A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 248 Refuse to cooperate

Oil is a good thing, but Charles knows very well that oil is not something he can play with. Those with small arms and legs are better off getting gadgets like air fryers.

Eleanor's expression became serious and she said in a deep voice: "Do you know the value of this information? If mining can provide one-tenth of the crude oil imported by the UK every year, I will pretend I have never heard of it."

She is very clear about the relationship between business and personal relationships. Based on the current relationship between the two of them, 50,000 to 60,000 pounds is no problem, but forget about things like the oil field, and she personally does not have the ability.

Charles said nonchalantly: "I know you are short of money. I will give you the address and you can exchange it for money. Then I will share some with you."

He takes it for granted that digging for oil is not that simple. There are many things to do starting from obtaining exploration rights, which cannot be solved by the Caotai team.

And why should people believe you? Do you have an exploration report?

Eleanor didn't understand Taipei, she had only heard of it, but she understood the capitalist's way of thinking, so she taught Charles a lesson.

Charles sighed: "Forget it, I will give this oil field to the Queen on her birthday."

"I won't be able to make a lot of money for a while. I will give Hogwarts 150,000 galleons recently."

Eleanor frowned and asked, "Where did you get so many Galleons?"

Charles replied naturally: "In exchange for pounds."

Eleanor frowned and thought for a while, then stood up and pulled him up: "Follow me."

The Room of Requirement was transformed into a modern living room, with sunshine outside and flowers blooming.

"No one will be eavesdropping here." Eleanor sat on the sofa, her expression looking serious.

She asked Charles: "Have you ever wondered where the Gringotts pounds end up?"

Charles had considered this issue before and said, "It should be about buying raw materials."

Based on his understanding of wizard society, he had never heard of anyone engaged in agricultural production. According to one of Gamp's basic transformation laws, ingredients cannot be kneaded with magic, so Hogwarts must have a stable source of food.

In addition to food, cloth and other daily necessities were probably traded with Muggles.

Eleanor suddenly said seriously, "I can tell you something. Over the years, the fifty thousand galleons I have exchanged for pounds with Gringotts every year have been special numbers."

Charles' eyes narrowed, and he immediately turned around and gave her a hug, and then said, "I'm going to start working hard for the ultimate wizard exam, and now I have to go back and review."

I was meowing. Although I knew that these capitalists had bad intentions, I didn't expect that they had set up such a big trap.

Is it so easy to get special numbered banknotes? The background of those people behind Eleanor is too deep and they must be related to the government. I can still hide as far as I can with my little arms and legs.

Before Charles had taken two steps, Eleanor stood up, stretched out her hand to hold him, and said, "I think we should have a good talk."

"I think these things are nothing to talk about." Charles said without turning around, shaking his head, "I'm just an ordinary person. I make some money casually in this life, then find a woman to get married and have children. After the children become independent, they can travel around the world. A travel anchor, after he could no longer walk, he lived a leisurely life sitting in front of the computer and playing at the beach every day. Then he died, and his ashes were put in a jar and launched to the moon."

"We are actually different people. You have ambitions and abilities. I just want to live a peaceful life."

"Of course, we can continue to be friends. I welcome you to come to me for dinner or play."

"If you need pounds urgently now, I can lend you tens of thousands."

From now on, he will be involved in the Muggle world. The current world situation is that the Cold War is about to continue. A certain country is trying to do business there. If it has anything to do with the British government, it will be detrimental to future development.

After all, what the British government knows, other countries also know.

Eleanor wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out.

Charles's meaning is very clear. If he talks more, he won't even be friends in the end.

Eleanor finally just said: "The goal now is to take economic power back from the goblin."

After she finished speaking, she let go of Charles' hand.

Charles didn't respond and just left quietly.

This kind of thing involving fundamental changes in society will inevitably go through a bloody storm. If you go to the old man, he might come back, and he might even persuade Grindelwald to join. Maybe Dumbledore will remain silent, and Voldemort will be even more willing to intervene. One leg.

Charles has no reason in principle to prevent such a thing, but he also won't get involved.

During the Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next day, Charles came to the classroom early to bask in the sun.

Bell sat next to him and giggled from time to time.

Charles couldn't stand this guy anymore and said, "You are a father now, so don't risk your life in Africa again."

"Professor Kettleburn is retiring this year, why don't you succeed him as Professor of Care of Magical Creatures?"

Bell said with a smile: "The principal will not agree. You will know what happened after class."

Charles' face turned dark when he saw a large pot on the podium and a large cylinder covered with cloth next to it.

"By the way." Bell suddenly started gossiping, "Did you break up with that girl last night?"

"I saw her drag you into the Room of Requirement, and you both looked bad when you came out not long after."

Charles had a dark look on his face and immediately said: "Nothing, she just asked me to borrow money."

Bell had a bad smile on his face. Who among the professors at Hogwarts didn't know that Eleanor had money? How could she ask Charles to borrow money.

Charles didn't explain either. Anyway, Bell wasn't the kind of big talker who talked nonsense.

Bell added: "I feel that your mental state is not very good. You will have to go to extracurricular study next week. You can't do it unless you cheer up."

This is the first large-scale extracurricular teaching activity at Hogwarts. At first it was just the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, but now it also includes the practice of other courses such as herbalism and herb collection.

If the students perform well this time and meet the teaching objectives, the course will be continued in the future.

Charles smiled, and when he saw other students coming, he said, "It's nothing, maybe it's because the weather has warmed up recently, and I'm a little sleepy."

Bell stood up from the grass, with a weird smile on his face, and said, "That's just right, the upcoming class content can cheer you up."

Charles asked tentatively: "Excuse me, can I take sick leave and go to the school doctor's office now?"

Bell smiled and replied: "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? The medicine I have here can cure you immediately."

Charles immediately shook his head.

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