to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad took a bite of the dried persimmon.

“It tastes better than dates!”

He had a bright face like a child.

* * *

We left the palace and headed to the hotel.

Hazard passed away and only the party was left.

I told CEO Cha Jong-moon.

“Can I have a meeting for a moment?”

“I was waiting for that word.”

“Let’s go to the hotel together.”

The room we are staying in is a suite with a living room. There was also a meeting space for four people.

The mini bar in the room was also quite nice.

Lee Jang-woo said as he opened the refrigerator.

“CEO, can I use the mini-bar?”


Lee Jang-woo took out a can of beer from the mini-bar.

Beer was a consideration for foreign guests.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Many other Arab countries do not drink alcohol according to the law. Many countries have even banned the sale.

Unlike other Arab countries, Dubai has stores that sell alcohol.

It is their own strategy to attract businessmen and tourists.

Jang-Woo Lee gave people a cold can of beer.

“Are you talking while having a drink?”

“I was still thirsty and scolded.”

Cha Jong-moon grabbed the can of beer with a happy face.

Shin Sang-won also held a can of beer and smiled.

“I wish you success and make a toast.”

Cha Jong-moon grabbed a can of beer and shouted.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, the beer in Dubai tasted particularly good.

Things that happened in the royal palace came out as snacks.

The praise did not dry out from Cha Jong-moon’s mouth.

“I was surprised to see Kim Deok-myeong dealing with Mohammad. I think I had some concerns.”

“I just put the tips the CEO gave me to good use.”

After a light conversation, we started talking about work in earnest.

Unlike Cha Jong-moon, architect Sang-won Shin was quietly drinking beer.

Cha Jong-moon said to him.

“Why don’t you try architectural design here?”

“Because I never thought I would design in Dubai.”

Through the horn-rimmed glasses, I could read the troubled eyes.

“It might be better to design locally.”

Cha Jong-moon persuaded Shin Sang-won like a child.

Shin Sang-won is his friend and famous architect. Builders and architects do not have a master-slave relationship. It is a mutually symbiotic relationship.

That is why CEO Cha Jong-moon is eager to persuade him.

The active cooperation of Architect Sangwon Shin was required.

I put the beer can on the floor and said to Shin Sang-won.

“How about looking at this from a different perspective?”

“A different point of view?”

Shin Sang-won raised the horn-rimmed glasses and asked.

“It’s about making art. It is a work that cannot be found anywhere in the world.”

“It’s a work of art, not a cultivation facility?”

Shin Sang-won’s eyes widened at the word “work”.

“There are no ordinary buildings in Dubai. Because of the ambition of the king of Dubai. He wants to make Dubai the best tourist city in the world. You’ll also have to turn your hydroponic plant into a work of art. If it is a plain design, maybe this project will end in vain.”

At the last words, Cha Jong-moon drank the remaining beer at once.

It means he agrees.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad entrusted the cultivation facilities to the Jirisan farmers. Because vertical cultivation technology is unique to us.

The problem is appearance.

Satisfy the demanding king of Dubai.

The King of Dubai is a mountain that even Prince Mohammad cannot easily climb.

“Then let’s try it.”

Shin Sang-won said with his eyes twinkling. It is a face of determination.

Cha Jong-moon hugged Shin Sang-won and smiled.

* * *

The next day, he delivered the good news to Mohammad.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad’s voice was bright. He told me to ask for anything we needed.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Now I only have office space and that was enough.

“If there is an office space, we will cooperate. How long are you thinking about?”

“I expect about a week.”

It wasn’t a detailed design, so it didn’t take long.

What we have to do here is to come up with the characteristics and concept of the building.

A 7-star hotel built on the sea started work after showing the design of the sail to the king.

That’s how important the idea was.

Shin Sang-won was well aware of that. He took a shorter time to design.

He said that the shorter the time limit, the more creative ideas come out.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

Mohammad provided us with office space downtown.

Shin Sang-won told me and Lee Jang-woo before starting work.

“This work absolutely needs the help of Mr. Deok-myeong and Mr. Jang-woo.”

It is not just a job to extract a beautiful design.

Engineering aspects had to be considered.

From that day on, work began in earnest.

He explained in detail about the hydroponic cultivation facility to Shin Sang-won.

I passed on the overall aspect of hydroponics to him, and Jangwoo Lee was in charge of the engineering part.

Cha Jong-moon didn’t have time to help with the design. He had to look at a planting facility in Hadong while we focused on the facility we will build in Dubai.

Progress was communicated via video calls and emails.

The cultivation facility to be built in Hadong was being carried out under the responsibility of Han Gi-tak.

It has been three days since I came to Dubai. We were stuck in the office, stuck at work.

Shin Sang-won’s working style was unique.

His desk was always messy. The designed papers, memo papers, and pencils were laid out randomly.

When I was about to tidy up, he said with a surprised face.

“Just leave it alone. That’s what it’s all about.”

“I didn’t know it was organized.”

“It may seem confusing, but there is a pattern. I enjoy working with those patterns.”

There are rules in chaos.

Among the painters, there are those who create their own symbols in irregular patterns.

He seemed to be of that kind.

Shin Sang-won painted every day. At first, it was a painting made up of irregular lines like an abstract painting. As time went on, he began to show certain patterns.

Shin Sang-won’s sketch came out two days before the appointment time.

“It was roughly outlined.”

He published the drawings he designed.

At first glance, it is a plausible design.

In a way, the structure is similar to a warehouse-type store.

It is a two-story structure with high ceilings.

The most unique thing is that the outer wall is transparent glass.

From the outside, we could see the hydroponic cultivation facilities at a glance.

“Incredible. It’s not a hydroponic plant, it’s a work of art.”

Lee Jang-woo said with a look of admiration.

Cha Jong-moon folded his arms and kept quiet.

Shin Sang-won asked Cha Jong-moon.

“Why don’t you like it?”

“I think it looks a bit plain.”

Lee Jang-woo tilted his head. It is an expression that he cannot understand Cha Jong-moon’s words.

Cha Jong-moon is a well-established person in the construction industry. As far as the eye can see, it was not inferior to the architect.

“I would like to see the characteristics of the hydroponic cultivation facility come to life… … .”

At the words of Cha Jong-moon, Shin Sang-won touched his chin. It’s like a habit that comes out when he’s worried.

“I haven’t slept in a few days, so take a break today.”

Cha Jong-moon patted Shin Sang-won on the shoulder and said.

Shin Sang-won seemed to have no intention of resting.

That was then. I heard raindrops hitting the window.

Cha Jong-moon jumped up and shouted.

“It’s lucky rain.”

“Lucky rain?”

“It rarely rains in Dubai. That’s why rainy days are called lucky days.”

Cha Jong-moon looked out the window and said.

When I see the cool rain, I feel like my heart is pierced.

The moment I saw the rain, an image flashed through my mind like lightning.

This is a great idea to decorate the exterior of your growing facility.

An ingenious idea came to be admired not only by the king of Dubai, but also by the locals.

light and shadow

Rainy days are extremely rare in Dubai.

Seeing CEO Cha Jong-moon in the rain, it is possible to say that it is a lucky day.

In fact, it rains less than 5 times a year in Dubai. It deserves to be called a lucky day.

Seeing the rain came up with a brilliant idea to decorate the exterior of the growing plant.

It creates the appearance of rain falling on the exterior of the building.

it’s a rain wall

Just as water circulates in a hydroponic plant, it seemed like it could be made in a structure that circulates water down the outer wall.

It was able to show the characteristics of the hydroponic plant and at the same time show the image of rain.

For Dubai people, ‘rain’ is a symbol of good luck.

Just looking at the exterior of the building will make you feel better. It could even blow away the heat of Dubai.

I shouted Eureka to myself.

“I have a great idea!”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on me.

“What idea?”

“How about making a wall for rain?”

“Is it raining on the wall?”

Architect Shin Sang-won asked with his eyes wide open as if surprised.

“Water is dripping like rain from the transparent exterior wall!”

He said while drawing an imaginary image on the blackboard.

“Great idea! I think even the king of Dubai will fall for it!!”

Lee Jang-woo said with a bright face.

Architect Sangwon Shin said looking at the image I drew.

“Kim Duk-myung has good eyes.”

“Are you good eyes?”

“There is a saying that art is done with the eyes, not the hands. When I saw the rain falling outside the window and came up with this idea, it means that I have eyes to see.”

Shin Sang-won turned his head to Cha Jong-moon.

It was because only Cha Jong-moon kept his mouth shut.

He quietly opened his mouth.

“I also agree with architect Shin Sang-won. Deokmyung Kim’s ideas are novel and wonderful. If you create a scene where it rains on the exterior wall of a building as Kim Deok-myeong thinks, it will look like a huge piece of work, not a building. But there is something I am concerned about.”

CEO Cha Jong-moon’s face was stiff. It is the expression of finding a serious problem.

“What is the problem?”

“Your navel may be bigger than your tummy.”

“Are you talking about the cost?”

“Yes, it is a realistic limit.”

“Do you think Mohammad’s construction cost will not be enough?”

“The cost of the design by Architect Sangwon Shin alone is limited.”

We didn’t pay much attention to the exterior from the beginning. This is because the appearance was not very important in making the cultivation facility.

Things have changed in Dubai. Mohammad’s father and King of Dubai, Ismail Salah, had to be satisfied.

The cost of construction was considerable, even with the exception of the exterior walls that were raining.

“How much more will it cost me to put my ideas into practice?”

“I can’t just hit the calculator and tell you the price, but at least it’s going to cost me $20 million.”

A building that cost $50 million would cost another $20 million!

I could feel the concerns of the CEO of the construction company.

“Well… … . Do you remember what CEO Cha said to me?”

“What did I say?”

“Money is like sand to Dubai royalty.”

CEO Cha Jong-moon quietly nodded his head.

“I will meet the king of Dubai and convince him. Let me tell you the truth. Neither subtract nor add. Instead, I want to make it the best as far as design is concerned.”

read at

Only then did CEO Cha Jong-moon’s expression brighten.

he smiled and said

“Kim Duk-myung not only has good eyes, he also has a good mouth.”

Everyone burst into laughter at the words of CEO Cha Jong-moon.

* * *

The next day, Sangwon Shin finished the design work.

He showed the finished design to the public.

“It is a design that actively reflects the ideas of Mr. Kim Deok-myeong.”

Architect Sangwon Shin said with a humble attitude.

He perfectly embodied the image I envisioned in the architectural design.

He placed a rain structure on the facade of the building. It is a very large structure that is close to 60 meters tall. The reason not to install structures on the other side was to increase the usability of the building.

It was quite different from the initial design, which was made of glass on all sides.

Except for the rain structure, the other side was a design with a solar panel attached.

“The solar panel is an idea that Jangwoo Lee came up with. We suggested that we create energy using the intense sun in Dubai.”

At the words of architect Shin Sang-won, Lee Jang-woo smiled.

“This design would not have been possible without Kim Deok-myeong and Lee Jang-woo.”

He said with a satisfied expression on his face.

CEO Cha Jong-moon also liked it.

Then Lee Jang-woo looked at me and said.

“Is there still one day left?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Even after the design work is over, I have one more day to spare.”

He seemed to know what he meant.

We were locked in the office all week.

“Would you like to go out to get some wind?”

“I was waiting for that word to come out.”

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