Chapter 2 Success Factors (2)
Opportunities come and go in a hurry, passing by in a flash.An old proverb says well: "The old man of opportunity will give you his hair first. If you don't catch it right away, you will bump into his bald head." The youth of society are vital.The key to grasping an opportunity is to think quickly and catch it in time, and don't let it slip away easily, so that losing the "opportunity" will cause eternal hatred.

Opportunity is not a gentle visitor, it will not meet you automatically wearing a white tin belt, a tuxedo, and a top hat.It is fair to everyone, and it can come quietly to everyone.Some people have quick eyes and quick hands, and welcome the opportunity to be a guest; some people are numb and sluggish, making the "duck" that is about to reach its mouth fly away again.

Only when you constantly show yourself, find people who appreciate you, and attract the attention and attention of others, can you find opportunities.It is also natural that people who are too reserved, shy, and dare not show their talents will not be valued by "Bole" and recognized by society.

Li Ming works in an advertising company. Among the more than 100 employees in the company, there are many senior people. It can be said that there are many talents. He has no advantage there.But Li Ming is very down-to-earth in his work. Not only can he complete the tasks assigned by his boss like other colleagues, but he also likes to think about things other than his own work.Therefore, it is often the colleague who leaves after get off work, and he is still looking for something to do in the office.

One day, when the boss passed by his door, he saw that he was still there, so he said hello, and Li Ming chatted with the boss.The topic turned to work, and Li Ming talked about his ideas on advertising planning, content production, and management, among which there are many suggestions for his current work.

Naturally, Li Ming caught the attention of the boss.Although there are many talents among his subordinates, it is rare for them to be so concerned about the company's development after work, so he took the initiative to talk to Li Ming about topics inside and outside of work.Gradually, the boss looked at Li Ming differently, thinking that Li Ming would be a capable assistant, and decided to appoint Li Ming as his assistant.

Opportunity is an important social resource.For its arrival, the conditions are often very harsh, and it is quite rare and rare. It cannot be obtained easily.To obtain it requires great "investment", high price and cost, which is quite sufficient strength and excellent talent.Opportunity is equivalent to friendship. If you fall in love with it, it will also love you and give you back, but opportunity will never come to your door easily.Those who are unwilling to spend time "investing" will definitely not get its favor and return.Comedian You Benchang said deeply: "Opportunities are equal to everyone. When the opportunity comes, those who have prepared for it will stand out; those who have not prepared can only watch it go away in vain. .”

Opportunity is by no means a gift from God, it is something that people actively strive for and create.Opportunities are precious and scarce, and they are also very perishable.If you neglect, neglect, or carelessly treat it, it will not extend its warm arms to you.Those who take the initiative are easy to capture opportunities; those who wait on the sidelines often miss opportunities. This is a universal rule.And if you show more initiative and enthusiasm than ordinary people, opportunities will come to you.

Opportunity is a fleeting spark, once lost, it is not easy to have it again.When an opportunity is approaching you, although there are still some uncertainties, the most sensible thing to do at this time is to have a quick eye, make a decisive decision, and seize it, so as not to be fleeting or change over time.Seizing opportunities requires vision and courage, as well as tenacity and patience.You have to keep trying, endure all kinds of hardships, go through thousands of mountains, and attack in many ways to find it.

Keyword insight: opportunity
We have to be like cherry trees, while quietly waiting for the arrival of spring, we are also recharging our energy all the time.When people are waiting, they must always spy on the position, judge the situation, and move accordingly.

(Chapter 4 Action - Immediate Action Brings Passion and Achievement
The saddest sentence in the world is: I really should have done that, but I didn't.Anyone with strength and ability can always do something immediately when he is full of enthusiasm for it.

Action will have a "pie"

In real life, only those who take action can get the feedback of life in the process of action.Even if the direction of action is wrong, you can learn lessons from it, so that you can have more experience in dealing with similar difficulties in your future life.

Once you have an idea, act immediately.However, some people are always indecisive and hesitant, and when they decide what to do, they often miss the opportunity. In the end, they can only say: "If I did that at that time, I would definitely not be like this now, but What could go wrong if I do this now?" This kind of forward-looking thinking keeps them stuck, and even if God gives them another chance, they won't be able to seize it.This way of thinking prevents people from taking action, and they always let those erratic thoughts control their plans, but they think that all aspects are considered very well.In fact, this kind of thinking that you think you are smart is an extremely conservative way of thinking.But outstanding people are just the opposite. They will take immediate action on what they believe in, and they will stop doing it. Once they take action, there must be a result.They don't waste time with indecision.

"The secret of the success of the whole thing," said Amos Lawrence, "is that we form the habit of acting immediately, and thus stay ahead of the tide of the times. Others have the habit of procrastinating until the time surpasses them." and they end up getting left behind."

Without action, results cannot be achieved.Although thinking is essential, the most important thing is to put it into practice - think more, and more do more.

A man asked a thinker: "What is the key to your being a great thinker?"

The thinker told him: "Think more!"

The man was full of joy, and after returning home, he lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling, and began to "think a lot" without moving.

A month later, the man's wife came to the thinker: "Please go and see my husband, he came back from you like a demon."

The thinker went to see this person, and the person got up and asked the thinker: "I am thinking all the time except for eating every day. How far do you think I am from a great thinker?"

The thinker asked: "You just want to do nothing all day long, so what do you think about?"

The man said: "There are too many things I think about, and I can't fit them in my head."

"I see that all you have harvested is rubbish except for the hair on your head."


"He who thinks not to do can only produce thought rubbish," replied the thinker.

Only by taking action can you have a chance of success, you will find the best way to deal with problems in actual actions, and you will find a way of life that suits you in actual actions.Sometimes, there will be some unexpected opportunities come to you.

A junior high school graduate gave up his studies without being admitted to high school.He didn't have any goals in life at all. He idled around in his teens, eating, drinking and having fun all day long.When he was 18 years old, his father died of illness, and he had to bear the burden of life because his mother had no income and his younger brother was still in school.So he wanted to go to the city to be a chef, but because he had no skills, he had to go to a restaurant as a waiter first.In the city, he realized the importance of knowledge, so he found a few books to read after get off work.He lived with the chefs of the restaurant, and once he overheard two chefs say that eggs are in short supply recently, and other restaurants are the same.So he thought, his mother also raised a few chickens at home, why not raise more and sell the eggs to the city to earn some living expenses.

So he told his mother about this idea, and she agreed.Three months later, in order to sell eggs, he went to several restaurants and markets. Although he heard a lot of sarcastic remarks, he still sold all the eggs.

In the process, he met several egg merchants.Those egg merchants said that if he had more eggs, they would all be willing to buy them.How could he let go of such a good opportunity so easily?So he quit his job and went home to start a chicken farm.In this way, after a few years he became a very rich man.

The goal of this junior high school student was to be a chef, and he acted for this goal, and discovered a new opportunity in the process. conditions are created.

If you look forward and backward, if you are used to hesitating and not knowing what you really need, then you will never be successful.These are not the qualities of a successful person.A successful person will not be a perfect person, he will have all kinds of shortcomings, but he knows what he needs and strives for it.He made mistakes, he had setbacks, but he always got up quickly and kept going.

Success always favors the strong-willed, energetic, and quick-moving.Such people are not only good at making decisions, but also good at implementing them.When faced with a problem, he will fully consider the situation he is facing, make a decisive choice, and then firmly implement it.Such a person has extraordinary management abilities. He not only makes plans, but also executes them.Not only did he make a decision, but he was able to carry it through to the end.

The down-to-earth people always act early.If you want to achieve great things, after you set lofty goals, you must calm down and do what you should do seriously and down-to-earth.On the road to success, don't dream of reaching the sky in one step. If the foundation is not solid, then your goal is no different from a castle in the air.Therefore, a truly smart person is to go step by step and use his own actions to build the cornerstone of success.

When you make up your mind, you must act immediately, because God will not send you a pie just because of your beautiful imagination!
Realize your idea now
When people are interested, doing things is a kind of joy; when people are not interested, doing things is a kind of pain.In Greek mythology, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, jumped out of the split head of Zeus in armor.Like Athena, people's highest ideals, greatest ideas, and grandest visions often pop out of their minds completely and powerfully at a certain moment.

A vision of wonder and beauty suddenly strikes an artist like lightning, but he does not want to immediately pick up the brush and paint it on the canvas.Although this scene occupied all his mind, he never ran into the studio to bury his head and brush his hair.At last, this miraculous sight gradually faded from his heart!
Do you often have such ideas and ideas?So hurry up and put it into practice!

A map, however detailed, however precise its scale, can never move its owner an inch above the ground; a parchment, however just, can never prevent crime.So only action is the moisture that nourishes success.

From now on, we must remember the lesson of fireflies.Because it only emits light when it is in action.Try to turn yourself into a firefly, even in the sun, you can see your light.Let others adorn their wings like a butterfly, and live by the giving of flowers.If you want to struggle and succeed, you must be a firefly and use the light of your own actions to illuminate your future.

In daily life, you may often hear such words: "I'll wait and see, the situation will get better." For some people, this seems to have become a way of life they are used to.They are always going to come back to tomorrow, so they are always doing nothing.

Those who are successful must know the adage: "Let us understand this: procrastination, slowness is tantamount to death."

The reason why some people hesitate to take action is that he has the problem of worrying about gains and losses and being indecisive.Even if he thinks about things very comprehensively, once he wants to act, he will be worried in one way or another: what if the problem cannot be solved by then?What if things don't work out?Hesitating to the end can only be a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain.

Others often have doubts about their own decisions, are afraid of taking responsibility for their own decisions, let alone believe that their decisions can play a big role.Because of this lack of self-confidence, the beautiful life they designed often comes to naught.

From now on, you have to force yourself to develop the ability to make decisions in situations.Start with a problem, make a decisive decision, and when dealing with some important matters, consider all aspects, use reason to resolve doubts, and then make a final decision.

There's always a lot to get done, and if you're being held back by laziness, start with any one of those things right now.It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that you broke through the bad habit of doing nothing.On the other hand, if you want to avoid a chore, then you should start with that chore, immediately.Otherwise, things will continue to bother you and make you feel tedious and unwilling to do it.

Have you ever met someone who likes to say "If only... I had..."?These are the people who go on and on about what he has missed to succeed in the past, or what he is "planning" to do in the future.People who talk about "what they might have done" are just talkers.Practitioners often say this: "If my success came overnight, then this night is an extremely long process."

When you develop the "do it now" habit, then you will master the essence of personal initiative.

The poet John Milton once said, "He who just stands and waits gets something." It may be sincere, but it's worth pondering.But the real wealth in life often belongs to those who seek it with positive action.Success often belongs to those who work hard for a long time.

Every day countless people cancel their hard-earned new ideas because they are afraid to execute them.After a while, these ideas come back to torment them.

Remember: execute your idea immediately to realize its value.No matter how good an idea is, unless it is truly practiced, it will never be rewarded.

To act immediately, you can develop the habit of action from the following 8 aspects:

1. Be proactive.Be brave in practice, be a person who is really doing things, not a person who is not doing things.

2. Don't wait until everything is ready to do it. There is never an absolutely perfect thing.Even if there are difficulties in the future, once they happen, solve them immediately.

3. Ideas by themselves cannot bring success, ideas are only valuable when they are put into practice.

4. Use action to overcome fear while boosting your self-confidence.Do what you are afraid of, and your fear will disappear immediately.

5. Push your spirit yourself, don't wait for the spirit to push you to do things.Take the initiative, and you will naturally be full of energy.

6. Always think that words like "now", "tomorrow", "next week" and "future" have the same meaning as "it will never be done", and you want to become the kind of person who "I will do it now".

7. Get started now.Don't waste time on unnecessary preparations, start taking action now.

8. Be proactive and be a reformer.Volunteer to improve the status quo, take the initiative to take responsibility, and prove to everyone that you have the ability and ambition to succeed.

Keyword insight: action
Immediate action can bring people feedback and a sense of accomplishment, let people experience passion, and can also bring people joy.Self-satisfaction and happiness through action cannot be replaced by other methods.That said, if you want to find happiness, if you want to reach your potential, you have to take action, put your ideas into practice, and give it your all.

(Chapter 5 Accumulation - thick accumulation and thin hair

If the accumulation is not enough, the eagerness to express will only be a flash in the pan, and it will even cause harm to oneself; those who have accumulated a lot and come to fruition will enjoy the joy of success for a long time.

progress little by little

In the Asian Cup in 2000, the Chinese team reached the semi-finals and met the Japanese team in the semi-finals.Many players said before the game: We are not afraid of the Japanese team.There was nothing wrong with the coach's tactical arrangements during the game, and the players worked hard, but in the end they lost the game 2:3.It should be said that the Chinese team has improved compared to the past, and the game is not ugly. In terms of player speed and physical condition, the Japanese team seems to be inferior to the Chinese team.But why did the Japanese team win the game in the end?
Those who have seen the Chinese men's football team training in the past may understand what is going on.A foreign coach once commented on the Chinese team at that time: "This is a team that is irresponsible to itself." Because the players of the Chinese national team are very lazy during training, they often take a half-day rest after practicing for a while.Don't listen carefully to the coach's instructions, try to practice some impractical techniques, and put on some airs.This lazy style has spread throughout the team.Even when playing some teaching games, I always see the players of the national team listlessly "walking" on the field. Once a ball is passed a little farther, they don't bother to chase it.When the coach blames them, they often say: "This is not a real game, why is it so formal?"

The slackness of the Chinese team members in normal training has resulted in the inability to show a normal tense rhythm in the real arena. Every Japanese player can be two steps faster than the Chinese team, so that the entire Japanese team is two steps faster than the Chinese team... …

Every training and preparation on weekdays is to prepare for our success. Success is not easy to come by. We need to work hard and sweat profusely in the process of struggle.Those who underestimate the usual competition and training can only end in failure when the competition really comes.

(End of this chapter)

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