Chapter 274: Forced To Drink

Translator: LiamHW

Song Qinghan shook his head, and then answered in a trance, “Is Xiaoyan taking revenge for us?”

He did not, in any case, believe that Xiaoyan would betray them. After all, if XIaoyan did really get an intention to get them trapped, he didn’t even need to mess everything up like that but fabricated a perjury and accused them of leaking military secrets. At that time they wouldn’t have any chance to defend themselves.

So… What was the reason for him to do so then?

Wu Dahu glanced at him and said thoughtfully, “Probably we have missed some hidden details behind the affair itself.”

Song Qinghan was dumbfounded. But just as he was about to ask further about what details they had missed, he could feel a touch of tenderness on his waist while Wu Dahu’s voice was heard behind him.

“Time to sleep. It’s about time for us to greet Xiaoyan tomorrow.”

The next moment everything in Song Qinghan’s sight started to whirl. And it was not until he came back to his sense did he find himself lay on his back flatly in bed. Wu Dahu was right aside him with a face of no expression, yet it was somewhat kind of cute.

True! Wu Dahu was kind of cute right now as they were looking at each other face to face. For some reasons, at the moment when the word ‘cuteness’ popped up in Song Qinghan’s mind, he directly reached out to pinch Wu Dahu’s cheeks.

Wu Dahu was never a skinny man with a thin figure at all, yet there was no extra fat on his body. So in comparison to the touch of Little Shitou who possessed a smooth and chubby body, Wu Dahu’s cheeks were more elastic.

At the thought of that, Song Qinghan couldn’t help pinch Wu Dahu’s cheeks again, not knowing that on the contrary Wu Dahu had got his eyes darkened.

“Have you done pinching?”

Song Qinghan was startled and immediately reacted. At the sight of Wu Dahu who was showing his wolf like eyes with an invisible green light within, he quickly retracted his hands and answered diffidently, “Al… Almost…”

At the moment Song Qinghan finished his talking, Wu Dahu suddenly leaned forward. And he came to smile as he noticed that Song Qinghan was opening his eyes wide just like a frightened bunny, and then he reached out to wipe gently at the corner of Song Qinghan’s lips, saying calmly, “You got something around here.”

Song Qinghan could clearly feel that his heart was beating faster and faster. So in order to force himself calm down quick, he chose to close his eyes and took a real deep breath.

They had been married for so long, and now they were welcoming their upcoming second child, so where was the embarrassment coming from actually? However, he had to admit that Wu Dahu seemed to have been such a honey jar himself, with bunch of routines in his mind which no one knew where he learned from…

Sleepless night for Song Qinghan! Tossing and turning in bed, he failed to fall asleep even though he had tried his best to do so, while wild and crazy thoughts were flying in his mind, torturing him to stay alive in reality. Well, even he himself did not exactly know what kind of things were right now bothering him.

Just as he was struggling to sleep, a warm and big palm suddenly showed up around his waist, and then he was pulled into a warm embrace.

The natural smell that Wu Dahu’s body possessed soothed Song Qinghan at once, and he felt himself was growing smaller and smaller in the warm embrace of Wu Dahu.

He hugged Wu Dahu with his backhand and murmured softly, “When will you regain your memory ……”

It wasn’t that Wu Dahu losing his memory was a curse, but he always felt that something was missing, just like eating instant noodles without the seasoning packet in his previous life.

Wu Dahu patted Song Qinghan gently on his back, and put his gaze on the gauze tent and slowly uttered, “What if it is impossible for me to regain my memories?”

Well, it was indeed a question he had asked himself for like thousand times recently, what if he really failed to remember everything happened in the past?

However, he now found the answer was quite simple. If it wasn’t possible for him to regain his memories, he would definitely follow the lead of Song Qinghan, and listen to him no matter what decision he had to make, go anywhere Song Qinghan asked to head to.

In any case, Song Qinghan was the person he trusted the most in the world.

Song Qinghan sank into a long hesitation after Wu Dahu’s question, meanwhile every possibility was flashing in his current mind. After a meticulous consideration, he found that there would be no regret at all for him if everything was going to happen in that way. He would, no matter what, spend the rest of his life with Wu Dahu in the upcoming future. In this case, whether he regained his memories or not really mattered? What truly mattered was that they would create their future from now on!

“If you can’t regain your memories, well, just leave it.”

Song Qinghan answered. Tepid breath spread on Wu Dahu’s nose, and his pupils shrank abruptly at the moment he could sense the feeling of tenderness falling on his lips, seemingly he was in a great disbelief.

Yet, soon the disbelief dissipated and he suddenly turned Song Qinghan to the other side holding his waist, while saying bossily, “Seems like something can be done after three month pregnancy…”

Song Qinghan got blushed all of a sudden, not knowing why he would make that action so naturally.

However, it seemed that the arrow loaded on the crossbow had already flown off the string, and there was no way to withdraw. On the other hand, being a real man with manhood, he shouldn’t be bashful facing such a matter.

After that, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and then answered provocatively, “Sure, so what’s your thought about that?…”

He wanted to say something more in a teasing tone but the next moment his lips were sealed by a familiar touch.

The room was full of charm and infatuation, the excess energy was completely released by the two of them, tinting the air with a touch of love.

After they finally finished the love-making stuff, Song Qinghan paralyzed in bed. He was exhausted enough that even moving one of his finger would destroy everything in him. While in a daze, he could vaguely feel that it was Wu Dahu who assisted to wipe his body, after that, he remembered nothing but drifted off to sleep.

The next morning when Song Qinghan woke up, he was quite surprised because when he stretched his arms to probe on the other side of the bed, he touched the tepid body of Wu Dahu instead of nothing of coldness.

Wu Dahu grabbed Song Qinghan’s hand and placed it on his chest, and he looked into Song Qinghan’s eyes with the pair of loving eyes, “You awoke? Do you want to sleep more?”

Song Qinghan delivered a smile as he was enjoying hearing Wu Dahu’s heartbeat rhythm, and he shook his head, buried his head deeper into Wu Dahu’s chest lovingly and caressed Wu Dahu’s chin with his head, “Only piggies sleep that long, it’s time for us to find the truth now, get up.”

Wu Dahu smiled at the same time as a response when he looked at Song Qinghan indulgently, and then reached out to hug him up, assisted to get his cloth and shoes on, and then uttered in a slow manner, “Sleeping is important for us too, isn’t it? And sleeping longer will never bring serious trouble anyway, your health matters.”

Song Qinghan silently felt this warmth and the sweetness in his heart. Just as he was about to say something else, some unexpected noises were heard outside of the tent.

Wu Dahu frowned, and then walked out quickly. And then he walked in again with two bowls of hogwash-like liquid food in hands.

However, to the duo’s surprise, those two hefty men entered the tent following Wu Dahu in behind. With hands folded on the back, one among the vicious men came to utter holding his head high, “Come and eat this delicacy, it’s Lord Xiaoyan’s order wanting us to watch you two finish eating them. Don’t waste our time!”

Song Qinghan frowned and said calmly, “Thanks for your escorting, lords. But we are never used to having our meal when there are outsiders around with us, would you please give us some minutes alone, and we will definitely eat them all.”

These two hefty men sneered at the same time after Song Qinghan’s statement, and then the one who spoke uttered again in a menacing tone, “Don’t talk any further nonsense and eat them all, NOW!”

Wu Dahu glanced at Song Qinghan and picked up one of the bowls, “I’ll eat first. You probably might not have an appetite now since you just got up minutes ago, take a breath first.”

After that, he raised his head, and poured all the hogwash-like liquid food into his mouth and drank them all without leaving a drop.

The taste was not as bad as he imagined. Although it looked turbid, it was no different from boiling water. After Wu Dahu finished drinking one bowl of the food, he still had some unfinished intentions and poured another bowl of food into his stomach.

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