Academy Genius Tamer Episode 144

The next day, Natalie was sitting on the bench, grass dead.

A rare bench that Natalie seeks to refresh her mood.

Han Si-ha knows this location as well.


When this happened, it was obvious that Natalie’s spirit was dead. A kid who was optimistic even after being kidnapped, he lacks confidence in strange corners.

“One hour?”

Han Si-ha put her hand in her pocket and asked. It was two that Natalie already knew why she was sitting here.

“Why are you here today… what?”

“just… I remember what happened yesterday!”

Natalie’s expression darkened for a moment.

I didn’t know how refreshing it was to watch Han Si-ha grind the bottle of water yesterday. On the one hand, I was ashamed that I didn’t do it myself.

I didn’t want to do that, but I ended up being fooled again.

Natalie was curious about Siha Han.

I was envious of that confidence that I could not lose anytime, anywhere.

I was envious of the conviction that I was right.

I wanted to be like you.

So I had the courage to ask.

“How can I be like yesterday… .”

“Are you saying that you can play quack well?”


“Aren’t you curious about how they get into accidents so well wherever they go?”

“It is not! Absolutely not!”

No, if you think about it ultimately, it was right, so Natalie, who was vehemently denying with both hands, stopped her hands and closed her eyes.

“I’m not going to stand still.”

And, as if determined, he added.

“I don’t want to live at a loss.”

For Natalie, even speaking those words is a great courage.

Han Shi-ha smiled happily at Natalie like a child.

“Isn’t life originally meant to be lived at a loss?”


It might be funny to see life come out of the mouth of a sixteen-year-old, but Natalie didn’t laugh.

Han Shi-ha was sometimes very mature, so Natalie listened to Han Si-ha seriously.

“Isn’t it always good to bump into someone from time to time?”

“If the tree is too straight, it will break.”

“You are such a gentle person that no one wants to hurt you. That’s what Natalie is.”

It’s Natalie

Natalie thought the words were difficult, but somehow she understood.

Hanshiha laughed and spit out the words as if muttering.

“I like Natalie best when she’s Natalie.”


Adela, Ihan, and Solia. Natalie may be weak in an academy where only such monsters are involved.

However, I do remember ignoring the things Natalie did at Sulcademy.

When everyone is in despair.

When you struggle through each day with only anger and fighting spirit.

That bright sunshine became the only shield we fought together.

Because that’s what Natalie is, Hanshiha wished Natalie to remain like that forever.

Hanshiha looked straight at Natalie and spat out words.

“Then don’t go to such strange places in the future.”

“Is it the process of dividing the water of life?”

“Wherever it was.”

To be honest, Natalie doesn’t have to.

“Natalie, you are doing well.”

Natalie Willow.

The only daughter of the Willow family, who has an unbeatable wealth, and the child who will inherit the entire Artifact Shopping Street.

He spat out the truth of life.

“If you have a lot of money… Oh, you can do nothing.”

“You don’t have to do anything. If you can’t do it, it’s better.”

Natalie nodded at Han Si-ha’s words, then stopped.

As Han Si-ha said, Natalie was in a position to receive help from her family without having to enter the tower.

So, the realistic advice that you will be able to do anything after graduating from the academy is correct.

By the way.

“You have more money than me.”

“… !”

Even the Willow family who makes a lot of money from developing artifacts and commands the shopping district.

There was no way he could follow the Count of Blood, who was nothing less than the achievement of the founding of the country.

Tae-soo Han is a nobleman who has territories not only in Castica but also in the Ardel Empire, and is rich enough to use an entire island as a resort.

Natalie tilted her head and muttered.

“But I’m always busy… .”

“I am always working… .”

“One hour?”

Hanshiha stopped as if lost in Natalie’s words.


To make a living here, you must first graduate from the academy and enter the horse tower. Must be a skilled tamer.

It was only true when he was in danger of being abandoned by the family, but there is no reason to do so as long as they maintain the friendly relationship they have now.

Han Tae-soo’s only deficit and heir to the Castika family.

There are no other children to fight for the ranks, so naturally everything will be yours.

I had completely forgotten my position.


Han Shiha went blank as if she had been hit in the head.

for a while too.

A smile that was faithful to his instincts leaked out.

“ha ha ha… .”

“What’s wrong?”

“ha ha ha… .”

Hanshiha put her hands together with eyes full of emotion.

“I was so rich… .”

* * *

The next day, Han Si-hyuk’s magic investigator’s office was unusually quiet.

“… .”

Breathtaking silence.

That’s weird.

After Han Si-ha came here as a field assistant, there was not a single day of wind.

Han Si-ha had a natural talent to piss off Han Si-hyuk, and Han Si-hyuk was not the type to ignore that.

Thus, the office where they were fighting day by day became quiet.

Adela looked out into the hallway with a sense of alienation.

Han Si-ha, who should have gone to work, is nowhere to be seen.

Adela put the mop down on the floor and asked Han Si-hyuk, who was handing over the papers.

“Where are you today?”

“I went home.”

The hard voice returned.


Unless it’s Adela, who doesn’t have a place to return to, each of them can set aside a day or two to visit their hometown.

In that sense, Han Si-ha’s vacation is not so strange.

However, the reason was quite absurd.

“Meditation… I will do it.”


Adela asked with a look of perplexity.

Han Si-hyuk’s eyes gleamed fiercely as he said that. He murmured and muttered softly.

“It’s a consolation… .”

While the work to be done was piled up like a mountain, I went back to my hometown to recuperate.

“Where the hell is this comfy sound?”

I am confident that I will make you rest forever while resting.

Han Si-hyuk clenched his fists tightly.

“Are you going to kill me?”

“… !”

“I should have killed him then… .”

Han Si-hyuk clenched his teeth.

* * *

At the same time, Han Shi-ha, who is not aware of Han Si-hyuk’s anger, arrived in Castile with a smile.

This is the second time I have visited this vast estate.

Previously, Seymour was brought to the door and almost beaten in the door, but now it is different.

“uh… uh! young master… to be!”

Hana, a servant who was tending the lawn from the other side, saw Han Si-ha and shouted.


The gardener, who clearly remembers Si-Ha Han from his childhood, became contemplative.

After being sent to Ardel Academy, the only heir who was on the verge of being abandoned by the family returned.

It was something to be happy about, but… There were more servants who did not.

‘young master! If so… You can’t do that!’

‘Is this my land? You wanna die?’

‘No, no!’


He often uprooted the flowers the gardener had grown and ran away.

‘You don’t have a pig’s head? Human heads don’t matter.’

‘buy… Sa, a human head!’

‘It can be your head.’

‘How… How dare you save something so horrendous!’

When his head grew to a certain extent, he used servants as test subjects, saying that he had learned bizarre magic.

There were even ugly rumors circulating that people were killed by the master’s curse.


My childhood memories… .

Simply put, he was the madman of this district.

The return of such a master is both terrifying and terrifying.

The servants disappeared as a group as a group.

“Where have you all gone?”


I felt popular until recently, but when I turned around, there was no one there.

Hanshiha scratched her head and muttered.

“It’s all gone.”

Even if it was, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

It won’t be long anyway.

There was only one reason why Han Si-ha came here.

Han Si-ha stood in front of the large gate and knocked on the door.



Actually, I came here to do filial piety.

* * *


A supper with a dazzling visual that broke my upper leg came out.

It may seem difficult to eat all of what is served here, but there are endless new dishes.

“I will enjoy this food.”


It was undoubtedly a hospitable treat, even if it was not expressed in particular.

I cut the steak with a knife and put it in my mouth.

The top quality meat melts in your mouth.

A moving taste that cannot be compared to the experimental dormitory food from the academy. It almost made me want to sit here.

filth filth.

Tae-soo Han, who was staring at me as I was eating steak, indifferently placed the grilled lobster on the plate.

“Eat this too.”

“thank you.”

“… This too.”

A cold tone that doesn’t feel warm.

Still, Tae-soo Han constantly puts food on my plate.

Do you think you’re going to go backwards?


I scratched my head because I felt like I was being bred. Still, the taste is so good that it goes into your mouth without a break.

Tae-soo Han stared at me, who was eating well, and added a heartwarming comment.

“You eat well.”

Then he asks in a calm voice.

“Isn’t rice often served at the academy?”

“To be honest… The taste is young… I do. Still, I eat to live.”

Han Tae-soo frowned at my words.

Then he thought about it for a moment, and then mumbled.

“I need to change nutritionists.”


no… Yeah?

Were you able to change the school nutritionist like that?

“You feed your growing kids something that doesn’t taste good. It should be completely overturned… .”

“no. No need to do that!”

I think someone just got cut off.

He had forgotten that this human in front of him was the Academy’s greatest supporter.

Han Tae-soo asked again with a serious face.

“What’s the nutritionist’s name?”

“… .”

“Should I cut the whole thing out?”

I changed the topic because I thought there would be a group job loss if we talked more.

“Actually, I have a question for you.”


As Natalie said, I know that she is a rich man with a considerable estate.

But I don’t know how big that piece of land is.

He looked into Han Tae-soo’s eyes and asked.

“Where is the Castilian Territory?”

“There it is.”

Tae-soo Han pointed behind my back, and there was a huge map that filled one side of the wall.

It was a map of the entire Ardel Empire.

Han Tae-soo spoke in a calm voice.

“The area marked in red is Castica.”

“Is it red?”


The part that occupies a considerable area on the map of the empire.

Is that all Castica?

“okay. Those are all Castilian provinces.”

“Perhaps… My share… .”

Tae-soo Han answered without hesitation.

“It’s all yours.”



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