Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 143

The second floor office of the factory.

When Si-hyuk Han came, the face of the person in charge brightened.

He seemed to have a firm belief that he would fix what was beaten by me.

Han Si-hyuk asked his name in a cold voice.

“Did you say Keir?”

“Yes, it is! Because that crazy guy just hit me all of a sudden?”

“You said you were an academy graduate.”

“I think, old man. Hey, you bastard!”

“What year are you graduating from?”

“I’m ten years older than you, you bastard!”

“It was beaten by a ten-year-old kid, then.”

“… !”

Natalie, who was sitting across from her, held back her laughter.


No, it failed.

“These are… Smile? Is this funny now?”

“nice… Hmmm.”

Han Si-hyuk quickly covered his mouth. From my point of view, that person must have been trying to laugh and barely holding back.

I sat down on the sofa and raised Keir slightly.

“Honestly, it’s funny.”


“I was beaten with a bottle of water by a 10-year-old child… Ouch!”


Han Si-hyuk, who couldn’t see me, slapped me on the back with a file folder.

“Be quiet, please.”

Han Si-hyuk had a face that he was very tired from this situation.

I came to the factory to investigate the case of unfair employment and embezzlement, but it was worth it because I went and played a chess game without prior consent.

When they found me earlier, I can’t forget that white face.

Keir continued to complain to Han Si-hyuk in a voice supported by evil.

“Anyway, it’s over, put that guy in jail first, Detective!”


“Do you know how many lives he laid face down? Hey, little blue kid. what is your father doing uh? It’s money to pay back, so I didn’t mess with it!”

Han Si-hyuk frowned when mentioning his father.

Keir became even more energetic as I began to moan and pushed him.

“You ask if you have money to pay off your house. This thoughtless bastard.”

“My father… land… .”

till the land

Well, maybe he understood that, Keir laughed bitterly before I could even finish my words.

“What? Where in the countryside do you farm?”

“The land… You manage the land.”


Keir paused.

The still face looked quite stupid.

manage the estate

There is only one thing that can do that.

“You have a simple piece of land, but… .”

“ear… Were you a noble?”

Keir looked quite embarrassed, but he did not bow his pride.

Their business, which exclusively supplies the water of life, was making such a huge profit that even aristocrats could not afford business cards.

Even if the barons of the provinces were nobles, they were not pushed back.

His bewildered attitude returned to his original state.

“Ha, too. When I asked what the kid believed and cheated on, he said he believed it because he was a nobleman.”

“If you dare to ask, yes.”

“Well, where is the land? Is the land large enough?”

“Castika, this is it.”

Han Si-hyuk took over for the answer.


“It’s called Castile. This little daddy manages it.”

brat… It takes a little too long to say.

He nodded his head, saying that was true.

“card… Castica?”

A province of Castile managed by the Blood Count.

Belatedly, after understanding Han Si-hyuk’s words, Keir’s face began to turn white.

“Wait a minute. Ka, the Castilian Territory? yes… Then your father… blood… Blood Count?”

“The Count of Blood… It’s clearing paper. what do i do later Little Count?”

“word… Nonsense… .”

As if denying reality, Keir kept shaking his head.

He seemed to be very shocked, so he added.

“You seem to be afraid of losing money, but you can pay it back. Do not worry too much. Because I don’t eat it anywhere.”

“that… that is… .”

“Oh, you are very worried. I will take care of you.”

Han Si-hyuk frowned as if I was a villain.

It’s not about being tough, it’s not a day or two, isn’t it time to do that?

I looked back at Keir, who was tired of looking good, and grinned.

Whatever the reason for the fight, touching the count’s child was suicidal.

Even more so if the opponent was the Blood Count, who was nothing more than a successor to the founding of the Ardel Empire.

There is only one thing Keir can do in this situation.

Keir knelt on the floor.

Then he immediately hit his head.

“Well, I was wrong!”

The human who tried to win over two young children with such a gloomy gaze collapses too easily.

For this moment, he had completely thrown away his pride.

“neck… Please save my life. Wrong! Wrong!”

The yangban who had been triumphantly scratching the back of Natalie’s head a while ago now comes and starts to pray.

I can’t help but feel disgusted. It was an apology that would not have been accepted if it had not been for the nobles in the first place.

Without realizing it, I frowned and turned my head.

“The apology should be here.”

A face that was cold, not like Natalie.

It was obvious that he was thinking the same thing.

“crime… sorry!”

Natalie, who has a bad personality, can’t say anything when she sees that, but when she sees Keir shaking her head, her feelings must have been mixed.

I spit out a brief sentiment on Natalie’s behalf.

“It’s hard to feel bad after receiving an apology.”

“that… that is… .”

At my words, Keir’s face turned white again.

Where did his hoarse throat go, and his terrified voice stuttered.

“please… please… fat… Help me.”

I was not satisfied, so he seemed to think that I was a dead life.

Indeed it is.

If it’s Tae-soo Han, it would be enough to push this factory away.

Perhaps if I had seen this scene right now, I would have killed the author right away.

Even the other counts would be no different.

To have a strong position that cannot be surpassed was created by looking at the countless blood.

Everyone knows it unless you’re a kid.

To put it bluntly, I didn’t mean to.

If you kill each one of them one by one because of an argument, will there be any humans who will survive?

I spoke calmly towards Han Si-hyuk.

“Take it legally.”

“How many bottles of living water have you smashed?”

“Three barrels… Is it your barrel?”

“Whew… I will pay for it.”

Han Si-hyuk took out four gold coins from his pocket.

The accident was caused by the son of a nobleman, and the investigator pays compensation.

Even though he was terrified, Keir looked into his eyes and asked if he didn’t understand the situation.

“But… Why did the investigator pay compensation? ?”

“My brother had an accident, so it’s okay. have to pay You can’t just throw away all the big things.”

“brother… Brother?”


Natalie and Keir looked both about to faint at the same time.

Han Si-hyuk, who casually threw a bomb-like word, handed four gold coins to Keir and continued.

Keir trembled and accepted it.

“Then let me continue with the procedure.”


“Misappropriation, misappropriation and unpaid wages. Do you admit to all of the above?”

Having solved one case, we move on to the next.

Keir’s face, who had begun to come back to life, darkened as if he didn’t know that he was going to pull out this case.

“that… That is… .”

“In the past three years, 23 cases of fraudulent employment, the amount of embezzlement of 1,000 gold. They stole a lot of money, and it seems that the victims aren’t the only ones. According to the new Ardel Empire law, the fine is three times the amount of embezzlement.”

“Three, three times?”

“The case of fraudulent employment is imprisonment. And if you don’t prepare 3,000 gold within the next month, the factory will be confiscated.”

“sleep… Wait!”

Thousand gold is about 500 million Korean won, so it’s true that I ate a lot.

If the fine was 1.5 billion won, it seemed like he was really determined and hit him.

Han Si-hyuk looked down at the four gold coins in Keir’s hand and grinned.

“It could be your entire fortune, so take good care of it.”

“number… Detective! Detective!”

work is over

Han Si-hyuk gave him a wink as if to leave.

Up to a fine of 3,000 gold and fraudulent employment. Even if it was a warning from the Empire to usurp its monopoly, the damage would be enormous. You don’t have to sympathize with it.

It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t touched the law by being greedy.


Investigators do what the Empire tells them to do, and the person responsible for the crime bears the cost.

“Let’s go.”

Natalie was stunned by the sheer amount of fines, and I grabbed her and set off.

The moment I was about to leave the office where the heavy air fell.


I remembered one thing I had forgotten.


“yes… yes?”

I turned and stood in front of the bewildered Keir.

Keir’s mental cord, which had already been tattered by the successive attacks of me and Han Si-hyuk, looked dangerous as if it would break at any moment.

I almost died, and now I am in danger of having my entire fortune stolen.

It is in danger of being robbed, but not yet robbed.

“1 silver.”


I proudly held out my palms.

“I want one silver.”

You should get a paycheck

* * *

“At the same time… I had to take care of it.”

Han Si-hyuk frowned as he saw me rolling the silver coins.

“If you haven’t rolled the bottle of water, be quiet. Because I thought I was going to cut my back.”


“I don’t know because I spin the pen in front of my desk.”


Belated muscle pain came.

“I didn’t know either.”


If I had known that I was going to be a high school student like this, I wouldn’t have gone down.

In the end, I managed to send it all away, but my bones were screaming.

If it’s like this today, I think I’ll die tomorrow.


help me.

I closed both eyes tightly.

In the meantime, Han Si-hyuk’s nagging continued.

“Does a guy who rolls his head beat someone?”

“I’m sure I have a good head, and I can beat people well.”

“… .”

“You seem to be a convergent talent.”

Han Si-hyuk sticks out his tongue as if he’s stunned. If it had been me, I would have responded once more, but it is Han Si-hyuk who closes his mouth as if he realized that he could no longer win over me through several experiences.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, things worked out, right?”

Han Si-hyuk took several months to collect data for this investigation.

Suspicion of fraudulent employment and embezzlement. There were two major punishments, and even with full preparation, a considerable amount of backlash was expected.

Of course, magic investigators do not use force to subdue the factory.

So, it was obvious that he would have grabbed Han Si-hyuk and hung on to try to solve it in a good way.

However, today was different.

Han Si-hyuk’s calculations were bluntly in the way he put the Blood Count in his mouth.

Amidst the fear of death, he goes through the investigation process and puts a wedge.

Didn’t he admit to all the crimes without even having time to say no?

Thank you it went smoothly.

Han Si-hyuk raised his eyebrows as if uncomfortable.

However, he soon had to admit it.

“It’s not wrong.”


“Anyway, that’s… .”

I didn’t know it when I was confined to the Ministry of Magic’s lab and was only writing papers that I would eat on a fictional day, but looking at it this way, I feel like an investigator.

I looked through the files piled up next to Han Si-hyuk and found the thickest paperwork.

Catablam Unsolved Incident.

“What is that?”

Han Si-hyuk put the file folder in with a bewildered face.

“You don’t have to know.”

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