Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 151

The Emperor’s Auditorium.

There was a lot of snow, so I moved here.

Emperor Linia looked down at Han Si-ha with a slight smile on her lips.

This was the accident, but it was Han Si-hyuk whose face turned white.

“lung… your majesty… That is… .”

Han Si-hyuk did not know the details of the words the two exchanged.

However, judging from this chilly atmosphere, it would have been a major accident even if there had been an accident.

Han Si-hyuk’s spine cooled.

Emperor Linia waved his hands and spat out words.



“I was debating whether to cut off my arm, my leg, or my hair. Can you give me some advice?”

“lung… your majesty… !”

Han Si-hyuk trembled as if he was about to collapse.

Emperor Linia smiled as if it was fun and stared at Han Si-ha.

“under… . His previous life was death of overwork, and this life he was beheaded. It’s absolutely gorgeous.”

Han Shi-ha was muttering an incomprehensible word, but the emperor couldn’t hear it properly.

It just looks incredibly docile.

The words that were spit out with bold eyes, the attitude that never bends even in a fearful situation.

Emperor Linia was curious.

He is a type of human that he has never seen among the subjects he has seen for many years.

What the hell is that kid?

Of course, I didn’t know that Han Si-ha was thinking like this in her heart.

‘Fuck, please save me.’

Han Shi-ha was sitting politely, shaking her head quickly.

‘How can I live? First hit the head? Do you get down on your knees and apologize?’

The proportion of Emperor Linia in the original Sulka Demi is quite small.

However, Han Si-ha remembered the episode because it was impressive.

I could describe it in just one word.

sapphire king.

He is a madman who will kill anyone if his heart is twisted.

It touched the heart of such a human being.

Shiha Han rubbed her neck with her hand as if it was strange that my neck was still attached.

“Are you going to clean it beforehand?”

“… !”

it just took

“Is it possible?”

Emperor Linia stuck out his tongue as if in absurdity.

It’s the first time I’ve seen such a naughty child.

It’s not a normal bet to answer my bloody jokes with both eyes closed and calm.

Most of them were already shaking and on the verge of fainting.

Just like that guy.

Han Si-hyuk, who was standing next to him and trembling, mustered up the courage to speak.

“lung… your majesty… .”

An investigator from the Ministry of Magic. Han Tae-soo’s bastard.

Emperor Linia, who remembers his existence, looked back at Han Si-hyuk with a cold gaze.

“I feel sorry for making such a request… .”

“By the way?”

“You are still a child.”

Hanshiha raised her head with surprised eyes.

I didn’t know that the author, who hated him so much, would be so trembling and defending him.

If you say something wrong, your throat will fly off.

Even in front of the emperor, he risked his life for Han Si-hyuk and others.

“I don’t know what kind of rude thing I did, but… I want you to give me one chance, just once. your majesty.”

“A chance? to that child?”

“Yes, so please… .”

“… .”

“Beautifully… I want you to kill me.”

Han Si-ha’s expression turned cold.

What, are you sure you’re already dead?

It doesn’t help at all, that man!

“I’m not crazy, really.”

Hanshiha frowned and muttered without realizing it.

Even that, I muttered it out in the shape of my mouth to keep an eye on it.

Emperor Linia burst into laughter at Han Si-hyuk’s words.

“hahaha… hahaha… no. don’t kill Don’t kill me.”


“I haven’t killed him yet. you’re cute That’s crazy.”

She turned her gaze to Han Si-ha, who was still sitting in a stiff posture.

Then, I checked the watch.

The smile disappeared from the corner of her mouth that had been smiling before.

“Why do you have to live, I’ll give you three minutes.”

There is no second chance.

“Tell me, Tae-soo Han’s son.”

* * *

I gently wiped my hand away from my still attached neck.

It will stick around for the next three minutes.

should i like this

fuck off.

You have to roll your head to survive.

Humans are equal before the Emperor, so you have lived a worthy life.

You said the same crazy thing, so even if you die for treason, you have nothing to say.

I’d rather have overworked it twice, but I don’t want the branches to fly.

Emperor Linia.

He is notorious enough that Han Si-hyuk asks him to kill him nicely.

Are you still talking crazy things like that?

“Isn’t it too cute to kill nicely, Member Han Si-hyuk?”

“lung… your majesty… !”

“I’d love to see you scream a little more. Hmmm.”

crazy bastard.

“Two minutes left.”

[Sub episode: Catablam Unsolved Case]

[Help Han Si-hyuk to investigate the truth about the unsolved Catablam case.]

I stared at the sub-episode window that shimmered mockingly above my head.

If I had known that something like this would happen, shouldn’t the unsolved case appear as a sub-episode rather than [Sub-episode: The Emperor’s Audience]?

It looks like I’m going to die before investigating the unsolved case now!

I opened my mouth because I had to say something.

An unexpectedly calm voice came out.

“The reason I have to live is because I am a necessary talent for Ardel.”

“There must be many talented people better than you in the Ardel Empire?”

“My head would be better.”

“There are definitely talented people who are smarter than you… .”

“I will tell you later. There are two minutes left, so stop grabbing the tail.”

“Huh… ?”

The emperor widened his eyes as if he was stunned.

“mi… Crazy!”

Han Si-hyuk trembled with a white tired face.

Oh, what do you say?

After 2 minutes, it looks like it’s thick, is there anything you can see?

You don’t have to say something and die.

I stared straight at the emperor and spoke.

All I have to bet on right now is this.

“In a few words of conversation with His Majesty, I have uncovered the full story of the unsolved Catablam case.”

“The unsolved case of Catablam?”

Emperor Linia raised his eyebrows as if intrigued.


‘If the death of the lesser could stop the warlock, of course I would. Empire.’

I guessed it with what Adela had said before, and was convinced by the Emperor’s words.

“The villagers are not cursed.”

I spoke in a trembling voice.

“Those who did not have to die were buried by your Majesty’s orders.”


Han Si-hyuk’s brow furrowed.

A premise that I could never have imagined. It is Han Si-hyuk, who only thought that an inevitable talent would happen.

Those who had been cursed had no choice but to bury, so it was stated in the investigation file.

I throw a different topic on this unsolved case.


They were the ones who didn’t have to die.

“Isn’t it because your Majesty’s orders directly buried the village? Wasn’t it sacrificing the lowly and lowly ones?”

“I said that… I did it to you.”

Emperor Linia burst into laughter.

“Yeah, you could have guessed that. My head spins pretty quickly.”

“This is not the end.”


“The order to be buried will be abolished, but the burial must have been done by someone else.”


Emperor Linia frowned and turned to me.

I closed my eyes slowly.

I hate to admit it, but why Adela had to kill me.

It seemed to be known now.

I lifted my head and stared at Emperor Linia.

“… Did my father do it?”

* * *

This time, Emperor Linia also seemed quite shocked and did not speak for a while.

Not to mention Han Si-hyuk.

The silence was broken after a while.

“… How did know?”

“It’s my eyes.”

“yes… I heard from my father… There will be no way.”

It would have been a matter of extreme secrecy.

No matter how insignificant a rural village may be, there is no way that it is known other than to bury an entire village.

Even if Han Si-hyuk investigated, it was not a case where the criminal could be caught.

Behind him is the emperor.

You can’t hold the emperor and imprison him.

Han Si-hyuk was unable to continue speaking as if he had been greatly shocked.

I looked up at the emperor.

“It’s only five minutes. The time I met His Majesty.”

“… .”

“I learned so much in five minutes.”

“ha ha ha… .”

“If you had given me five more minutes, I might have known more. Aren’t you curious?”

“… Tae-soo Han has a really fun child.”

Emperor Linia could not hold back his laughter this time as well.

Emperor Linia, who was laughing out of breath, stopped laughing after a while.

“It’s blatant, but I like the honesty.”

3 minutes passed quickly.

The neck was still intact.

I waited for the words of Emperor Linia with a calm expression.

“I had no intention of killing him. I have a lot of things from your father.”

“Is that so?”

“But it’s funny. Your father followed my orders, and you call it disgusting. How are you, are you still sick of it?”

“… .”

Han Tae-soo’s words ran through his mind.

‘Looking back, I have a lot of regrets.’

‘Don’t do anything you’ll regret.’

At that time, I thought he was talking about the work with Han Si-hyuk.

Was this what you said you regretted?

I spit out a bitter smile.

“You may regret it.”

“You don’t look at me like a dog until the very end, really.”

Emperor Linia sighed and spit out swear words.

Then he got up from his seat and started to rummage through the study.

Han Si-hyuk, who barely began to turn red, was staggering and watching him.

The emperor took out a few documents from the drawer and placed them on the desk, picking one of them.

Emperor Linia called Han Si-hyuk with a gesture.

As Han Si-hyuk approached, she gave orders with an unknown look.

“Complete the investigation into the unsolved case of Katablam with your own hands. It contains data that Tae-Soo Han does not know.”

“Yes… ?”

“Don’t look. Flexible.”

“Well, I will… !”

“There will be something you need to see.”

For a moment with a shaky expression on his face, Han Si-hyuk was handed the documents of Emperor Linia as if he was happy.

“You come too. Han Tae-soo’s son.”

Then, Emperor Linia beckoned to me.

I thought I would lift and release with my neck again. Surprisingly, what she gave was a small fountain pen.

“What is this?”

“Isn’t the first word that usually comes out first? It’s a gift from the emperor.”

“… ah.”

You must have had an audience with the emperor in your life.

Come to think of it, it seems like I’ve already eaten up all the talk back and forth at one point.

First, tilt your head 90 degrees.

is this right?

“thank you.”

“Han Tae-soo loves children… I was raised to be short-lived.”

Emperor Linia clicked his tongue, but didn’t take it any further.

Was this not enough?

Well, I wish I could live.

Emperor Linia sighed and asked me.

“Yeah, why do you think I gave you that fountain pen?”

For a moment, I was afraid that it would take another three minutes to count.

crazy emperor.

Make people tremble quite a bit.

I inhaled and carefully opened my mouth.

“I never told you to listen hard in class… Could this be some sort of artifact? Artifacts with rare abilities or the like.”

“… !”

“Is this something you use to catch the Warlocks?”

At my self-talk, Emperor Linia frowned in surprise.

For a moment, the emperor sighed and spit out his words.

“Looking at your fluttering snout, you will inevitably have something to write about. Keep it.”

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