Chapter 11 Success Qualities (5)
Therefore, keep in mind the good habit of "persistence", consciously cultivate your perseverance, and never give up lightly. This is the "iron law" of success.

In many cases, hardships and hardships are not enough to knock us down, but we ourselves are the first to be unable to support ourselves and fall down, losing our perseverance and courage.

Many people who achieve nothing do not lack goals to pursue, but often give up goals when encountering difficulties.When failure comes in life, that is when you choose to give up.Therefore, when everything is not going your way, you should keep going and try again, as long as you persist, you will succeed.

Water droplets can pierce rocks, and wire saws can break wood.If you are half-hearted, even a genius may accomplish nothing; only by relying on perseverance and accumulating bit by bit can you look forward to the day of success.Diligent people can have the last laugh, and the horses that can run will stand out.

Persist until I succeed.You have to keep this ancient law of balance firmly in mind and encourage yourself to persevere, because each failure increases the chance of success the next time.This rejection is the next approval, and this frown is the next extended smile.Today's misfortune often portends tomorrow's good fortune.You try, try, try again, and ride the waves like a sailor.

Persevere until you succeed, resist all temptations in life, and persevere as long as you have a breath, because this is the secret of success.

Keyword insight: Persevere
After all the setbacks, I hope you haven't sunk down, fallen into the abyss, and don't get into the horns full of complaints.Persevere with the belief that you will win, as long as your dream is still there, as long as you cheer up, then you will make a comeback, open up a new world, and usher in another round of life full of vigor and vitality...

(Chapter 9 Positive—Actively guide the trajectory of life
Luck is always on the side of the positive thinker.A person with a positive attitude can always have a bright future in his heart. Even if he is in a difficult situation, he can get out of the difficulty with a cheerful and creative attitude and welcome the light.

think positive in everything
A woman joined the army with her husband.Unexpectedly, the troops were stationed in the desert, lived in iron houses, and did not understand the language of the surrounding Indians and Mexicans.The local temperature is very high, as high as 50 ℃ in the shade of the cactus.To make matters worse, her husband later went on an expedition, leaving her alone.So she frowns all day long and lives like a year. Life is already a kind of torment for her.

So she wrote to her parents, saying she wanted to go home.

The long-awaited reply finally arrived, but when she opened it, she was disappointed.Parents neither comforted her nor told her to go back quickly.There was only a thin piece of letter paper in the envelope, and there were only a few short lines on it:
Two people looking out from the ventilation window of the prison,

One sees the dirt of the ground,

The other saw the stars in the sky.

She was very disappointed and a little angry, why did her parents reply with such a letter?But despite this, these few lines still aroused her interest, because after all, it was the concern of the parents far away in their hometown for their daughter.After pondering over and over again, finally one day, she was pleasantly surprised, and the brows that were tightly frowned every day suddenly relaxed.

She discovered her problem: She used to habitually look down, only to see dirt on the ground.But why don't you look up?Look up and see the stars in the sky!And there must be not only dirt in our lives, but also stars!Why don't I look up to find the stars, appreciate the stars, and enjoy the beautiful world of starlight?
She thought so, and really started to do it.

She began to take the initiative to make friends with Indians and Mexicans, and the result surprised her, because she found that they were very hospitable and warm, so she gradually became friends with them.They also gave her many valuable pottery and textiles as gifts.She studied the cacti in the desert, and took notes while studying, but she did not expect that the cacti are so varied and intoxicating; everything that comes.Unexpectedly, she really found the stars and really felt the splendor of the starry sky.She found that everything in her life had changed, and she seemed to be bathed in spring every day, and she seemed to be surrounded by laughter every day.Later, after returning to the United States, she wrote a book called "Happy Castle" based on her true inner journey, which caused a great sensation.

Everything has two sides - a positive and a negative.For "her" in the desert, there must be both dirt and stars in life, that's for sure.And none of this will change!Obviously what has changed is her heart, her habitual way of thinking-in the past, she habitually chose to look at the dirt and choose the negative side of things, and later she habitually chose the stars and the positive side of things.

Sean works in the scheduling room of a company. He usually works very seriously, but he always looks at things very pessimistically.One day, everyone got off work early, and Sean was unfortunately locked in a freezer truck. No matter how hard he beat, no one noticed.He thought to himself that the temperature in the freezer car was usually around -20°C, and he would freeze to death if this continued, so he hurriedly wrote the suicide note with trembling hands.When they took him to the hospital the next morning, the doctors found him beyond recovery.In fact, the refrigeration system of the freezer was not turned on because of maintenance that day, and there was enough oxygen in the car.Therefore, Sean died completely because of his imagination and his negative attitude.

People with a positive attitude, no matter what difficulties or setbacks they encounter, they will ask themselves to see the positive side of things, and focus on finding solutions to the problem rather than the problem itself.They will not look for all kinds of reasons and excuses, but require themselves to find a solution to the problem, and will never give up until they achieve their goals.Therefore, they can always make themselves succeed from one difficulty and setback after another.

A man named Xie Kunshan unfortunately lost a leg and two hands when he was 16 years old, and later lost an eye.But he was able to face life positively and optimistically. Not only did he wash his face and brush his teeth, take care of himself, he also practiced painting and calligraphy, became a painter, and was elected as one of the top ten outstanding youths in Taiwan.He also married a beautiful and virtuous wife and had two lovely daughters.

Life requires a positive attitude, and a positive and optimistic attitude towards life determines whether a person lives happily or not.You've probably heard the adage, "Success begets more success, and failure begets more failure." That's true.

In fact, life is like that.We will inevitably encounter many setbacks, difficulties and troubles, but this does not mean that you are doomed to be defeated.If you uphold sincere beliefs, face life bravely, firmly believe that good luck will come, you will be able to break through the siege, and any difficulties will be solved.This applies to everyone, in every situation.This is the power of a positive attitude.

Do you want to be a hero or a coward?Are you a strong-willed person or a weak-minded person?A person with a positive attitude is by no means a coward, he believes in himself, in life, in human beings.He knows his abilities, is not afraid at all, and can always be invincible.He will take what is best for him out of everything that happens.

Let the aggressiveness flow in the blood
Playing in the NBA is the best dream of every American teenager. They are eager to fly in the arena that represents the highest level of basketball competition.

When the young Boggs said that he had the same dream as everyone else, his companions laughed so hard that their stomachs ached.Boggs' height is only 160 centimeters. In the NBA arena where two meters are too short, he is at best a dwarf.

But Boggs did not give up because of the ridicule of others, but kept encouraging himself: "I love basketball, and I am determined to play in the NBA." He spent all his spare time on the basketball court.When the others went home, he was still practicing. Others went to soak up the summer sun, but he insisted on practicing on the basketball court.

He told himself every day: I want to play in the NBA.He knows very well that with his height, he must have his own "unique skills" in order to go to the NBA.He worked hard to develop his strengths: quick as a bullet; dribbling without mistakes; running faster than others.

Later, Boggs became the best guard in the Charlotte Hornets with the fewest turnovers, and he often flew all over the court like a small hornet.He has excellent ball handling, accurate long-range shooting, and he dares to drive the ball to the basket in the Giants.

Boggs is the record shortest player in NBA history.He turned the impossible in the eyes of others into reality.Boggs once said proudly: "The spirit of enterprising flows in my blood, so I can realize my dreams."

The next positive step is to be aggressive.

Even the faintest form of enterprise is like a seed in heaven, provided it is nurtured and nurtured, it will flourish and bear fruit.But if there is not enough care and nourishment in the soil of your body and mind, the seeds of improvement and perfection cannot grow, while weeds, thorns, and poisonous things will multiply and spread.

Enterprising people are very likely to realize their wishes and become what they want to be.If you always hope for something higher, better, and holier, and work hard towards it, you will surely reach your goal.If your ambition can dominate all your thoughts and actions, then this ambition can easily become a reality.

We all want to be successful, and success comes from positive effort, it never comes automatically.Only by maintaining a positive and enterprising attitude can we actively guide the trajectory of our life and lead it to success!
In the details of daily life, the following points keep you positive and enterprising:
1. Imagine being a hawk.In your life, no matter what kind of situation you face, don't be a trapped beast controlled by yourself, break out of the self-made cage, and be a soaring eagle!
2. Adjust the mood by changing the environment.Often just by changing your environment, you can change your mindset and feelings.

3. Listen to upbeat, inspiring music.If possible, have dinner or lunch with a positive mindset person.

4. Change your idioms.Instead of "I'm exhausted," say "I'm so relieved after a busy day"; instead of "Why don't they figure it out?" say "I know what I'm going to do."

5. Engage in appropriate recreational and educational activities.Watch videos about natural beauty, family health, and cultural events; choose TV shows and movies based on their quality and value, not commercial appeal.

6. Don't pay too much attention to physical condition.In fantasies, thoughts, and conversations, show that you are in good health.Talk positively to yourself every day, and don't keep thinking about minor ailments, such as colds, headaches, scrapes, cramps, sprains, and minor injuries.If you pay too much attention to these little problems, they will become your "best" friends and often come to "greeting" you.What is in your mind, what will appear around you.

7. Give help to those in need.Every day of your life, write, visit or call those in need.Show someone your positivity and pass on your positivity to others.

Keyword perception: positive
Although you can't control what happens, you can control the angle and attention you look at.A person's mentality determines whether he can be outstanding.Mentality is the real master who determines a person's destiny.

Therefore, if young people want to be successful, they must be active and let the enterprising spirit flow in their blood.

(End of this chapter)

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