Chapter 6 Success Factors (6)
Some young people arrange social activities at night. In order to avoid the trouble of changing clothes, they walk around wearing trendy clothes when they are studying or going to work.Different occasions and atmospheres require different clothes.

Now people's clothes are becoming more and more unrestrained, free and lively, and a jacket can handle many scenes.But on more serious occasions, too casual and frivolous clothing will not only make you out of harmony with the surrounding atmosphere, but also destroy the good image you have established for a long time.

It can be said that fashion and beauty are two completely different concepts.Many people have fashionable things, and the feeling of beauty often comes from unique personality.It is undeniable that fashionable things often have beautiful connotations, but when it comes to individuals, they may not necessarily reflect their unique charm and charm.If you ignore the differences in your own conditions and blindly pursue fashion, you will inevitably end up in the ridiculous end of "imitation".

As far as boys are concerned, a large sweater can often set off a stalwart and solid figure, but if a tall and thin person shows two slender legs under a large blouse, it will inevitably create a pitiful look. Xi impression.People who are fatter should not wear trench coats in spring and autumn, as they tend to look bloated. Wearing woolen coats will make them look generous and stylish.For thinner people, wearing a down jacket will make the figure appear strong and generous.

Suits have become common attire for men.When wearing a suit, people will hold their chests up and look up, showing a mature and confident masculinity.If a person is hunched over, not only will his demeanor be greatly reduced, but it will also give people a feeling of weak will.For those who are tall, it is best to wear a double-breasted suit to highlight their burly and vigorous figure.

Dressing is like your business card, and your inner temperament must be shown through it. A good dress is like a bright business card, which will make people look at you with admiration.So, value your image and make it your business card, which you can always hand out with confidence!

Keyword insight: image
A person's inner temperament needs appropriate clothing to set off.Dress can show personal taste, and good dress will leave an unforgettable impression on people.For young people, the overall principle of dressing is: elegant yet passionate, open yet reserved, specialized yet natural.

(Chapter 11 Responsibilities - Obedience and fidelity to one's mission
The sense of responsibility is a down-to-earth spirit of being responsible for one's own commitments and the consequences of one's actions.Because of responsibility, we can be brave; because of responsibility, we can be selfless; because of responsibility, we have the motivation to keep moving forward.

Responsibility means empowerment

1920, the American boy that has 11 years old is kicked not carefully when playing football broke the glass of neighbor's house.The neighbor claimed $12.5 from him.At that time, $12.5 was a lot of money, enough to buy 125 hens that laid eggs!The boy that entered catastrophe admits a mistake to father, father makes him responsible to his error.The boy said in embarrassment: "How can I have so much money to pay others?" The father took out 12.5 US dollars and said: "This money can be lent to you, but it will be repaid to me after one year." From then on, the boy began a hard working life.After half a year of hard work, he finally earned enough $12.5 and returned it to his father.This boy becomes the Reagan of American president later namely.

He says when recollecting this thing, the labor that passes oneself will assume fault, make what he knew to call responsibility.

To succeed in your career, responsibility is essential.We shirk responsibility for everything and find someone to do it for us. We avoid this kind of person, let alone entrust them with important responsibilities.Having the courage to take responsibility and compensate with your own labor will not only win the respect and trust of others, but also a test and exercise for yourself.

Taking responsibility is not an easy task, it depends on how you think about it.First of all, taking responsibility is an affirmation and proof of your value and ability. If you don’t have the ability to take responsibility or fail to do something well, will others let you take responsibility?If you can think of this, you should be proud of yourself, because your existence is worthwhile.

In addition, taking responsibility will definitely allow others to obtain happiness and satisfaction from it. A person who can make others happy and happy is a person worthy of respect, and at the same time, this can satisfy your self-esteem needs.Again, if you can imagine taking responsibility as a kind of joy and happiness, you will not feel depressed and heavy because of pressure, and you will get happiness and happiness from taking responsibility. This is a two-way balance. Why do you Why not?

In fact, only those who are brave enough to take responsibility can be given more missions and be eligible for greater honors.A person who lacks a sense of responsibility, or an irresponsible person, first loses the basic recognition of the society, secondly loses the trust and respect of others, and even loses the foundation of his own life - credibility and dignity .

Be soberly aware of your responsibilities and shoulder them bravely, you will have a clear conscience both for yourself and for the society.People can be great or poor, but they can't be irresponsible.At any time, we can't give up the responsibility on our shoulders. Carrying it is to carry the belief of our own life.

To ensure a bountiful potato harvest, people on the South Pacific island of Coster performed an ancient ritual of bungee-jumping to please the gods.

Bouncers choose locations carefully, building towers out of branches and trunks, and then tying the entire platform in place with vines.Every bouncer is responsible for the construction project, and if anything goes wrong, no one will take responsibility for him, and of course no one can take the credit for the success of the bounce.

The jumper should choose the jumping vine they use, and determine the just right length so that when they fall with their heads upside down and feet up, their hair just brushes the ground.If the jumping vine is too long, it indicates a fatal fall; if it is too short, it will bounce the jumper back to the platform.These may have adverse effects on his harvest this year.

On a given day, the jumper climbs the 65- to 85-foot-tall jumping tower, straps on a cane of his choice, steps onto the platform, reaches the narrowest end of the tower, and plunges down.

A bouncer can change his mind at the last minute and forego the bounce without it being considered a disgrace.But most people are willing to do it and are willing to take 100% responsibility for their actions.

The responsibility is so great that it can be equivalent to life!
Successful people not only take responsibility, they want to add responsibility so that they can unleash more potential.In fact, the more responsibilities you take on, the better able you are to handle things.

Everyone who comes into this world needs to take responsibility. A life without responsibility is empty, and a life that dare not take responsibility is fragile.Have the courage to take responsibility, gain the respect and trust of others, and gain a sense of accomplishment and pride.Only those who are mediocre, short-sighted, and unwilling to make progress escape and shirk their responsibilities.

Only responsibility can support the backbone of life.

Take responsibility and mature
When you go to Disneyland, if you ask the ticket sales lady at the gate, what is your responsibility?The ticket sales lady at Disneyland would say, my primary responsibility is to make you happy, and my second priority is to sell tickets.You ask the cleaners in Disneyland, what is your responsibility?He will say, my main responsibility is to make you happy, and my second responsibility is to sweep the road.Making tourists happy is the sense of responsibility that Disney teaches its employees.

Responsibility is a pair of eyes, which can see whether we are gradually becoming mature.In fact, conscientiousness has always been praised as a virtue.We must cultivate ourselves to be responsible for everything, not only to others, but also to ourselves.And once we have a sense of responsibility, we will have an extra capital to settle down.

Responsibility is a sense of mission, and a mission-oriented thinking mode and behavior mode can allow you to break through any bottlenecks.It is most important to have a mission that is in line with one's own values ​​and meaning of life.

A weak and sentimental girl, after getting married and having children, will soon become a cheerful, healthy, busy mother who makes a living everywhere; , after becoming a husband, he soon became a strong man with broad shoulders, a calm atmosphere, and a plan for making a living.

Responsibility is a sign of your maturity. People who have no sense of responsibility will never grow up.It is not difficult to imagine that if a person relies on others for everything when he is young, does not have the ability to do things independently, lacks the necessary training of responsibility, and has an indifferent attitude towards everything, such a person will definitely not be able to achieve great things in the future.

Habits become natural, and if responsibility also becomes a habit, it will gradually become a person's attitude towards life, so that you will naturally take on all kinds of things instead of doing it deliberately.When a person does something naturally, of course he will not feel troublesome and tiring.When you realize that responsibility is calling you, you will give up something else for responsibility at any time, and you will not find this giving up very easy for you.

Once the sense of responsibility is established, it will become a part of the character, and it will be stable, so that we can consciously, actively, and actively fulfill our duties.When we fulfill our responsibilities satisfactorily, we will feel satisfied and happy emotions; if we fail to fulfill our responsibilities, we will feel deeply disturbed and guilty.It can be said that with a sense of responsibility, personal value can be fully and reasonably reflected.

A person with a sense of responsibility often has the following three characteristics:

First, have a spirit of taking the initiative to take responsibility.

Second, a person with a sense of responsibility will devote his heart, labor, and price to the things he undertakes, and he will devote all his efforts to achieve a perfect goal.

Third, a person who has a sense of responsibility is a person who starts well and ends well.

Be loyal and true to your mission now:
1. I am 100% responsible.

2. I am the master of my life.

3. I am the architect of my destiny.

4. I am the source of the problem.

5. The responsibility stops with me.

Keyword perception: responsibility
Everyone has a sense of responsibility, and everyone will work hard to fulfill their mission.Responsibility can stimulate people's potential and awaken people's conscience.To give people responsibility is to give trust and sincerity.With responsibility comes dignity and mission.

(End of this chapter)

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