Chapter 5 Success Factors (5)
American scholar Terman has conducted a long-term follow-up study on 1928 children since 1500, and found that the average age of those "genius" children is 7 years old, and the average IQ is 130.After they became adults, they analyzed and compared the most accomplished 20% and the 20% who had no achievements. It was found that the main reason for the obvious difference between them after they became adults was that the former had good study habits and strong aggressiveness. Spirit and tenacious drive, which are sorely lacking.

There is a child in Beijing who likes to eat oranges.When his mother buys oranges, she always buys them in multiples of three, such as 15 to 21.When eating oranges, it is up to the children to share, one for each of their parents and themselves.Once, there were only 3 oranges left, he held the oranges in his hand, and instead of delivering them over as usual, he looked at Mom and Dad with his eyes, which meant that there were only 3 oranges left, you two still eat ?His mother gave her husband a wink: eat.As a result, while the parents were peeling the oranges, the son was crying.His mother said afterwards: "My God, I ate this orange without any taste. But let the child have others in his heart, share with everyone who has delicious food, and let him have a sense of sharing and sharing with others since he was a child." Habits that others share, I have to do that."

After the child grew up, he was admitted to Peking University. Relatives and friends were very happy. They gave 50 yuan to congratulate this one, and 100 yuan to that one, giving a total of 500 yuan.During the Spring Festival, his mother was surprised to find that he put 500 yuan in a red envelope to give to grandma as lucky money, which made her feel joyful.

Why did this child become so filial? Ordinary children are not happy when they see that the old man does not give much lucky money. How can they give lucky money to the old man?This is a habit developed from childhood.

The first Iraq War had a characteristic. Due to mistakes, the American soldiers killed many British soldiers, but the British soldiers did not kill many American soldiers. What happened?Do American soldiers have a deep hatred for British soldiers?No, it has something to do with their education.

American teachers adopt an encouraging attitude towards students. For example, the teacher asks: "What is five plus one?" The students answer: "Five plus one equals seven." It's encouragement. Five plus one equals six, which is about the same as seven, so Americans have a lot of sloppy things.Britain is much stricter than the United States, and British parents are very strict in educating their children.The child has a whim: "Dad, I want to go climbing tomorrow." Dad will not say "NO" or "YES", he will say: "What is your plan? How are you going to go, who are you going with, and whether you will bring lunch , where to go?" "I haven't thought about it yet." My father would say, "Don't tell me what you haven't thought about." The British pay special attention to letting their children make plans, and these habits make the British very strict.Therefore, the cultivation of habits is very important.

Yafen, who just entered elementary school, had never made her own bed. One day she unintentionally rolled up the blanket on the bed, and her mother saw it and said, "Your bed is so neatly made!" Yafen folded the blanket again the next day and arranged it Pillow, her mother once again praised her progress.For several days after that, Yafen was able to make her bed well.

Under the praise of her mother, Yafen gradually developed the habit of making the bed. Because of her own habit of making the bed, it will have a good influence on everything else in the future.If she's satisfied with making her own bed, she might go a step further and tidy up her toys, keep her room clean, or take care of her clothes so they don't get dirty.

It can be seen that small habits and good habits may exist in some small things that are not noticed and valued, but they accumulate over time and may become a key turning point that affects your life.

Habit does not mean rigidity, it may also mean vitality, but also order and economy.Reflexes are a natural economizer, giving the brain a chance to rest when it has more important work to do.

To form a habit, if you don't use scientific methods, but only rely on momentary will, it will only make you feel tired and bored.Habits rely on the scientific method to back them up.

Habitual life will make you feel full of energy.Habit becomes nature, nature becomes life.In your living habits, you will reflect your personality, interests, hobbies, and ideals.

Keyword insight: habit
"Sow an action, and reap a habit; sow a habit, and reap a character; sow a character, and reap a destiny." "Habit" runs through the whole life, and a person's success or failure is related to the habit. Good and bad are closely related.Forming good habits can not only help our physical and mental health, but also exercise our will, which is a valuable asset that will benefit us throughout our lives.

Cultivate good habits, and make them consolidate and develop in good behaviors, so that you can walk more smoothly on the journey of life, and make you live more freely and confidently.

(Chapter 10 Image - Design Yourself a Shiny Business Card

A person's appearance has an impact on the person himself. Dressing well can give people a good impression. It is equivalent to telling everyone: "This is an important person, smart, successful, and reliable. Everyone can respect, admire, and trust him. He respects himself. , we also respect him."

Good looks are a sign of confidence and creativity

At the beginning of his business, Hill, an American businessman, realized the role of clothing in interpersonal communication and successful handling of affairs.He clearly realized that in the commercial society, most people judge a person's strength based on his clothes, so he first visited the tailor.Relying on old credit, Hill ordered six expensive suits for a total of $514, with less than a dollar in change in his pocket.

Then he bought a whole set of the best shirts, collars, ties, etc., and by this time his debt had reached $932.

Every morning after that, he would wear a new set of clothes and "encounter" with a wealthy publisher at the same time and on the same street. Hill greeted him every day and occasionally chatted for a minute or two.

After about a week of this going on, the publisher started talking to Hill and saying, "You seem to be doing pretty well."

The publisher then wanted to know what industry Hill was in.Because the highly accomplished temperament that Hill exudes, coupled with a different new suit every day, has aroused the curiosity of publishers, which is exactly what Hill hopes to happen.

Hill then told the publisher very easily: "I am preparing a new magazine, and I plan to strive for publication in the near future. The title of the magazine is "Hill's Golden Rule."

The publisher said, "I print and distribute magazines. Maybe I can help you too."

This was the moment Hill had been waiting for, and he had it in mind when he bought the new clothes, and where they stood, almost exactly.

The publisher invited Hill to his club, had lunch with him, and before the coffee was served, "convinced" Hill to agree to a contract to print and distribute Hill's magazine.Hill even "agreed" to allow him to provide the funds without charging any interest.

It took at least $3 to publish Hill's Golden Rule, and every penny of it was raised from the "front" created by the beautiful clothes.

Like Hill, the appearance of success can always attract people's attention, especially the expression of success can attract people's "approving attention".Of course, these clothes also contain a kind of ability, that is, self-confidence and creativity.

In our daily life, we often hear such advice: don't judge people by their cover.But experience tells us that it is very difficult for people not to judge people by their appearance.From the perspective of human aesthetics, everyone has a love for beauty. People's understanding of beauty is often produced from the first impression, and the appearance of people just bears this "special" task.

A good appearance is like a beautiful piece of music. It can not only provide self-confidence, but also bring aesthetic pleasure to others. It not only conforms to your own wishes, but also influences the feelings of others, so that you can do things with confidence , all the way green light.

A person's appearance is one of the basic elements to make a good impression on the other party.Just imagine, a disheveled and sloppy person and an elegant and neatly dressed person are doing the same amount of work under the same conditions. I am afraid that the former is likely to be neglected, while the latter is more likely to be treated well.

Some people have never really developed a good self-care habit. This may be a sequelae left over from their unkempt school days, or their parents set a bad example, or they do not pay enough attention to themselves.These people often "fish for three days and dry the nets for two days", as long as they are basically clean and no one looks down on them, they can go out and it will be fine.If you take care of your image, good grooming habits can develop quickly.If you're born with a beard, there's nothing you can do about it, but at least you want to give the impression that you can take care of yourself.The condition of your teeth, skin, hair, nails, and your posture all indicate your level of self-esteem.

A good and decent image and self-cultivation are like a letter of introduction, conveying subtle personal information to everyone.It will be difficult for a young man who does not pay attention to image and etiquette to do anything in the future.

Add points to your image with clothing
The first impression you give to others is often expressed in clothing and appearance, because clothing can often express a person's identity and personality.After all, it takes a long time for the other party to understand your inner beauty, and only appearance can tell it at a glance.

Only when the other party agrees with you and accepts you, can you enter the other party's world smoothly, and communicate with the other party with ease, so as to manage your own affairs well, and all these acquisitions are largely related to your Appearance related.

One of the most important aspects of external attire is the beauty of clothing.The beauty of clothing has three meanings. The first is the beauty of the clothing itself, such as harmonious styles, colors, lines, and fabrics; the second is to show the beauty of the wearer's body;It is very good to achieve the second level of clothing beauty. If it can achieve the third level, it can be regarded as reaching the highest level and mastering the skills and knowledge of dressing.

Young people are lively and active, and they like sports. Jackets and jeans often give people a sense of chic, straight and youthful.

(End of this chapter)

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