A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 225 The brain shows that it has learned

Professor McGonagall was revising the standard textbook on Transfiguration, and when she saw Charles coming to apply for a note in the restricted book area, he looked like "it's true."

Charles knew that it would be difficult for a second-year student like him to borrow books from the restricted area, so he was prepared to list all the books he wanted to borrow, lest Professor McGonagall would suspect that he was taking advantage of the opportunity to do something small.

After reading the book list, Professor McGonagall said: "Charles, do you know why the book about making portkeys is placed in the restricted book area?"

Charles thought for a moment and replied: "I think it's because a poorly made portkey can spread people to other places."

Professor McGonagall said seriously: "Yes, many people have been injured and even lost their lives because of counterfeit door keys."

"Someone once made a portkey to go home, and he showed up a thousand feet above the roof."

“Some people are lucky enough to have their lower half buried in the soil, but unlucky people have to dig it out fifty years later when their houses are rebuilt.”

Charles nodded. One of the problems with space movement magic is the problem of coordinate points. It is said that a girl in Japan with red twin tails and bad clothes got stuck in the wall when she teleported herself, leaving a psychological shadow from then on.

Professor McGonagall finally said: "The most important point is that making portkeys requires approval from the Portkey Office of the Department of Magical Transport of the Ministry of Magic. When students at Hogwarts learn to make portkeys, they need to apply to the dean for approval. Final filing is required with the Portkey Office.”

Charles scratched his head and asked, "Since making portkeys requires approval from the Ministry of Magic, why are there still people being harmed because of inferior portkeys?"

Professor McGonagall looked like she had caught a student who violated school rules and asked him very seriously: "You won't do anything that violates the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Magic, right?"

Although Charles knew how to use the Unforgivable Curse, which was enough to go fishing in Azkaban, he still shook his head.

Professor McGonagall picked up the book list and said, "I'll lend these books out for you. You can only read them here. If you don't like the fact that I don't have snacks here, go to Albus's office. You can't take them back to the dormitory."

"After you make the door key, you can't use it yourself. Let me check it first... um... and then let the principal try it out."

It's dangerous to try a portkey made by a novice. Dumbledore was the one who started it, so let him try it.

Charles agreed. It would be nice to read here without having to go to the bathroom and washroom with Harry.

However, his little idea failed and he failed to go to the restricted book area. Professor McGonagall asked him to wait and quickly helped to borrow the book back.

There was no way, he had a lot of entanglements with dark magic, and both Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were afraid of him messing around.

There are a lot of pages in the book about making portkeys that talk about negative teaching materials, and there are not many parts that actually talk about techniques.

There are several types of door keys, one that works when touched, one that works at a scheduled time, and one that starts automatically.

In my memory, the Goblet of Fire that sent Harry away later belonged to the first type. They used the second type to go to the Quidditch World Cup that year. Charles's insoles belonged to the third type, and they were also door keys based on house elf magic. , coordinates can be adjusted.

God knows how the old man learned the house elf's magic. Could it be that one of the house elf's gestures made him follow the gestures and he learned it, just like he learned the space spells by himself.

Charles read carefully. After finishing the production parts of several books, he suddenly found a plate of sandwiches and a bottle of pumpkin juice on the desk, both of which were already cold.


His stomach growled.

"Have you finished reading?" Professor McGonagall asked him with a smile behind her desk, "I saw you were so fascinated so I didn't bother you. It's dinner time in half an hour."

Judging from her smile, she was very satisfied with Charles's spirit of serious study.

Charles scratched his head and said, "Professor, I seem to have learned how to make a door key."

Unexpectedly, Professor McGonagall said: "You said last night that you could apparate, but you ended up in the big lake. Fortunately, you didn't split up."

"Many students are like you. After reading the book, they think they know how to do it, but when they take out the wand and actually cast a spell, they find that their hands have not yet mastered it."

Charles didn't answer what he said about Apparating yesterday, and he didn't mention it if he could. He probably knew about the giant jellyfish appearing in Hogwarts by reading the newspaper. If he knew that the place where it appeared was the girls' collective bathroom, he would be despised.

"Can I try it?" he asked. "Just try it and ask you to help me figure out what's wrong."

Professor McGonagall sighed, adjusted her glasses, then stood up and said, "That will have to wait until after dinner."

It doesn't take much time to see the door key made by Charles, and Professor McGonagall didn't think he could learn it after reading the book for a long time. He only thought that the child's self-confidence was soaring after reading the book, so he asked him to calm down during meal time.

As the two of them left the office and headed to the cafeteria, Professor McGonagall suddenly asked Charles: "I heard from Albus that you were studying Aberforth's animal transfiguration?"

Charles replied: "Yeah, it's too complicated to understand."

Professor McGonagall said very seriously: "You can do written research, but you can't do animal experiments, especially you can't use Mrs. Norris for experiments!"

In the eyes of many students, Mrs. Norris was as annoying as Filch, so she was worried that Charles would conduct experiments on Mrs. Norris out of revenge.

Charles thought wrong and said seriously: "Don't worry, I can tell the difference between you and Mrs. Norris."

Professor McGonagall tapped him on the head angrily with her wand.

Charles remembered something and asked: "Professor, when the Animagus transforms, can it only change partially?"

He was thinking, if he could have a bunch of tentacles coming out when he was in human form, wouldn't he be able to use many wands at once? Avada gnawed on the big melon. Gatlin asked if you were afraid.

Professor McGonagall tapped him on the head with her wand again and said, "You are too greedy. Are you thinking of Animagus again?"

"I think you should have read the book. Learning Animagus is very difficult and it is not easy to learn."

Charles nodded. It was uncomfortable not being able to open his mouth for that month. Not being able to open his mouth to breathe during strenuous exercise would make him feel out of breath, not to mention it was particularly uncomfortable when he sneezed.

Professor McGonagall continued: "The partial deformation of Animagus exists in theory. Some people think that the prototype of the Sphinx in Egypt is not the Sphinx, and the dog-headed Anubis is not the Sphinx. A partially deformed Animagus.”

"But no one knows how to achieve that effect now. Some people think that this method has been lost, and some think that it was an error caused by the immature Animagus method at that time."

After hearing this, Charles thought that it seemed like there was no chance. If it was an error caused by immature technology, it might have side effects. If it was lost, don't expect to find it out as soon as you go to Egypt.

But think about it carefully, is the current Animagus technology really mature? Maybe version 1.0 can only achieve partial deformation, and now version 2.0 can achieve complete deformation. Maybe version 3.0 can achieve controllable partial deformation. Woolen cloth.

After thinking about it for a while, he stopped thinking about it. This was beyond his ability. It was more important to have dinner now. The few sandwiches and pumpkin juice just now were just appetizers.

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