A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 247 The train of thought is distorted

"Charles Smith likes married women?"

Voldemort frowned and looked at Lucius Malfoy and Barty Crouch Jr. from years ago.

"Charles Smith likes women with children?" Voldemort laughed out loud as he spoke, "Is this the only information you can get after Dumbledore disappeared for a week?"

Malfoy Sr. and Barty Sr. both lowered their heads and gritted their teeth, ready to receive the Cruciatus Curse.

They also knew that this matter was too outrageous, but Peter insisted that he could only find out so much, and they both beat him up and said so.

Voldemort did not punish them, but quietly thought about it.

This thing seems too weird. Dumbledore disappeared with a group of Gryffindor students for a week. It couldn't be just to help Charles fall in love. This must be to cover up some kind of truth.

Voldemort said to them: "Go and find out if Dumbledore has acted differently from usual recently."

Malfoy Sr. and Barty Sr. breathed a sigh of relief and immediately went to inquire.

Voldemort was surprised, and the two of them found out about it during dinner time.

"Hogwarts is going to make alchemy a permanent course?"

Old Malfoy's news came from the school board, and Barty Jr. controlled his father and got the same news from the Ministry of Magic.

Voldemort knew very well how weak the alchemy courses at Hogwarts were. He had studied in other countries during the years when he disappeared after graduation, otherwise the little things taught in the school would not be able to improve his body.

Barty Jr. added: "I found out that Dumbledore found a batch of teaching materials, which are said to be from Nico Flamel, and he also wants to hire professors from abroad."

Seeing that he had inquired about something he didn't know, Lao Ma immediately revealed his exclusive information: "There is news in Gringotts that Smith will prepare to give Dumbledore one hundred thousand galleons."

Voldemort took a few steps in the room, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he thought of something.

He asked his two men in a deep voice: "Have any of you heard of the Church of Necessary Evil?"

Lao Ma and Little Barty blinked, with question marks floating around their heads.

Voldemort said while pacing back and forth: "Nicolas Flamel gave the Philosopher's Stone to Dumbledore in the summer of 1991. If he wanted to give away his book, it should have been at that time, and it would not have been delayed until now."

"So these texts must have come from somewhere else and were comparable to Nicol Flamel's alchemy."

"I have heard about this 'Church of Necessary Evil' twice. The first time was from Charles that this organization was looking for 13,000 magic books, and the second time was from a man named Steve Rogers. I heard from people that the leader of this organization is Laura Stewart, all at Hogwarts."

"I suspect that Dumbledore might...well, no, let me think about it again."

After pacing around for five minutes, Voldemort said: "The people who disappeared with Dumbledore this time include people from the Potter family, the Longbottom family and the Weasley family, Seamus Finnigan and Hermione G. The two Rangers are outstanding among their peers, and Charles Smith is familiar with both of them and knows about the Church of Necessary Evil and the One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand Magic Books."

"I suspect that the Potter, Longbottom and Weasley families also know something. The disappearance may be related to this matter."

"If the rumors that Charles likes other people's wives are true, it means that Dumbledore took them to cooperate with a certain person or organization, maybe more than just the two of them. During this period, Charles met a woman who attracted him."

"That's right. Dumbledore didn't get all of it, but the alchemy part and one hundred thousand galleons."

Lao Ma and little Barty both looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The Malfoy family and the Crouch family are also among the old British flags, but they have never heard of this matter.

But what the leader said makes sense. The world is huge and full of wonders. In the wizarding world, it is one thing that the years are peaceful on the surface, but there are many secrets hidden secretly.

Voldemort walked around there for more than ten times, and then said: "You guys are going to find out where the Hogwarts books come from, what their characteristics are, and where they are stored."

"At the same time, find out information about the Church of Necessary Evil and the one hundred and three thousand magic books."

The leader's words will cause his subordinates to run away and break their legs.

Charles' original intention to muddy the waters and distract Voldemort seemed to be working.

At this moment, he didn't know that his plan was working out. After finishing dinner in the cafeteria, he continued his pursuit.

"Seamus, stop!"

Seamus ran away after dinner. In order to save his life, he did not return to the dormitory for the past two days. He moved his bed directly to Harry's room and only appeared in front of Charles when eating and attending classes.

Dumbledore asked that the operation be kept secret. Seamus couldn't help but brag and could only add some gossip.

Charles drank the Dragon Soul Potion and slept for two days. When he woke up, the entire Hogwarts and even Bloody Barrow knew that he and Prime Minister Cao had the same hobby.

This is intolerable. We’ll talk about other things later. Let’s give Seamus a good beating first.

Charles was about to catch the guy when suddenly the door of an abandoned classroom in the corridor opened, and more than a dozen tentacle-like ropes stretched out from inside, tying him up and dragging him in.

The lights in the classroom were a little dim, Charles was tied to the ground with a rope, and Eleanor appeared and sat on his lap.

"I can't tell." Eleanor said with a joking smile, "I didn't expect you to have such a hobby."

Charles said angrily: "Aren't you preparing for the ultimate wizard exam?"

Eleanor will graduate this year and is preparing for the final wizard exam. She has been preparing for the exam this year. Charles has not even seen her since Valentine's Day.

"I always need to take a break." She said with a smile, "No wonder you don't like people of the same age as Hermione. Now I understand."

Charles curled his lips and ignored her.

Eleanor asked him curiously: "Is that person really that beautiful?"

Charles replied: "Definitely prettier than you."

"Sad!" Eleanor reached out and tapped his forehead with her wand.

At this time, the rope that tied Charles suddenly untied itself and fell aside.

With the effort that Charles put into saving his life, he naturally had to learn the magic spell to untie him, and he used it now.

Eleanor was still sitting on his lap, with no intention of getting up.

Charles didn't bother to drive her away, feeling that she had something to do with him tonight.

"Ask you a question," Eleanor asked. "Do you have any way of getting a pound in England in a short time?"

Charles said angrily: "I would have used that method a long time ago, or you could find a rich Saudi prince or something."

On Valentine's Day, Eleanor told him that something had happened at home, but did not go into details.

Charles didn't ask at the time, he just asked the old man to find out.

When Eleanor heard what he said, she was so angry that she poked his nostril with her wand and said at the same time: "Why didn't you say you were digging for oil in London?"

Charles was suddenly stunned. Of course there is no oil in urban London, but there is really a Majiagang Oil Field in Surrey. This is the reason why he recovered this time. There are some online articles he read before traveling through time, including an article about supporting the Communist Party in a cafeteria. wrote.

"100 billion barrels of light crude oil," he said, "can recover 3% to 15%."

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