Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 183

There were only a couple of points to point out.

Even though the prince is in front of him, his eyes widen as if he was wondering what was going on.

In addition to that, the calmness of turning a pen as a gift from the emperor.

However, seeing himself as a strange person, Marcel returned without saying much.

Of course, the other two recognized his face and greeted him formally, though.

He’s also a weirdo

Marcel thought so and returned to my dormitory.

Eckhart, a classmate sharing the same room, was hanging the laundry.

Marcel asked, glanced at Eckhart. Suddenly, I wondered what that guy thought of that strange guy.

“Do you know Si-Ha Han?”

Marcel Sylvester Edwin.

To the prince’s sudden question, Eckhart politely answered.

“I heard it. Aren’t you talking about the Hansiha of the Castika family?”

In the academy, status is not important, so he always respects things that do not need to be respected.

Marcel, who had gotten used to it, looked back at him and nodded.

“What kind of guy do you think he is?”

“I haven’t met him in person, but… From what I heard, the friend seemed to be quite talented.”

Son of the Count of Blood.

From failing students to 3rd overall, a hard-working student who rose quickly.

Most of the 5th graders who had never met Han Si-ha in person thought so.

It was the same with Eckhart.

“If you’re from Castica, it’s a bit difficult for me to approach you… I’ve only heard of it, but I’ve never actually met him. Have you met the prince?”

“I met you a while ago. He was with the dragon.”

Like the most prominent tamer in Ardel Academy, he was with the dragon.

Eckhart took it for granted and responded to Marcel’s words.

“It is, too. Oh, were you training?”


Marcel rolled her eyes and recalled the sight she had seen during the day.

training… Yeah, it was a scene that was a bit far from training… .

‘Did you hear that? I am not a losing rabbit. Pig.’

‘Not a pig!’

‘Don’t you think you’re heavier than a pig? It’s a vicious reptile.’



Marcel was still confused.

“He was fighting.”


“Dragon is a picky eater… .”

“… ?”

“I’m kidding you… .”

“Are you Han, Si-ha Han students?”

Eckhart, who was listening to the story, was a little lost.

Marcel, who was talking, had a similar face.

“Not only that, he’s kicking a fountain pen… .”


“The precious thing as a gift from His Majesty the Emperor… Rolling on the floor… .”


To Marcel, who had asked him to let go of the horse, it was Eckhart who was tired of saying that it was impossible.

The story Marcel told a guy who values his status that much was full of incomprehensible things.

Eckhart, who heard all that Marcel had seen, sputtered in horror.

“that… That’s treason… Isn’t it?”


Eckhart’s hand was trembling.

No, even bringing up such a thing was a cautious expression.

If the emperor saw it, it was definitely a sight to behold.

Marcel shook her head slowly.



“It seems you don’t even know what that means… .”

That ignorant brilliance.

Marcel finally made up her mind.

“He seemed kind of weird.”

Geniuses are the ones with screws missing one by one,

Marcel came to that conclusion.

* * *

“Ah, did you hear that there is a competition?”

Eckhart, who had been stunned, barely came to his senses and asked.

“A contest?”

There is a competition held as an annual event during final exam week.

A competition at Ardel Academy where all grades can freely participate in the competition from the 3rd year onwards.

Unlike the Magang Battle, where the Magic Department and the Necromancer Department growl, the competition took on the character of an academic year-over-year battle.

A special gift from Dean Ernest is also given to the grade that produces first place, so it was actually an event that students could enjoy like an athletic meet.

1st place always shared by 5th and 6th graders.

But last year, something strange happened.

Marcel Sylvester Edwin, who was in fourth grade last year. His name took first place.

Victory in first appearance.

Is the future of Ardel Academy only like this?

It was a trivial battle to the point of bursting with sighs.

“I’m going to have to play again this time.”

“Of course you are going to take first place.”

Eckhart’s eyes shone like a loyal servant.

Marcel shook her head as if it was natural.

Marcel was gifted in many ways, and was good at martial arts.

The first place in the test score was entirely his ability, so there was no need to doubt his ability.

But, the reason Dalian was so easy.

Marcel didn’t know.

‘There is no one who can touch the prince and take first place.’

Unlike general exams in which ranks are determined based on one’s own performance, in this type of competition, the opponents often lost secretly.

Everyone didn’t use 100% of their abilities, so it was easy for Marcel.

Although his skills have improved remarkably in just one year, Marcel in the 4th year was not strong enough to cause the seniors in 5th and 6th grades to fall like fallen leaves.

Marcel, the party involved, was only proud that he did not even realize that fact.

“Once again, let’s try to get first place in our grade.”

* * *

Shortly thereafter, news of the contest spread to the third grade.

[In-depth analysis of magic crafting] During lecture, Han Si-hyuk, with a face that had become emaciated, stood in front of the school table.

“Did you hear it?”

Students in their third year this year will be eligible to participate in the competition.

There are usually 10 applicants per grade level, and since it is a competition, there are more students from the Department of Magic and the Department of Spirituality than the Department of Natural Sciences and Theology, which do not use their bodies very well.

I think there may be some contestants among the students sitting here, and Han Si-hyuk guided the competition.

“The draws are randomly assigned. As this is an all-grade competition, there will be no inter-grade penalties. By the way, there has been no winner in the 3rd year so far.”

A grade that professors do not expect because they are too young.

The youngest winner was Marcel, who took first place in fourth grade.

Han Si-hyuk thought he was also a Hwang Ja-chul and picked up the table without expectations.

“Students who have applied, please come forward.”

Woodang Tangtang.

As expected of Si-hyuk Han, there were also applicants in my classroom.

No, it was more than I expected.

Earth Wizard Adela. Han Si-ha, a tamer with magic.

In addition to that, Youn Ha-eul from the Theology Department.

“… Are you leaving too?”


Han Si-hyuk looked at Youn Ha-eul and asked as if he was bewildered.

Youn Ha-eul answered brightly with a confident expression.

He was well aware that he was a genius when it came to working with his head, but he didn’t know that a former prophet would go on to use his body.

I was selected as soon as I applied because I was at the top of my grades, but… .

‘That’s theology and grades, and it would be difficult to stick with magic and students.’

I can’t expect it, but since I applied, I’ll hand over the bracket for now.

Youn Ha-eul sighed and confirmed the first matchup opponent.

“Oh yea! I know this guy!”


“Sixth grade senior!”

“that… Isn’t it a bright thing?”

“Good is good. If you stick with 1st place, Gao will live even if you fall!”

Han Shi-ha, who followed, sighed and took the table.

In an instant, Han Si-hyuk’s eyes met.

deliberately avoiding

It was because he was worried that Han Si-ha, who was quick in a strange corner even if he rolled his eyes and ate, might find out the truth of the attack on the investigation room.

Han Si-ha only urgently checked the table, but it didn’t seem like she was really interested in Han Si-hyuk.

Knead the crumpled match table and straighten it.


Han Si-ha, who saw the first opponent, burst into laughter without realizing it.

[Fabien Den Edwin]

How did that idiot get good grades in the program department?

From the standpoint of Han Si-ha, who already knew him well, it was just a funny opponent.

“under… This royal bastard.”

Hanshiha clicked her tongue and added.

“I’m going to get bored again.”

* * *


A battlefield full of students’ enthusiasm.

It was the place where Magangjeon was held last year.

Before the competition, the professors sitting in the bleachers were chatting while looking down at the students preparing for Dalian.

It was a very interesting story to guess in which grade the first place would come out.

“They say the third grade is famous.”

In previous competitions, the third year was not even mentioned, but this year was different.

There were also professors who had high expectations because it was a grade in which a lot of promising youngsters from Ardel Academy were gathered.

“Who is famous in 3rd grade?”

“Lee Han. He said that he was also participating.”

“Only Lee Han showed up, but all the top-ranked guys applied.”

“There is no time.”

“I think Solia will do one job too.”

A heated discussion ensued by the faculty.

Meanwhile, a low-pitched voice swept through the wind.

“What do you think, Professor Han Si-hyuk?”

Han Si-hyuk frowned and turned his head.

When I asked why you were sitting next to me, did you do it to ask such nonsensical things?

Professor Grint was right next to Han Si-hyuk from before. It even felt like it was being put under pressure.

Han Si-hyuk calmly accepted Professor Grint’s words.

“Third-year students… He certainly does well.”

“Do you think there will be a winner there?”

Professor Grint’s question was not just a curiosity.

Han Si-hyuk frowned at the nuance of asking for a prophecy.

You can understand the meaning of the stars by looking at them, but it’s too fast to use that kind of power for such a trivial task.

So I replied like it was annoying.

“I do not know. It would be quicker to see for yourself.”

However, Professor Grint had no intention of backing down.

A hard voice opened his mouth.

“I heard that Professor Han Si-hyuk is an excellent prophet.”

“… .”

“I want to see that great ability.”

A member of the Ministry of Magic was dispatched and completed the investigation into the case, but nothing special was found, and it is about to pass as it is.

At first, it seemed that the Ministry of Magic was not so desperate to find out the truth about this case, and Han Si-hyuk was suspicious, but he entrusted the investigation… .

There are bound to be some awkward corners.

He wasn’t even a prophet in the first place, but isn’t he working under the name of a prophet?

Gradually, Professor Grint’s suspicions had spread to that extent.

Even if it doesn’t have to be, it’d be better to beat the stone bridge and walk.

Professor Grint wanted to be sure.

Han Si-hyuk sighed as he looked into those eyes.

“All right.”

It is difficult to live with doubts any longer.

Han Si-hyuk closed his eyes for a moment and looked up at the sky.

A gesture that is too ordinary for the process of prophecy.

Professor Grint, who looked at Han Si-hyuk with a questionable expression, stopped at the words that easily came out of his mouth.

“I will come.”

“In third grade… Are you saying there will be a winner?”


There was certainty in Han Si-hyuk’s eyes, and the unknown dignity was certainly that of the prophets that Professor Grint had been familiar with.

Is it true?

Maybe even that is a lie.

It was the moment when Professor Grint was weighing the scales in his head and contemplating.

“Is there a winner in 3rd grade? Heh heh, I wonder who it is.”

Heh heh heh.

A professor suddenly intervened with a wide smile.

“Heh heh.”

As soon as he saw Professor Ernst, Professor Grint’s expression turned cold.

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