Chapter 27
If you fail, don't spend too much time looking for excuses.What good excuses are there for changing things?It's better to think carefully about what to do next.Conversely, in the face of failure, if the next step is done well, it is not impossible to turn defeat into victory.Then there is no point in making excuses.In actual work, each of us should implement this "no excuse" thinking.

A computer engineer is ecstatic to tell his colleagues that he has succeeded in inventing a supercomputer like the human brain.

His colleague looked at him suspiciously and asked, "You mean, the computer you invented can think independently like a human being, has an emotional center, can fall in love, and even drive to the supermarket to shop?"

The computer engineer smiled shyly: "It's not as amazing as you said..."

His colleague pressed, "So, what can your computer do?"

The engineer said excitedly: "It can be like a human being. Every time it makes a mistake, it can guarantee that it will attribute the fault to another computer in the first time."

When we make a mistake, we immediately push it to others, which is the most common mistake we make.

Dale Carnegie said that the bravest person in the world is the one who admits his mistakes.Would you like to practice being the bravest man in the world?
A truly great person is not in never making mistakes, but in being able to admit mistakes quickly and clearly after making mistakes.

There is nothing shameful or weak about admitting a mistake; it is the most despicable behavior to avoid responsibility after making a mistake, to find excuses, or even to blame others.

Admitting mistakes does not guarantee our success, but reviewing can.Just remember to review your own mistakes, not someone else's.Reviewing mistakes, you will get correction methods and practical experience, and these methods and experience are the guardrails on the road to the end of success. With these guardrails, you can reach your destination safely and impartially.

From this moment on, let us learn to refuse to find excuses; learn to face setbacks and take responsibility; learn to admit mistakes bravely, and don't blame anyone.

If you don’t look for excuses, you will never give up; if you don’t look for excuses, you will forge ahead... To succeed, you must maintain a positive heart and never give up easily, try to discover the best side of the people or things around you, and seek from it. A positive view gives you the strength to move forward.

Courageously Overcome "Excuse Syndrome"

A philosopher said: "I am amazed when I find that the ugliest side of other people is a reflection of my own nature." Albert Hubbard said: "Why do people spend so much time making excuses to get rid of it?" Covering up their weaknesses, and deliberately fooling themselves? If put to the right use, that's enough time to correct those weaknesses, and then there's no need for excuses."

However, the negative mentality caused by various excuses in life still poisons our souls like a plague, and infects and affects each other, greatly hindering people's normal potential, causing many people to lose their fighting spirit and behave negatively.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “People who are good at making excuses are rarely good at anything else.” So, how can we make fewer excuses?The first step to being good at doing things is to recognize that you have a big baggage that you carry on your own back.This baggage is a lot of excuses.

If you saw the need to take responsibility for yourself, would you still see yourself slipping into those old excuses?You have to understand that the best way is to have the courage to find out what is going on and face them.

To discard those old ways of thinking, and choose a new way of thinking.All kinds of excuses will take deep roots in real life, and sometimes all excuses will become a justified reason.For example, your inability to ride a bicycle is sometimes a real reason because you are simply too small, too short, or have poor skills.But when those reasons are always your reasons, then trouble ensues. "I'm one of those people who just doesn't know how to ride a bike." Are you really like that?Are you really different from everyone else?Remember that anytime you catch yourself making excuses, that means you need to change the way you think.

Look at others, and then look at ourselves, shouldn't we find out the reasons for our failures, overcome them and correct them?In order to better get rid of the adverse effects of "excuse disease", you can self-examine and ask others to help you.Self-examination is subjective, and some are correct and some are incorrect; others' self-examination for you is objective, and of course there are correct and incorrect ones.Comparing with each other, you can almost find out the real reason of failure. These reasons must be related to your personality, wisdom and ability.You don't have to defend yourself, take these analyzes seriously, face them honestly, and correct yourself.

American success scientist Grantner once said: If you have the ability to tie your own shoelaces, you will have a chance to reach the stars!Let us change our attitude towards excuses, and use the time and energy spent on finding excuses to struggle in life.Because there are no excuses in life, there are no excuses in life, there are no excuses for failure, and success does not belong to those who look for excuses!

Keyword insights: excuses
There are no excuses, no complaints, responsibility is the criterion of all actions.

Seemingly indifferent and impersonal without making any excuses, it can stimulate a person's greatest potential.No matter who you are, in life, you don't need any excuses, no matter if you fail or do something wrong, no matter how good an excuse is, it doesn't mean anything to the matter itself.Many failures in life are due to the excuses that have been paralyzing us.

(Chapter 7 Impulse - think a few more steps when things happen

If a person does something without thinking about it, it is easy to leave a reckless impression on people, but if he can think more about it, he will not only leave a mature and steady impression on people, but also have a sense of humor. conducive to the resolution of the matter.

weigh it before doing it
Junior high school student A has always had good academic performance in school, and he usually doesn't like to talk, but he can't understand those classmates who are self-righteous and often bully others.Boy B in their class often bullies others and often causes troubles in school, but because this student's family is rich, the school also indulges him, just like this, the students dare not speak out against him.

One day, A and B had a dispute.The reason is that A accidentally bumped into B while walking, and B began to curse, and then slapped A in the face. At this time, A was very angry, picked up the pen on the table, and stabbed at B.Unexpectedly, B fell to the ground with an "ah" sound. Looking at the blood flowed out by B, A's mind went blank.B never got up again, and A paid a heavy price for his impulsiveness.

When you encounter a problem and it is difficult to decide what to do for a while, don't act blindly, but think carefully.Wait until you fully understand the problem and have a good grasp of the solution before making a decision, because by then you have thought it over carefully.

The success or failure of doing things often depends on the mastery of the actual situation. Don't act hastily before the facts do not allow you to make a decision.In many cases, by thinking more about things, you can avoid many situations that should not happen.

When the great inventor Thomas Edison talked about his principles of doing things, he said: "There are many things that I think are right. After being tested by experiments, I often find that they are full of mistakes. Therefore, I dare not make premature decisions about anything. It was done after careful consideration.”

Control your impulses, have a peaceful heart, and face unsatisfactory with confidence, so that you will gradually mature.

The success or failure of things often depends on the mastery of the actual situation. Don't act hastily before the facts do not allow you to make a decision.On many occasions, if you think about it, you will find that your past practices and opinions are totally inappropriate for the situation you are facing now.

When a person is mentally stimulated, depressed or physically unwell, never make a hasty decision, because then your judgment is no longer accurate.You should adjust your emotions, make a decision after full consideration, and consider the actual situation of all aspects, otherwise you will regret your sloppyness afterwards.

Whenever something happens, think more about it.If you really feel clueless and irritable, it's best to let yourself relax first, and let your body and mind return to a calm state as soon as possible.When you are full of energy, your vision will become sharper and your mind will become clearer. At this time, you will be able to "think twice before acting" rationally when dealing with problems.

In work and life, we often envision our own future, envisage what remains to be done on the way to the future, and what methods will be adopted to achieve the goal. This is what we often call foresight.

We know that only by thinking a few more steps can we have a vision.Foresight is gained through positive thinking, and it can sometimes bring us great benefits, it can open the door of wisdom, and it can discover a person's potential.It can be said that the more visionary a person is, the stronger his ability will be.Catherine Rogan once said: "Vision does not let us get something, but guides us to implement actions. With a plan in mind, we can move from one achievement to another, and use every success of things as a springboard. Both bounce higher and farther."

"Think before you act" will not let you suffer, on the contrary, it can benefit you a lot.

Calm thinking and restraining impulse

When Zeng Guofan led the Hunan army to encircle and suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Qing government had an extremely complicated attitude towards him: don’t use this person, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is so powerful that no one can beat it; The army is a subordinate soldier established by him, and he is afraid of posing a threat to himself.Under the influence of this guiding ideology, when it comes to the appointment of Zeng Guofan, you are often used to handle affairs, and high positions and real power are not given.The distressed Zeng Guofan urgently needed important ministers in the court to speak for himself, so as to dispel the doubts of the Qing government.

Suddenly one day, Zeng Guofan received a secret letter from Sushun from Hu Linyi in the army, and learned that this shrewd and capable minister Gu Ming recommended himself as Governor of Liangjiang in front of the Empress Dowager Cixi.Zeng Guofan was overjoyed, Emperor Xianfeng had just passed away, and the crown prince was young. Although there were a few ministers Gu Ming, Sushun was in fact monopolizing power. It would be great to have him speak for himself.

Zeng Guofan wanted to write a letter to Sushun to express his gratitude.But after writing a few sentences, he stopped.He knew that Sushun was self-willed and arrogant, and in today's words, he had talent and temper.He also thought of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Although this woman is quiet now, she is definitely not very human. Judging from Zeng Guofan's years of experience in reading people, the Empress Dowager Cixi is extremely intelligent, has a strong desire for power, and is very scheming.How long can Sushun's authoritarian approach last?Will the Empress Dowager Cixi get along well with Sushun?
After thinking about it, Zeng Guofan did not write this letter.

Later, Sushun was ransacked and executed by Empress Dowager Cixi.Among the many officials' letters flattering Sushun, there is only a few words from Zeng Guofan.

(End of this chapter)

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