“Anywhere you want to go?”

“A lot. So many!”

Lee Jang-woo replied with a smile.

This is the moment when you need a change of mood.

CEO Cha Jong-moon and architect Shin Sang-won also prepared to go out.

“Would you really like to come with us?”

“Even when you are resting, you should rest comfortably. Deok-myeong and Jang-woo, rest in peace.”

They headed for a beach boasting an emerald-colored sea on a golden white sandy beach.

The place we chose is the Dubai Aquarium.

Jangwoo Lee wanted to see the aquarium. I was also curious about the largest aquarium in the Arab world.

The Dubai Aquarium was inside a shopping mall.

It is a large shopping mall boasting 100 million visitors a year.

Upon entering the shopping mall, I was amazed at the sheer size of it.

“There is a taxi in the mall!”

Lee Jang-woo looked at the taxi with surprised eyes. The electric cart used at the golf course was being used as a taxi.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Most of the taxi users looked like rich Arabs.

Women and children in full-body veils traveled by taxi.

“There is an aquarium!!”

Jang-Woo Lee raised his hand and pointed to the aquarium.

An aquarium appeared in front of you, where you can see the inside brightly.

The Dubai Aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world. More than 33,000 species of fish can be seen in 10 million liters of water.


Lee Jang-woo burst into admiration as he looked at the transparent aquarium.

It produced a beautiful scene like the best aquarium in Arab.

I was thinking of water for cultivation while looking at the aquarium.

The aquarium is filled with seawater from the Persian Gulf.

It was also the water that Dubai people drink. Seawater is used as drinking water after desalination.

It’s the same way you get drinking water in Antarctica. Even when growing crops here, desalinated water had to be used.

“What do you think?”

Lee Jang-woo looked at me and asked.

“I was thinking of our facility.”

“Stop thinking about work for a moment. You should take a day off.”

“I can’t stop thinking about work in my head.”

“In that case, there is a better way.”

“A good way?”

“Follow me.”

Lee Jang-woo said with a triumphant face. He left the mall and took a taxi.

“Where are you going?”

“I know when I go.”

He followed him to a Chinese restaurant.

“Because it’s Korean, it will melt in your mouth.”

“Korean food?”

Really, people were eating Jjajangmyeon. As he said, it is a Korean-style Chinese restaurant.

“Eating something delicious will allow you to stop thinking about work for a while.”

Lee Jang-woo said with a smile.

When I was working in the office, I almost always ate fast food.

Sometimes I ate unidentified food.

I couldn’t even imagine that it was a Korean Chinese restaurant in Dubai.

“How do you know?”

“I did some searching.”

Then a female employee in a red uniform appeared.

I’m not Korean. His nationality is unknown, but he seemed to be from Southeast Asia.

“Would you like to order?”

she asked with a friendly face. What is surprising is her Korean skills.

It was as natural as a Korean.

Lee Jang-woo asked me.

“Jjajang, Jjamppong?”

“I’m Jjamppong.”

“Our CEO eats Jjamppong in Dubai.”

“Are you going to eat Jajangmyeon?”

“Of course it’s jjajang!”

Jang-woo Lee closed the menu and told the waiter.

“Jjajangmyeon, jjambbong, and cutpunggi, please.”

“yes. Please wait.”

He called the employee who turned around again.

“excuse me!”

“Would you like to order more?”

“Do you offer dumpling service?”

“We only deliver what you order, but… … ?”

“Then I’ll order some dumplings as well.”

I burst out laughing when I saw that scene.

“Why are you laughing?”

“It’s funny to ask for dumplings as a service in Dubai.”

“I am a little sad. Traditionally, dumplings taste better when served as a service.”

The food we ordered came out soon after.

The jjajangmyeon and jjamppong were quite reasonable. It was almost the same as what we ate in Korea.

Lee Jang-woo inhaled a storm of jajangmyeon.

“Eat slowly. Then I will pretend.”

“I missed this taste.”

He had a happy expression on his face.

I ate a full meal until I was full of fried dumplings.

It is a feeling of fullness that I have not felt in a long time.

As Lee Jang-woo said, the thought of work disappeared for a moment.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mint tea was served for dessert.

“I think I will live now. How about you, didn’t you even think about work while eating?”

“You were right.”

“Look. I am right.”

I drank mint tea and looked out the window.

“Dubai seems to be doing as much construction as in Korea.”

Lee Jang-woo looked outside and said.

Construction is going on everywhere. It can be said that it is a construction heaven. Dubai continued to expand the city.

This is being done under the leadership of the Dubai royal family.

I paid attention to the people working on the construction site.

There were few locals. All are foreign workers. Most of them are from Southeast Asia, including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Dubai has more foreign workers than locals. More than half of the population are foreigners.

Dubai is shining with their workforce. Foreign workers are the shadow of Dubai.

There was a time when Koreans, like them, worked in the Middle East.

Things are different now.

Because Jirisan farmers will decorate a page in Dubai’s history.

I will make green shoots bloom on this barren land.

* * *

It is the morning of the promised day with Mohammad.

I called him.

“The work was done as promised.”

“I’m really curious what the design came out of! Hazard will go to the hotel just like that time.”

A Rolls Royce arrived in front of the hotel.

Hazard smiled and greeted us.

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On the way to the royal palace, he witnessed the miracle of the Red Sea again.

Even the police are avoiding us.

Because of the royal license plate.

The first time I thought it was just a miracle, but the second time I experienced something like this, I could feel the power of the royal family through my skin.

Unlike the first time, Mohammad greeted us in hunting clothes.

He seemed to be in a hurry today.

I asked about the results of my work.

“It’s a rain wall. Your imagination is amazing!”

He was very pleased with the design.

“Now only my father is left.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad got up and said.

He looked like he was going out.

Hazard was also getting ready to go out.

“Come with me.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to the hunting ground.”

“A hunting ground?”

“I will go to the place I promised my father.”

“Are you talking with your father there?”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad nodded his head.

It was questionable that it was not a royal palace.

“Actually, this is the method I chose on purpose.”

“Did you choose it on purpose?”

“Your father likes falconry the most.”

It was like a strategy he had devised.

I got into the car with Mohammad.

He took the steering wheel himself.

The rest of the party followed us.

A four-wheel drive car drove through the desert.

Climbing up and down the sand dunes feels like riding on an amusement park ride.

We moved to the depths of the desert.

A hawk was seen flying in the distance.

It is spectacular to see them spread their wings and fly.

Colorfully decorated tents appeared.

We entered the hunting grounds through the soldiers standing on the border.

I went with Mohammad into the most ornate tent.

In it was the king of Dubai, Ismail Salah.


The king of Dubai looked at me with his eyes wide open.

Ismail Salah is a big guy. It is in contrast to Mohammad, who has a medium stature and slim body.

His large size and long beard are impressive. The appearance is reminiscent of the Arab warriors of the past.

There were men guarding him in the tent. He was like an escort guarding the king. They looked at the party with me with bitter eyes.

I politely greeted the king of Dubai Ismail Salah.

“That’s what Mohammad said.”

Ismail Salah boasted fluent English. Like Mohammad, he had the experience of studying abroad.

he reached out to me

“My name is Kim Deok-myung.”

“I heard from Mohammad. He’s an expert in hydroponics.”

Then Mohammed intervened.

“Father, the design of the planting facility is complete. You will be satisfied.”

“Let’s talk about work after the falconry is over.”

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad made a smirk. The prince of Dubai is but a child before the king.

Ismail put on thick leather gloves and approached the hawk.

There were two hawks. It looked quite dignified with its brown wings and white feathers scattered here and there.

Both were blindfolded.

Ismail beckoned to me.

“Do you know about hawks, Mr. Deok-myeong?”

“It’s just common sense.”

“Do you know the reason why the hawk’s eyes are covered?”

“It seems to be trying to stabilize the hawk.”

“The hawk is a very visually sensitive animal. When there are a lot of people, it can be insecure. If you cover your eyes like this, you become calm.”

Ismail said, stroking the hawk’s head.

The hawk wept with a thin, slitting sound.

“Dubai has a long history of falconry. This is the way we hunted when there were no swords and spears. I used a hawk trained from a young age. These guys have been trained for a long time.”

Ismail placed the hawk on her gloved wrist.

The hawk flopped and took a seat.

Contrary to his cute appearance, his sharp claws stood out.

I looked carefully at the claws and he opened his mouth.

“The hawk’s paws have a very strong grip. As soon as the prey touches the feet, the claws dig into the skin. It hunts at such a speed that the prey is not even able to react.”

The hawk, along with the eagle, is one of the kings of birds.

It boasts the fastest speed among raptors.

It is said that when it dives to catch prey, it reaches a speed of close to 390 km. Its incredible speed and strong claws are the hawk’s deadly weapons.

“You go falcon hunting with me.”

He said as he handed me a leather glove.

The people who came with me were looking at me with nervous eyes.

It is an offer that cannot be refused.

I received the leather gloves from the king of Dubai.

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One of the two hawks landed on my wrist.

Ismail gave me a hawk with white feathers on its chest.

“It’s called falconry, but you can think of it as a kind of sporting event. It’s not a real hunt, so you don’t have to be too nervous.”

I was relieved of tension by saying that it wasn’t hunting.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad told me about the rules of the game.

“There will be people waving flags from 400 meters away. The falcon that crosses the finish line in the shortest time wins. Records are checked directly via the radar device. When the hawk returns, the game is over.”

When Mohammad finished his explanation, Ismail spoke as if he had been waiting.

“Now let’s go out.”

The king of Dubai seemed more interested in falconry than in hydroponics.

I raised my wrist and cautiously stepped out.

I saw a man holding a flag in the middle of the desert.

When Ismail gave the signal, the man waved the flag.

“When the clock reads zero, you take off your blindfold.”

Ismail said with an expressionless face.

A number appeared on the billboard.

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