of this country.

He looked like a normal person.

Just because the emperor is a madman, there is no law that even the prince is a monster.

I didn’t know his face anyway, but I did know a few things about Marcel Sylvester Edwin.

It’s like his personality has exploded strangely, but he’s not completely garbage.

He also had a sense of responsibility, so he was a person who died at the forefront when a war broke out.

His skills were also quite high.

When compared to Lee Han… I think Lee Han will win though.

If my memory is correct, at the time of the first competition in the third year, I remembered that Lee Han lost.

So anyway, I’m not a human.

At the most, I thought it wouldn’t even show up.

Emperor Linia had a very tired personality, but his son doesn’t seem to make much of a difference.

Recycling trash doesn’t mean it’s not trash.

Because there is nothing good about being associated with the Hwangga, I plan to buy myself.

… Saying that, I might not be sane as I’m devising the imperial family.

That was the moment.

The students who stood in front of the dagger and murmured became quiet.


bum bum.

Dean Ernest slowly stood on the table, dragging his legs.

The competition, which was originally a little later, was delayed by a week.

There seemed to be some awareness of the turbulent atmosphere of the school.

Dean Ernest with a recognizable face opened his mouth.

“Every year the day I look forward to the most was bright.”


“It’s a day where we can show off the skills of our proud academy students without limits. I want everyone to participate in the competition fairly and fairly, regardless of school year, age, or status.”

Dean Ernest pulled out the microphone and lowered his voice.

“The week of final exams is coming to an end, and there are many unfortunate things on campus… I know the atmosphere is a little shaky.”


“There is one thing we have prepared to boost your morale.”

It seems like you should expect it just by hearing the words, but most of the students still looked bored.

It would be no big deal to say that Dean Ernest prepared it every year.

He always gave a small gift to the winning grade.

Well, I wonder if this year will be something like a stationery set and a socks set… .

I didn’t have any expectations, so I just stood there bored.

By the way.

“A week for the grade that produced the winner… .”

Dean Ernest’s proposal was unexpectedly shocking.

“We will provide BBQ specials!”


Instead of a go-to dormitory diet that only comes out with firebore forelimbs… .



No, it was a suggestion that even I would turn my eyes to.


“Chief! Dean! Principal!”


Dean Ernest put a wedge in the cheers of the students.

“Excellent Grade A BBQ!”

“Woah woah woah!”


I can’t stand this

* * *

Adela used to teach me.

It was Adela who helped me with the way magic was operated when I was a mud worm for anything other than taming.

Now, I teach Youn Ha-eul, just as I learned.

Youn Ha-eul roughly learned how to use magic at a faster speed than me.

It was also quick to put magic on the fingertips.

Thanks to this, I was able to participate in the competition side by side.

Looking down at Youn Haeul looking down at the staff in her hand, she asked.

“Can you do it?”

“yes. Of course.”

Youn Ha-eul immediately accepted my words with a pretentious expression.

I don’t know where the confidence came from because the other person is a senior in 6th grade.

“Even if I lose, I will come with a tickle!”

Youn Ha-eul, who took a bite out of Soboru Bread, saying that it was the driving force for battle, grabbed the staff again.

The basic level of magic is Youn Ha-eul, who had learned it earlier.

He may not be able to use magic as skillfully as the students in the Department of Magic, but Ha-eul Youn has one overwhelming advantage.

The ability to foresee an opponent’s attack trajectory.

Well, it doesn’t feel like the attack is slow or predicting victory or defeat on the spot.

just… .

uh… is something strong?

The thing I want to do is that my sixth sense is far superior to others.

In fact, Youn Ha-eul was good at avoiding critical hits thanks to that.

Let’s take advantage of that advantage.

“You feel good.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“I try to block as much as possible defensively, then hit me when I feel like I’ve been vigilant.”

“Aren’t you going to run away from the beginning?”

“I wouldn’t even try to drive it. It’s better to be distracted. To be honest, you are a very good match.”

“radish… I was ignored, just?”

With the only theology department participating, a skeleton that doesn’t seem like much of a fight just by looking at it.

There is no way that the 6th grade senior would flinch when a soft kid flirts with a cane.

I didn’t mean to make fun of you.

Youn Ha-eul’s bright red face was quite interesting.

I smiled and added more.

“It’s just a fistful.”

“What, what… ?”

“Um, no. Was one fist too much? Then two fists?”

“you… I was older than you?”

“You know too? Are you in the past tense now?”


Youn Ha-eul rolled her feet as if in anger.

No, actually, in the past, Youn Ha-eul was definitely taller than me… .

Somehow it seemed that I was ahead.

I laughed because it was fun.


“What… what. Why are you mad?”

“Are you laughing out loud?”

He beat the first place in theology department with magic. child, have fun

I neatly dodged Youn Ha-eul’s heated fist and leaned calmly against the wall.



“Is this enough for a 10-second cut?”

“you… I will catch you!”

“Yeah, can’t you ever catch it? Rather, you caught me, didn’t you?”


He blocked Youn Ha-eul’s fist with one hand and spit it out skillfully.


tuck tuck.

Several sums followed. Yes, it’s a clumsy match that doesn’t even have a wand… .

Lee Han, who was silently watching it, clicked his tongue.

“Wow, really. play well.”

It’s like looking at babies.

Come to think of it, this is not the time for us to fight.

I poked Youn Ha-eul’s side and lowered my voice.

“Hey, he’s a real competitor.”

“That’s right. It’s really unlucky.”

Youn Ha-eul sympathized with my words and nodded her head.

Then he adds, as if he doesn’t like it.

“Look at the territorial claims of being number one.”

“… When did I?”

“Shah, will you win?”

That’s right. That’s right.

“Siha was very… Lined up, you are like gum!”

it sucks it sucks

“So, just be nervous. you… It goes black and white!”


When Youn Ha-eul raised her head, Lee Han raised her hands as if it was ridiculous.

Then he turned to me and asked.

“me… What did you do wrong?”

“No, there is no such thing. you’re not really lucky I don’t know why… It’s strangely wrong because I don’t have cheap things.”

I shrugged in response to Lee Han’s words, and looked back at Youn Haeul.

This is about raising Lee Han, and the time has come to support him.

“Good job and come.”

A proper matchup will raise Youn Ha-eul’s skill by one level.

In that sense, it is good news for her to be matched with the 6th grade chief.

Just when the teaching assistant called Youn Ha-eul from the other side, he patted his shoulder and made eye contact.

A genius of Ardel, who learns one thing and learns heat.

That’s Youn Ha-eul


“Think of it as an experience.”


I smiled and sent Youn Ha-eul away.

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