Academy Genius Tamer Episode 152

After leaving the audience, I was immediately arrested by Han Si-hyuk.

Han Si-hyuk, who had been rushing to step with a tired face, moved away from the audience to some extent, staggered as if his legs had loosened and leaned against the wall.

Han Si-hyuk, who was breathing quickly, waved his hand and asked.

“how… you… What happened?”


“What did you do that you were called to your majesty and your neck was blown off, did you do it?”

Han Si-hyuk grabbed my shoulder and raised his voice.

I waved his hand and responded to Han Si-hyuk’s words.

“Wow, that’s what I’m asking.”


“Please give me one chance… Do you want me to kill you nicely?”

“… !”

“No, that’s what a man named hyung would say?”

“that… For me, that’s the best… .”

As Han Si-hyuk said, if you get the wrong stamp by Emperor Linia, you won’t be able to die well, so I know that’s the best thing.

The more I think about it, the more ridiculous You were really close!

If you don’t want to offend Emperor Linia, you shouldn’t be emotional.

He is a crazy man who wants to kill the more he asks for his life while shaking, so he only managed his expression as much as possible.

To be honest, I was really scared!

But, are you pouring oil into it?

Han Si-hyuk clenched his teeth and asked.

“So you’re not asking what happened? Tell me.”

“… .”


You can’t see everything just because you’re a prophet.

Han Si-hyuk wanted to know what was going on in the banquet hall, and I scratched my head and spoke calmly.

In short, it was this:

“I said it was disgusting.”

“… ? to whom?”

“… .”

Han Si-hyuk’s eyelids tremble.

“new year… no way… you… .”

I smiled and answered Han Si-hyuk’s question.

“To the Emperor.”

“mi… crazy… Are you crazy?”

Han Si-hyuk couldn’t even speak properly anymore.

“I asked you how valuable your life was. Couldn’t you answer? I guess I didn’t live a very worthwhile life?”

“In addition… You’re not a bastard, this.”

To sum it up like this, I think he was a real madman.

Hasn’t it the first time since the emperor came to power that he’s heard of disgust?

Maybe that’s why he saved him?

You’re the first kid who talked to me, so I’m guessing it wasn’t something like that.

“Sup… under.”

Han Si-hyuk slowly lowered his trembling hands and took a deep breath.

Han Si-hyuk’s feelings after hearing the full story of all the incidents were as follows.

“… How did you live?”

I know. How did you live?

* * *

Han Si-hyuk’s office.

Han Si-hyuk took out the documents that Emperor Linia had given him.

Although Han Shi-ha had a shaky experience because of doing something crazy, thanks to him, I realized the essence of the incident.

It was as if the unsolved Catablam case had already been resolved.

It was carried out in secret by the emperor’s order, and Taesu Han executed it.

Just because you know who did it doesn’t mean you can be punished.

“A thousand people died… This is the Emperor’s order.”

It is Han Si-hyuk, who investigated the unsolved case of Catablam and confirmed the horror with his own eyes.

He bit his lower lip hard until the bloody smell came up.

“please… Was it something that had to be done?”

The decision to annihilate the village to catch a warlock.

It’s not even a small town. Thousands of innocent people had to die.

As Han Si-ha said, disgust rose.

However, does he have the right to curse Han Tae-soo, who could not even speak in front of the emperor?

If you had given me the same order, I would have had no choice but to follow it.

Han Si-hyuk shook his head with a fishy smile.

We already know the conclusion.

Since it was an incident that had to be buried anyway, it practically lost its meaning.

An event not worth watching any longer.

However, one thing came to mind.

Han Si-hyuk took a deep breath and remembered the words of Emperor Linia.

‘There must be something you should see.’

Han Si-hyuk pondered what it might be.

In the end, I decided to check it out with my own two eyes.

[Tablam Warlock Disposal]

Han Si-hyuk turned over the first page with trembling hands.

This is the case file that only the emperor had at the time. Records from ten years ago.

Since it was an incident where everyone died, Han Si-hyuk felt his heart sink as soon as he saw the first line.

It was completely different from the investigation file he was handed over.

[The Warlock has infiltrated the Katablam area.]

[You must enter the Catablam.]

“ha… .”

[Warlock Nox’s unique attribute is stealth. It is hidden among the villagers of Catablam. It seems difficult to confirm.]


An Archent whose unique ability was Teleportation.

Basically, the Archent was also a very difficult warlock to deal with.

But if it’s hidden.

If it was a warlock hiding among a thousand people, it wouldn’t be easy to deal with.

Han Si-hyuk frowned at the seriousness of the incident.

The case file was moved to two months later.

[Introduced units under the Arkenent Territory. All died.]

It seems that there was support from Count Arkenent.

They would have been quite elite soldiers if they were sent to places like this, but annihilation.

[Knox tried to break into the Imperial Palace, but was unsuccessful. Infiltrated into the Catablam area again.]

Han Si-hyuk handed over the case file in a cold sweat. My fingertips started slipping out of nervousness.

Isn’t it serious enough for a warlock to directly invade the Imperial Palace?

Han Si-hyuk was well aware of their behavior.

It may have been like ten years ago, but performing a mission alone is one of two cases.

Either they’re discarded, or they’re magicians with enough skills.

It seems that Knox was a warlock belonging to the latter category.

[A unit under the Castilian Territory was deployed. Hundreds of casualties occurred.]

[Knox seems to be trying to cast wide-area magic by sacrificing all the villagers.]

[If left as it is, more damage is inevitable. must be stopped.]

Black magic that uses a thousand people as a sacrifice.

The greater the number of sacrifices, the greater the power.

It was not recorded what kind of magic he was trying to cast, but it was clear that it would have been a terrible spell if it was enough to kill a thousand people.

Han Si-hyuk turned to the next page with trembling hands.

[The siege of Catablam.]

[It is impossible to specify Knox.]

Here the empire chooses.

Thousands of people who are going to be sacrificed, and the safety of an unspecified number of people.

disgusting Disgust rises.

Han Si-hyuk clenched his teeth.

If I had been there ten years ago, I would have made the same choice, so it was just disgusting.

Han Si-hyuk confirms the one-line emperor’s command.

[All villagers decide to bury live. We dispatch Han Tae-soo to deal with it.]

“ha… under.”

Everything Han Si-ha had expected was true.

Han Si-hyuk closed his eyes tightly and opened them.

The disastrous result would be the same as the case file he was handed over the first time.

The whole village was buried in the ground. Since there are no survivors, all are dead.

However, Han Si-hyuk, who turned the next page, paused.

[2 survivors]

It was a record two years after Knox’s treatment.

Han Si-hyuk muttered without realizing it.

“The whole village was buried alive, but how could the survivors… .”

[The information of survivors will be described later.]

[It has been monitored for 2 years, but there are no special findings.]

At dawn, when everyone was sleeping, the village was forced to sink.

It is strange that there are survivors, but if they were alive, they would not be ordinary people.


Han Si-hyuk quickly turned to the next page.

Then he slowly removed his hand from the paperwork.

“this… This child… .”

[Adela Stevia]

Attached was a picture of a young girl with a familiar name.

It was about ten years ago.

Even so, the two lively eyes and the original atmosphere of being confident remained intact.

Han Si-hyuk could recognize the face at a glance.


It’s the guy who came in as an office assistant.

A magician of the earth and a prospect at Ardel Academy.

“Why is Adela here… .”

Counting the time, the time when the unique ability was awakened also coincided.

“This is how it happened. then… Did you wake up at this time?”

Han Si-hyuk seemed to know what kind of strange story she had now.

Like a child with nowhere to return to throughout the vacation, he used to come and go to my office.

Adela will have neither home nor hometown to return to.

I lost my parents, I lost my family, I lost my village.

The person who made it… .

Han Tae-soo.

When he thought about it that far, Han Si-hyuk wanted to deny the documents in front of him.

Han Si-hyuk saw Adela’s potential.

A child who can become an archmage in the future.

Of course, he is a great wizard that can surpass Han Tae-soo.

A child with enough power.

If you know all the truth, will you be still?

He might try to take revenge by destroying Castika.

Han Si-hyuk remembered the two of them playing together while arguing.

Siha Han and Adela. If all these facts were known, it would never be the same as before.

We will end up hurting each other endlessly.

They will have no choice but to try to kill each other.

There is no will between the two.

A relationship that will inevitably be designed that way.

Han Si-hyuk shook his head and took out the unsolved Catablam case file from the drawer.

This is the file he was investigating.

A file that would normally be handed over to Adela to clean up the case.

“no way.”

Adela shouldn’t know.

All of these things now, you shouldn’t even be interested in them.

That was ten years ago. It was a strange fate, but I was convinced that it was right to bury it like that.


Han Si-hyuk tore the Catablam case file.

In two pieces, in four pieces. in eight pieces.

Today, this case is buried in the investigation room.

If you bury yourself, you can be buried without anyone knowing.

“ha… under.”


Han Si-hyuk took a deep breath and thought so.

Adela should have died on the spot.

Because he survived, he was a more dangerous child.

For the sake of the Empire, even for my brother.

The child who should have died is alive.

Han Si-hyuk picked up the documents the emperor had given him back.

There is one more survivor who should have died.

“… Let’s burn this.”

Thinking that I should burn it out after checking it out, Han Si-hyuk turned to the next page.

the second survivor

How did you get it? The photos are in tattered condition.

Han Si-hyuk opened his eyes wide without realizing it.

“… !”

He picked up the picture with trembling hands.

“this… This… .”

It was a familiar face.

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