A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 226 This key is abnormal

During meal time, the cafeteria was as lively as ever.

Ruby came to the cafeteria on her way to lunch, and today she and Ron actually grabbed chicken legs to eat, which made everyone around them laugh, and Neville almost choked.

Charles saw Scabbers lying on the edge of his plate, indifferent to the cake being broken in front of him, as if he was hopeless.

He was thinking, could it be that Blake escaped early?

Harry noticed Charles looking at Scabbers and said, "Scabbers was very helpful today. Fred and George made him a hat out of walnut shells, with a small piece of two-way mirror glued on it, and he got into the vent. We can see inside from the outside."

Charles twitched the corner of his mouth. The ventilation ducts in the castle were arranged at will. No one knew where the forked roads in front and to the side led. An ordinary mouse might not be able to come back.

After Ruby finished eating a chicken leg, she glanced at Scabbers, then turned to look at Charles, as if asking, "Is this mouse suffering from heatstroke?"

Ron realized that something was wrong with the way Ruby looked at Scabbers, just like looking at chicken legs, so he immediately picked up the pet and put it in his pocket.

Charles flicked Ruby's head and said, "I know how to eat all day long, and even secretly eat the cookies I made. I will make sausage bread for you tonight."

Ruby barked twice in grievance, and Charles felt that it was saying that those cookies were not for him to eat, but for help to give away.

Charles asked it: "Who did you give it to?"

Ruby replied: "Southside."

Charles blinked, counted the days, and mumbled, this guy was sending those cookies with delicious potions to the south on Valentine's Day.

To the south of England is France. It would be okay if this guy gave the gift to Fleur that day, but if he gave it to Gabrielle, it would be hard to tell. What if he gave it to Mrs. Angelina...

Charles knocked it on the head again and asked, "Who specifically did you give it to?"

At the same time, Charles prayed in his heart not to give it to Mrs. Delacour, because she made a lot of delicious food for Ruby when Ruby went to play with Gabrielle a few times.

Ruby ignored Charles and continued to fight for chicken legs with Ron.

After dinner, Charles immediately went to find Dumbledore.

Dumbledore had just heard Professor McGonagall say that Charles thought he could learn how to make a door key by reading a book for a long time. He felt that he was too proud and wanted to beat him, so he took him from the back door of the school to the castle outside the protective magic range. .

"You only have one chance." Dumbledore looked stern. "If you don't reach the level you expected, you will have to complete as many pieces of parchment as your height as extra homework every week until the summer vacation."

Charles agreed, picked up a stone from the roadside and cast a spell, targeting the door of the Pig's Head Bar.

There were no customers in the Hog's Head Bar yet. Aberforth Dumbledore was cleaning glasses behind the bar. Suddenly he heard strange noises outside the back door. Customers would not come in from there, so he picked up his wand and went out to take a look.

"Well...it's very cold here and there are no crickets."

Apart from catching crickets, he really couldn't think of anything else that would make his eldest brother and Charles lie on the ground together.

Lao Deng stood up, his long beard and robe in front of him were stained with mud and dirty.

Charles was no better, his face was covered in dust.

Aden waved his magic wand, making them both clean.

In the bar, Lao Deng and Charles sat at the table, one with butterbeer in front of him and the other with pumpkin juice.

Charles took a sip of pumpkin juice and asked, "Principal, is the door key I made a success?"

A Deng said in surprise: "You can actually make door keys. You must have asked someone to make them for you."

Charles curled his lips, drank the pumpkin juice in one gulp, and then cast a spell on the cup, indicating that he would try it himself.

A Deng glanced at his elder brother and saw that he had no objection, so he stretched out his fingertips and touched the cup.

The next second, A Deng realized something was wrong and tried to break away, but his fingers were firmly stuck to the cup.

When other people's door keys are activated, the user always feels that there is a hook hooking his navel, but this door key is different. After activation, it feels like someone kicks his butt hard, and he is kicked out. We have reached our destination when we are on the ground.

He finally understood why his eldest brother and Charles were lying on the ground just now. Anyone in this situation would be confused.

"Are you trying to trick me on purpose?"

Aden's face became ferocious, and he looked like he was going to beat Charles up.

Charles said calmly: "Do you think I dare to play tricks on Albus Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, recipient of the Order of Merlin First Class, president of the International Federation of Wizards, and chief wizard of the Wizengamot?"

Adeng replied with a cold face: "There are not that many people here, there is only one bad old man, Albus Dumbledore."

Then he asked his eldest brother: "Is this your newly invented door key?"

After Lao Deng sat down, he kept thinking hard and shook his head slightly.

Aden pulled up a chair and sat next to Charles, and whispered to him: "I want to discuss something with you. Can I put a spell on all the chairs in the store? Some customers often make trouble here. If the chairs can kick them out, I will be relaxed. too much."

Charles glanced at Lao Deng and said awkwardly: "You need to register with the Ministry of Magic."

A Deng smiled and said, "Don't worry about that. I'll handle the formalities. Just say it was done by that bad old man with many titles."

"No!" Lao Deng immediately stopped his younger brother's cheating behavior and joked that if everyone thought he invented the ass-kicking door key and added a sentence to the chocolate frog's card, his reputation would be ruined.

A Deng looked depressed and left, but Lao Deng saw what he had planned and said seriously: "Don't make any evil plans."

"What bad thoughts can I have?" A Deng looked innocent.

Old Deng ignored him and turned to Charles: "Your door key is not qualified because it cannot allow people to land smoothly."

Charles's face suddenly darkened. He didn't want to write as much extra homework as a life-size parchment, so he hurriedly said: "But the definition of a portkey in "Portkey Talk" is that it is successful if it can send people to the predetermined place. When it was first invented, more than half of people fell when they reached their destination.”

Lao Deng said: "That was seven hundred years ago. We can't make no progress for such a long time, what do you think?"

Charles thought for a moment and said, "Ah, Lupine should have delivered the spring supplies to the centaurs. I'll go to the warehouse to take a look first, and I'll return to the castle later!"

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Lao Deng to reply, he apparated away with a "biu" sound.

This time it was A Deng's turn to be dumbfounded and asked his eldest brother in disbelief: "He... isn't he only in the second grade? He has already learned how to apparate?"

Lao Deng replied calmly: "He just learned it last night."

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