A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 154 The Parchment in the Book

If there was a mountain of books in the Gryffindor common room, don't worry, Hermione must have gotten them.

Tonight, Ron, Neville, and Seamus were discussing non-stop in the "valley" made of books, while Hermione and Harry kept flipping through books beside the mountain of books.

Charles went over to take a look. Those books were all biographies in the history of magic, and there were some books about family secret histories.

"Why are you not sleeping?"

He took out a large bottle of juice milk and put it on the table, then threw a fire bead into it with his wand to heat it up, and then poured it into cups to share with others.

Hermione was the first to take the drink, and after taking a sip, she asked Charles, "Have you heard of the Gaunt family?"

Charles replied while serving drinks, "I've seen this family in a list of twenty-eight pure-blood families. By the way, Ron and Neville's family are also in it."

Neville's expression suddenly changed to that of Raffle who was accidentally stepped on, and Charles asked, "Why, the milk has gone bad?"

Ron said with equal disgust: "Don't mention that, it's a disgrace to our family."

Neville followed suit and nodded slightly. Those who didn't know thought the milk had gone bad.

Ron continued: "My great-grandfather and grandfather were always against putting the Weasleys on that list, they wanted to stay as far away as the Potters."

"Huh?" There was a question mark on Harry's head, and he didn't understand how it related to himself.

Ron drank milk and told Charles about the history that was not recorded in the book: "The list you saw came from the "Pure Blood List". .”

Hermione pulled the book from the bottom of the mountain of books.

Ron continued to say with a look of disgust: "This book identifies twenty-eight pure-blood wizard families, the so-called true pure-blood, very noble."

"Several families, including our Weasley family, were very dissatisfied with this matter, claiming that their ancestors had mixed blood."

"But some people are happy, like Draco Malfoy's grandpa."

"I heard that Henry Potter... should be Harry's great-grandfather. He was working in the Wizengamot at that time, and he often spoke for Muggles at that time, so this book did not include the Potter family in the list. "

Neville kept nodding from the sidelines, obviously he had heard about these things.

This time it was Harry's turn to say angrily, "It's a good thing it's not on the list. If you're with someone like Malfoy, you'd feel sick just thinking about it!"

Ron and Neville nodded together.

Seeing that Harry seemed very angry, Charles asked, "Fighting with Malfoy again?"

Harry nodded.

Ron said with some regret: "Hermione and I went to the library on Saturday morning, otherwise I would definitely beat Malfoy until he spit his nose!"

Harry said: "Malfoy's family bought the latest broomsticks for the Slytherin Quidditch team, the same Nimbus 2001 as Ginny. Everyone in their team has one, and he became a Seeker because of it." .”

"They showed off at the Quidditch pitch on Saturday morning, and then I got into a fight with him."

Hermione followed him by saying: "And then spent a day digging in the grass!"

Ron said excitedly: "We won!"

Then Hermione gave him a blank stare.

Charles was used to this kind of thing and just said "just win", and Hermione gave him a glare too.

The little girl has always hated fighting.

Charles stopped talking about the fight, and asked them again: "What are you doing today, checking whose family tree?"

Look at this movement, it's bigger than Chamelin last year.

Ron pointed to a piece of parchment in front of them and said, "I got the note after Defense Against the Dark Arts class on Friday, and the professor thought I could learn some African gestures to cast spells, so he sent me a note to the Restricted Section." Find a how-to book."

"We found a piece of paper in the book that said something about Slytherin's study."

Charles frowned, and asked Ron for the parchment.

At this time, someone came out from the stairway leading to the girls' dormitory. Obviously, he didn't expect that there were still people up so late, and was taken aback.

"Ginny?" As soon as Ron handed the parchment to Charles, he turned around and found that his sister had left the dormitory so late, "Why didn't you sleep?"

Ginny quickly replied, "I can't sleep."

Charles said to her, "Come here for some warm milk."

Ginny hesitated, and went to sit next to Hermione.

The milk was still warm in the bottle, and Charles poured her a glass.

Ginny took it calmly and took a sip.

At this time Harry asked her: "Are you not used to living in the castle?"

Ginny just shook her head calmly.

Charles narrowed his eyes slightly. If it was the past, the little girl would blush and become nervous after Harry and Ginny spoke, but this time she acted calmly.

That is to say, it was Tom Riddle who was manipulating Ginny's body at this time. He was going to the secret room, but there was no one in the common room.

Charles thought about it, compared to the basilisk, the Horcrux was more important, and he had to find a chance to get the Horcrux notebook.

He kindly said to Tom: "If you don't adapt, or if you have any other problems, you can talk to us. If you are not used to living with your roommate, you can move to Hermione's dormitory. People who know you can talk to you and feel at ease."

Hermione also said: "Yeah, if you want to move here, I will tell Professor McGonagall tomorrow."

Tom glanced at Charles and said, "Let me see."

This guy was a little uncomfortable. He was going back to the dormitory after drinking milk, but Charles held his shoulders with one hand, "Clean your teeth before going to bed after eating, otherwise you will be dragged to Hermione's father and tied to a chair if you have a toothache." With pliers, drills on teeth... ouch!"

Hermione kicked the guy.

But it was too late, and everyone around trembled, including Tom Riddle, who was not yet the future Dark Lord.

Hermione began teaching how to clean teeth with charms, while Charles looked at the parchment Ron had found.

The parchment and the ink on it looked old, and the writing was familiar, Voldemort's.

The content is also familiar, it is about finding the Slytherin study room, it is much more detailed than the note that Voldemort dropped in the office back then, the names of Nocto Gaunt and Omenis Gaunt also appeared, Point out that the study should be in the basement.

Charles thought for a while. This parchment might have been left to him by Voldemort. He probably thought that he would be interested in the way of casting spells there after he went to Africa. He would borrow this book, so he clipped this parchment. in the book.

He glanced at these brats, it was impossible to stop them.

It's just why Voldemort did everything possible to leave clues about the Slytherin study?

Charles couldn't figure it out for a while, if there were no people around, he would have asked Tom directly.

But this matter is not important now, driving these guys back to the dormitory to sleep is the top priority.

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