Chapter 311: Purse-like Pack

Translator: LiamHW

Saint Son? What was that? Was it related to that Saint Clan or what? And Cailang? It sounded like that was not an ordinary person at all, or otherwise he wouldn’t be the only one who was able to acquire the precious deer antlers.

Yuan Wenxuan turned his head to look at Wu Dahu, who nodded to him and led him to turn around and leave.

As he was about to leave the house, Wu Dahu paused and, without turning back, asked directly, “Do you have the approximate directions to where the two of them live?”

The shopkeeper just thought that they would never be that clingy again on this question, so when he was heaving a sigh of great relief and suddenly hearing this question, he almost choked himself on his own saliva.

“Ahem, hmm, I’m not that sure either, but I roughly know that one of them is in the south while the another in the north, maybe you could ask the passer-by when you walk out…”

Wu Dahu nodded and surprisingly really didn’t pursue the matter any further, lifting the curtain and leading the rest of his family members out of the medicine mansion.

The doctors outside swarmed in and shouted in terror when they saw the small appendix left in the plate by Yuan Wenxuan on the table.

The shopkeeper felt rather annoyed and irritated when those men were shouting out of nothing, and then he roared sternly with a gloomy face, “What are you doing? Get vanished here and do your stuff! Hey you, go make some porridge for me, I am kind of exhausted after that big project.”

Although the men nodded in response, they couldn’t help but glance at the shopkeeper’s abdomen, where the bloody slit was not forged at all. At the thought of the little boy’s operating on the shopkeeper’s abdomen and cutting it open, all these men couldn’t help but shiver at the same time.

After Wu Dahu walked to the street with the rest, he said in a low voice while they were walking, “You guys wait for me on the road, I’ll go ask Hunter Cailang about the situation first, after all, as a fellow hunter, I know how to communicate with such a guy, as for that Saint Son, you guys can pry a bit more about him when you have nothing to do on the way.”

Although he hadn’t hunted for a long time, such inborn intrinsic stuffs had long existed in his blood, he was born hunter, and if he was right, so was the so-called Cailang.

Naturally, the three of them had no problem with it, and as for Little Shitou, it was useless even if he had an opinion, as Wu Dahu simply ignored his shouting.

Wu Dahu raised his head and looked into the sky, and then headed southwards directly without hesitation.

He indeed had a intense intuition that Cailang’s dwelling was right somewhere at this direction.

When he finally walked out of the Xingyue City, he surprisingly discovered a small and compact shack-cluster village not far away.

Strings of smoke floated in the air upon the roof of every single shack and evaporated. It seemed that even though it was a small village, the ambience there was quite harmonious and tranquil.

Wu Dahu did not come up directly and ask the villagers abruptly, but instead, he travelled from the very front gate to the final end of the village. And just as he caught a glimpse of a isolated but outstanding residence, he paused for a moment, and then walked towards there without hesitation.

This was not out of his intuition, but because there were several fierce beast skins hanging in that courtyard, which could not be done by ordinary people except the best hunters.

Walking over, he flexed his fingers and knocked on the door, saying in a deep voice, “Cailang, open the door, here’s a deal.”

It was deadly quiet inside, quiet enough as if this was not a dwelling that someone lived in but a ghost-haunting house.

But Wu Dahu was quite patient enough, it did not bother him that much to wait outside the residence until there was a gush of slight footsteps could be heard inside. As the man inside was getting closer to the gate, Wu Dahu’s seriousness on face was growing deeper.

The martial skills level of the one inside should be only higher than his. That was for sure.

When the courtyard door was opened, a man even shorter than Wu Dahu in height peered out with his head stuck in the door gap. As he spoke, pungent smell of alcohol permeated in the air.

“What deal is that?”

Wu Dahu handed over an ingot. Seeing the man’s eyes shining brightly, he slowly said, “I want to know that where you get the fine deer antlers from? And, who did you sell?”

Upon hearing the word “antler”, Cailang suddenly withdrew his expression of disinterest, looked Wu Dahu up and down suspiciously, and whispered, “Are you here to snatch the business out of my hands or what?”

Without waiting for Wu Dahu to speak, he suddenly took that ingot and struck it towards Wu Dahu’s knee.

Wu Dahu just dodged the sudden attack, but then came the rain of punches. Cailang attacked him like a madman with deadly strokes, he was much more fierce as if he was not going to give Wu Dahu a chance to catch his breath.

To Cailang’s surprise, although Wu Dahu was struggling to defend himself, there was no expression of exasperation on his face at all, and when he looked closely, he even found that Wu Dahu was seemingly smiling as there was a trace of laughing hidden in his eyes.

Wu Dahu was not out of his mind at all. Instead, he indeed found it was just a funny scene for himself.

Cailang was, however in the eyes of Wu Dahu, just like a stubborn kid who clung his candies, and who would start to bawl and cry messing up everything as soon as he found the other kids post a threat to him. He was actually behaving childishly like he was about to get all the threats vanished by doing so.

The two of them fought for a while, and when Cailang noticed that Wu Dahu suddenly developed an inexplicable strength every time he was about to be knocked down, he jumped back and frowned, “No more fight, no more right. What a queer guy you are, tsk, just like a cockroach though.”

Wu Dahu was stunned at that moment, and then he delivered a smug smile after he realizing that Cailang was actually implying that he was hard to defeat, and then he replied directly, “One of my team members got in stupor and was taken away by someone we don’t know, and we found that the ingredients contain the fine deer antlers.”

He did not need to make his statement that exhaustive at all because Cailang definitely knew what he was going to say in the latter part of his meaning.

Sure enough, Cailang squinted his eyes slowly after hearing Wu Dahu’s question, moved his wrist and answered in a deep voice, “I did not do anything at all because I am not an expert at dispensing medicine. As for the clues, sorry but I can’t offer you with any of it because I am only a supplier for the medicine mansion but not for personal needs.”

Wu Dahu nodded and he did not show any disappointment on his face at all. Instead of complaining everything, he replied in gratitude, “Thanks anyway, and this is a clue already. Since you’re not the one who gets involved in this matter, then the Saint Son Muye should be the one.”

“Saint Son Muye?”

To his surprise, Cailang repeated the name in quite an odd tone.

Wu Dahu paused and asked hesitatingly, “Do you guys know each other? Where is he now?”

Cailang scratched his chin awkwardly, seemingly he was stuck between a rock and a hard place right away. It was not until after a while did he finally answered with both of his hands unfolded, “If he is really the one who has done this stuff, I would suggest you to give it up investigating. No one is able to snatch anything from his hands, including the man.”

What Cailang said indeed exposed more information, which got Wu Dahu inspired all of a sudden. He knew that he was getting closer to the truth, so he asked again in a deep voice, “Tell me what you got, and we can negotiate about the price of that.”

Cailang dithered again as Wu Dahu took out another ingot from his pocket, but eventually he did not take it at all. Instead of being hyper excited to the coin like he did at any situation as a money grubber, he shrugged a bit and then replied in a sympathetic tone, “Well, it is kind of an awkward situation when it comes to this topic, in short, what I can tell you is that he isn’t a guy who loves to be provoked at all. As for the one who had been taken away, I feel much sorry for that but you shouldn’t bother yourself to rescue him. Just pray and hope that Muye would release him one day if he is tired of that man.”

After saying that, he did not look at the expression on Wu Dahu’s face and went straight into the room, closing the door behind him.

Wu Dahu stood there thinking for a while, and then he stuffed the ingot in his hand into his pocket silently.

He got two news right now, a good one and a bad one. Well, that wasn’t the worst anyway.

Having thought this through, he turned around, intending to change his direction northwards.

Before he could take a step, something in the shape of a purse fell out of the air into his arms while Cailang’s voice was heard inside the courtyard. Seemingly the man was showing his pity for everything.

“Since you insist on going to rescue, take this with you and don’t tell anyone that it was me who gave you this!”

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