Chapter 3 Success Factors (3)
There is a basketball coach who was hired by the NBA Los Angeles Lakers with an annual salary of 120 million US dollars as a coach to help them improve their record.After the coach came to the team, he told the 12 players: "Can you improve your serve a little bit, improve your offense a little bit, improve your defense a little bit, improve your pitching a little bit, and improve a little bit in every aspect?" The players thought, "It's so easy. A little bit of progress is of course okay!" So the Lakers became the NBA champion that year, and the coach said that because 12 players improved 5% of 1 items a year, so one player improved by 5%, and the whole team improved by 60%.

Although Li Ka-shing is getting old, he is still in good spirits. He has to go to the office to work every day, and he has never slack off.He must read the new book for half an hour before going to bed at night to understand cutting-edge ideas, theories and science and technology.According to himself, in addition to novels, he reads books on literature, history, philosophy, science and technology, and economics, and learns something every day.This is a habit he has maintained for decades.He recalled: When I was young, I was humble on the surface, but in fact I was very 'proud' inside.Why proud?Because when my colleagues go to play, I am seeking knowledge, they maintain their status quo every day, and my own knowledge is increasing day by day, which can be said to be the most important foundation in my life.The current knowledge is obtained by insisting on learning something every day during the relatively leisure time of those few years.Because there were few things in the company at that time, other colleagues liked to get together to play mahjong, while I started to study by myself with a copy of "Ci Hai" and a textbook for teachers.After reading the book, sell it and buy a new one.Keep learning something every day.

Life is like this, as long as each of us makes a little progress every day, then we will make 365 points of progress in a year.Keep doing this, keep improving, one foot is one foot, don't just think about reaching the sky one step at a time.Any small gap in life may lead to a gap of thousands of miles in a few years.A little bit of progress every day, gathering armpits and accumulating sand to form a tower, is what we need to do things, and it is also a matter of our life.

Accumulating strength is to grow stronger
The farmer planted two fruit tree seedlings of the same size in the field at the same time.The first tree desperately absorbs nutrients from the ground, reserves them, and silently calculates how to improve itself and grow upwards.The other tree also desperately absorbed nutrients from the ground, gathered together, and began to plan to bloom and bear fruit.

In the spring of the second year, the first tree spit out buds and grew upwards holding back its energy.As soon as the other tree spit out its young leaves, it couldn't wait to squeeze out its flower buds.

The first tree was purposeful and enduring, and quickly grew into a strong body.Another tree blooms and bears fruit every year.At first, the farmer was really surprised and appreciated it very much.But because the tree was not yet mature, it bloomed and bore fruit. It was so tired that it bent down, and the fruit it bore was sour and unpalatable. It often attracted a group of children to attack it with stones.Even, children will climb on its frail body, and while plundering the fruit, it will damage its self-esteem and limbs.

Time flies, and finally one day, the long-looming strong tree easily spits out flower buds, and due to its abundant nutrition and strong body, it bears big and sweet fruits.At this time, the tree that was eager to blossom and bear fruit became a dead wood.The farmer sighed in amazement, cut down the thin dead wood and used it for fire.

Sometimes the person who is not in a hurry to express himself is just the one who is the most competitive, the most vital, and the most promising.

Everything in the world has its own development law and steps.We can't overthrow or ignore any step for the sake of showing off. This will only make us an unhealthy person and have a bad impact on our own development. This is a short-sighted behavior.Don't lose the long-term big profit for the small profit in front of you.Learn to wait patiently and wait for bigger and better "fruits".

Keyword perception: accumulation
The greatest weakness of many people is the desire to accomplish great things in an instant, which is obviously impossible.Everything changes gradually. Only by persevering and persevering in daily accumulation can we achieve success.

(Chapter 6 Success - Don't Let "Success" Stop You
If success means maximizing your abilities, then there is no end to success.After you succeed, you will not stay at the top, but you will work harder to achieve greater success.

Like a football player who is ecstatic that he just scored his 10th goal.Now, he started a new training session elated with his 11th goal.

Little people are intoxicated with success
An internationally renowned ballerina star loses her temper every once in a while on the day of the performance, flicks her ballet shoes on her feet, and refuses to eat; When he was on stage, he felt that his throat was blocked; there was a famous athlete who suffered from pain in the back of his spine every once in a while, which affected his ability to perform competitively.

Why do the internationally renowned ballerina stars, well-known opera singers, and famous athletes above have such performances?The famous psychologist and psychotherapist Casella believes that this is caused by their inability to withstand success.

what is successSome people think it's money, some people think it's status, some people think it's honor... There are many people who think they have achieved all the social values ​​and think they are important people in society.Thus, "they are like contented cows—they have ceased to grow, and have ceased to learn."

Could it be success?Is this all that people should strive for when they come to this world?Someone asked a professional manager with the highest salary in the United States, what is the secret of success?The man replied, "Haven't I succeeded yet? No one ever really succeeds. There is always a higher goal ahead."

When we achieved a little bit of success, when we won a little bit of public admiration, how many people thought of stopping there and giving up the next step?But if we are content with the status quo, then we lose our strength, and a sense of lethargy and boredom takes over and paralyzes us.

Early success, to many, is like an opium, which dulls the soul, and only dissatisfaction and constant enterprise can remove this bad mood.Compared with the initial success, it often takes more courage and a stronger will to do the work well afterward.

Someone conducted a follow-up survey on 43 Nobel Prize winners, and found that the average number of papers published by these people per year was 5 to 9 before winning the award, and dropped to 4 after winning the award.After some politicians achieved a series of successes, they made major mistakes due to overconfidence; after some writers wrote one or two excellent works, no new works came out. There are many reasons, but they cannot treat success correctly. important reason.

Many times, we don't stumble on our own flaws, but on our "success", because flaws often remind us, but "success" often makes us get carried away and lose our minds.

Success is not absolute. If you don’t analyze the specific situation and think that you can sit back and relax with the existing success, if you don’t think about making progress, success will also turn into failure.

Success not only causes psychological barriers, but sometimes also has negative consequences of complacency.The allure of comfort and the satisfaction of what you have achieved has conquered many.Aggression can sometimes be less tenacious when complacency breeds, so people don't always overcome the enemy of slack.There is a poem that says:
Want to climb to the top,

Those who want to breathe the purest air,
Will not rest easily,
Instead, keep climbing.

There is nothing we can do about a young man who is perfectly content to drift along in ordinary life, content with what he has achieved, and indifferent to most of his untapped potential.If he does not have enough aggressiveness, he will not work hard, will not show himself, and will not create any new achievements.

Only small people consider themselves successful, and the truly great never reach their goals.Because as they progress, their standards will become higher and higher; as their horizons broaden, their aggressiveness will gradually increase.

People who are constantly improving themselves are always unable to be satisfied with their existing achievements, and always pursue something greater, more perfect, and more fulfilling.

Constantly renew the realm of success

Paddy's most desired goal is to go to college.He grew up in an orphanage—an old-fashioned orphanage where the orphans worked from 5 in the morning until sunset, and the food was poor and inadequate.

He graduated from high school at the age of 14.Then, he entered the society and started to make a living.

The job he found was operating a sewing machine in a tailor shop.

Later, he was lucky enough to marry a girl who was willing to help him realize his dream of going to college, but it was not easy.Not long after they got married, the store started laying off employees, so the young couple decided to go out on their own.They pooled their savings and started Paddy's Realty.Paddy's wife, Mary, even sold her wedding ring to add to their small capital.

Within two years, business was booming, and Mary insisted that Paddy go to college.At the age of 36, he received his degree—this was the first milestone in his life.

Paddy returned to the real estate business and became his wife's business partner.They have a new target - a house by the sea.Finally, they also realized that dream.

However, the couple did not see such a life as their ultimate purpose.They have a little girl to educate and if they can pay off the installments on their commercial building and turn the building into an apartment for rent, the rent from the income could pay for their child's college.Because they were single-minded to achieve this goal, they finally achieved it.

The Paddys lead a busy, happy, successful life because they always have a new goal in front of them, giving direction to their efforts.They have found the truth of George Bernard Shaw's words: "I hate success. Success is doing in the world what a man does, just as the male spider, once inseminated, is stabbed to death by the female spider. I like to keep improving, and the goal is always ahead. , not behind."

A man may achieve great material success and even attain great heights in the spiritual realm, but if he relaxes himself and allows arrogant, selfish and corrupt thoughts to occupy his mind, he will once again regress into weakness, misery situation.

Self-satisfaction is a breeding ground of temptation, a cradle of corruption, a waste of time, and a devour of well-being.Only by making continuous progress can we fulfill our lofty mission and create the brilliance of life.

The truly great achievers never stop improving:

Baldwin, a 19th-century British statesman and four-term prime minister, began learning a new language at the age of 70.

Bismarck was 83 when he died, but his greatest work was done after he was 70.

The 16th-century Italian painter Titian continued to paint until his death at the age of 99.

Goethe completed Faust only a few years before his death at the age of 83.

Astronomer Rabland said when he died at the age of 79: "What we know is limited, and what we don't know is infinite."

If you aspire to be successful, to allow yourself to grow, to keep growing, whether it's spiritually or professionally, or in relationships, you have to model yourself on the greats of the past.

Newton saw himself as a child picking shells from the ocean of truth.The more achievements Einstein achieved and the more praise he received, the more ignorant he felt.He compares the knowledge he has learned to a circle, the larger the circle, the greater the contact surface between it and the outside world.There is no end to science and endless struggle, and human society is constantly progressing without being satisfied with existing successes.

Keyword insight: success
The famous success scientist Williams said that the definition of "success" or "victory" is to maximize your abilities-including your physical, intellectual, and mental and emotional strength, no matter what you do.If you do this, you are a success.

(Chapter 7 Financial management - "hanging" other people's money on your own waist

With every dollar bill that flows into your hands, you, and you alone, have the power to determine your own future.Spend it stupidly, and you choose poverty; Spend it on debt, and you might be middle class; Invest in your mind, learn how to acquire assets, and wealth will be your goal, your future .How you manage your money is entirely up to you.

Send the idea of ​​wealth into the subconscious mind

Sahot, a 13-year-old student in Florida, USA, used to babysit for others to earn pocket money.He noticed that mothers of babies with heavy housework often had to rush to the street to buy diapers, so he had an idea and decided to start a "call and deliver diaper company". Things like medicine or small toys.He initially served nearby families, and was quickly welcomed by the neighbors, so he printed some leaflets and distributed them around.As a result, the business developed rapidly and the business was very good, but he could only deliver goods by bicycle in his spare time, so he hired some college students with a salary of $15 an hour to help him.He now owns several large-scale companies.

You'd better figure out from the very beginning what kind of person you want to be and how much money you want to make in your life.The clearer you think, the easier it is for you to achieve.Life goals determine life strategies, and the life strategies for making small money and making big money are completely different.Making small money can be achieved by working for others, but making big money usually requires starting your own business.The vast majority of the world's billionaires are self-employed entrepreneurs.

There are usually 4 ways to make money:
1. Being an employee of others;

2. Be a freelancer;
3. Be a business owner;

4. Be an investor.

Freelancers generally make more money than regular employees; business owners or investors generally make more money than freelancers.

Whether your relatives and friends are rich is not important, what matters is whether you regard yourself as a rich person, whether you think about problems like a rich person, and cultivate your financial wisdom and ability.Successful entrepreneurs or investors believe they will get rich, even if they have only one dollar left in their pocket, they still believe that they have the ability to come back and get rich again.The sooner you have this belief and willingness to get rich, the sooner you will have wealth and the stronger your ability to survive.

The reason why the poor are poor is first of all because they have the concept of poverty, or they do not have the knowledge of how to increase wealth, and they have never really made up their minds to master this knowledge.Those who have had huge wealth for generations in foreign countries first benefited from the concept and ability to control money passed on to them by their parents since childhood.Those who have been poor for generations have inherited the concept of poverty from their parents.

If you do not work for money or for survival in the future, but can make money work for you, so that you can continue to realize your dreams with the money you earn, so that you and your family can enjoy a happy, happy and healthy life, you will be even better Easy to be successful and rich.

If you want to become a rich person, you have to think about how to improve your own value and how to make greater contributions to society.When what you do is valuable to others, others will be willing to pay you to exchange it with you.A person who wants to own a huge amount of wealth must think more about how to bring greater value to more people, and provide society with better products or better services.The more valuable you are to society, the more people you serve and the more wealth you will have.

The idea that only work can create money is the idea of ​​a financially immature person.That doesn't mean they aren't smart, just that they haven't learned how to make money.If you want more money, just change your thinking.Any self-made man always starts from a small business under the guidance of a certain idea, and then continues to grow.The same is true for investment. You only need to invest a little money at first, and you can make a large amount in the end.Many people spend their lives looking for big deals, or trying to raise a lot of money to do them, but generally speaking, it's an extremely clumsy way of doing it.Many unsophisticated investors who put a lot of their capital into a trade and lose most of it very quickly may be good employees but not good investors.

In today's era, just learning your homework well, going to a prestigious university, and studying for a master's or doctoral degree cannot make you rich, nor can you guarantee that you will not be financially troubled throughout your life.If you want to become a millionaire, you should work hard to learn and master the laws of using money, cultivate the awareness of self-employment, and find ways to participate in business practice activities. Don't limit your thinking pattern to "finding a job" and "employment". "In the scope of "part-time job", don't succumb to the pressure of survival.

Many people also think about making money and getting rich, but they just think about it, occasionally.This is absolutely impossible. If you don’t think about wealth all the time and think about the channels through which you can obtain wealth, you won’t have a huge motivation to get rich.Dale Carnegie believes: "If you want to get wealth, you must first send the concept of wealth into your subconscious mind. No matter when and where, you must first believe that you will have a lot of wealth." If you firmly believe in the above passage and work hard honestly, Then the subconscious mind will work for you and accumulate wealth. In the future, you will wonder how you have so much money.

Borrow a chicken to lay a big egg

(End of this chapter)

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