There was a thin fog on Sunday morning, the squid in the lake floated quietly on the water, and a few mermaids were smashing the fruits on the trees by the water with stones picked up from the bottom of the lake.

Charles went to pick some for them, and the mermaids thanked him with noisy words before diving into the lake.

Next to the fruit trees is a large lawn, and beyond that is the road leading to Hogsmeade.

Dumbledore finally made a decision, called Charles over and said, "Let's go here."

Charles looked around. The terrain here is fairly flat, the transportation is convenient, and the lake next to it is not short of water. It is good for planting trees and raising sheep. Calculated according to the row spacing of 10 meters, this place is enough to plant dozens of trees.

He signed an agreement with Hogwarts last night to plant some arboreal sheep here, and the proceeds will be shared equally.

According to the situation observed yesterday, it is estimated that these arboreal sheep trees will take several years to grow to the size of the fruit, and Charles will have to graduate by then.

But that's okay, just treat it as a guaranteed income for the future.

Dumbledore almost thought the same way, leaving something good for future generations.

But there is no rush. According to the ancient notes left by Professor Sprout, tree-born sheep come from India. After being improved by British wizards, their morphological characteristics and growth habits have changed. The skin rots and softens, and it takes a winter for snow to germinate.

At the suggestion of Professor Sprout, Charles took out half of the seeds for the first trial planting.

The next thing to do is to simulate the natural propagation of seeds, throwing the seeds on the soil.

But not today, Dumbledore has some security work to do.

Ten armors came out of the castle and began to patrol the grass.

Hagrid also came over, and Dumbledore whispered to him for a while, planning to build an owl house here, mainly to catch mice.

Charles was speechless, thinking that the seeds might not be enough, so he might as well pick more sheep and bring them back.

He did it when he thought of it, this time he flew directly over, and soon came to the valley.

It's just that as soon as he landed, he slapped the back of his head with a slap.

"Grandpa?" Charles turned his head in surprise. Although the man was dressed like a dementor, the strength and angle of hitting him could not be wrong.

"You can do it, kid." Jack tugged his hood to reveal his face, "I asked you to come here to practice the spell, but it's better for you to kill your great-grandfather and great-grandmother!"

Charles blinked. What's the situation? Could it be that the old man's parents were Animagus who were accidentally killed by him yesterday?

But it's not right, if it is an Animagus, it will change back to its original form after death.

Jack continued to say angrily, "You're killing your parents like killing your parents!"

"Huh?" Charles was taken aback. "You planted these trees?"

When he realized that he had gotten into trouble, he thought they were wild, but he didn't expect the old man to plant them.

Jack said: "This valley has been enchanted by me. Outsiders will ignore it, and only horsemen can come in. I will give you a way to let you in."

"The sheep tree here has grown for many years. It was like this when I came here. After I closed it up and lived on the top of the opposite mountain for several years, I didn't see anyone coming, so it's mine."

Charleston was speechless.

Jack continued: "In the past few decades, I have managed to raise the price of tree sheep, and then privately sell a little at a high price to those in need, otherwise I will go to the northwest wind."

"It's good for you kid, this is trying to hit me!"

Charles scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "It turns out that you, Grandpa, rely on this to make money."

For so many years, the old man has never mentioned his normal means of making money.

If calculated on the basis of 800 galleons for a tree sheep, the old man sells 8 to 10 sheep every 4 years, and his annual income is 1600 to 2000 galleons.

This is only on the surface, because the normal unit price has been set by hunger marketing. If he sells a few more at a high price in private, his income can be doubled. Including other income that should exist, it is enough for him to travel around the wizarding world. up.

Jack said angrily: "Otherwise, what do you think I rely on for a living, so go grab it?"

Charles scratched his head, really thinking so all along.

After seeing what this guy was thinking, Jack knocked him on the head, and continued: "Stealing a robber and being a robber are two different things. Do you regard me as a robber?"

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and at the end he kept poking Charles' head with his fingers, angrily denouncing this behavior of selling his father's land.

Charles was also in a dilemma. He didn't expect this place to be the old man's property.

The market is that big, and now that Hogwarts is expanding its production capacity all of a sudden, the price will definitely be lowered by then.

"Forget it." Jack rubbed Charles's head for the last time, "I asked you to come here to let you know that there is this place, and I will give you something to eat in the future, and now I will give it to you in advance, you can figure it out .”

Charles scratched his head, suddenly thought of a question, and asked the old man suspiciously: "Grandpa, I just discussed this matter with Dumbledore last night, and he didn't go to Privet Drive either, how do you know?"

Jack said calmly, "I'm listening outside the door."

Charles frowned suspiciously, then with a surprised expression on his face, he asked in disbelief: "You actually came to find Professor McGonagall secretly?!"

After finishing speaking, he chopped off his Tianling cover with a knife.

"Other things." Jack said in a deep voice, "I hope you'd better never know what I did."

Seeing this, Charles didn't ask any more questions, and just said, "If something is to be sealed, please seal it firmly."

Jack asked lightly: "Is 10 meters thick reinforced concrete enough?"

Charles said: "Pay attention to the maintenance after pouring."

"You don't need to teach me." Jack was a little smug, "I asked the experts, and I even roughed up the surface of the existing masonry before pouring in blocks."

Charles has nothing to say. With the old man's contacts, it is not a problem to consult experts.

"By the way!" Charles suddenly remembered something, "Do you still have materials there, use some for me, and just block the secret passage of the basilisk."

Jack asked him, "Do you know how many secret passages there are in Hogwarts?"

Charles shook his head, thinking the same thing, after sealing a known secret passage, what if the basilisk comes out of an unknown passage.

"I'm going back to catch up on sleep." Jack said, "I'll practice your spells more, and I'll teach you the Cruciatus Curse next time."

After the old man finished speaking, the "biu" sound disappeared.

Charles looked at the time and thought it was still early, so he decided to practice the blurring spell given by the old man here.

There is no shortcut to learning charms, except talent and practice.

There is no time converter this year, so I can only sleep less.

It was already late at night when Charles rubbed his wrists and returned to the Gryffindor common room. Several first-year students gathered around the table to study something.

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