Chapter 138 Enemy Attack
"What are you waiting for?" Tony looked very anxious, Jarvis put him back on the suit just after taking off half of it.And for the sake of safety, he also specially loaded a computing enhancement module to the built-in system of the suit. He obviously has no confidence in whether the WiFi signal on the earth can reach the alien planet.

But Thor was a little embarrassed, because he didn't want to invite Tony to help.But it can't be said clearly that there is no difference between you going to help and you going to die.Huang Ming saw Thor's hesitation, he grabbed the impatient Tony: "Mr. Stark, don't you care about Pepper?"

Tony turned around with a shocked expression on his face: "Oh my God, a bunch of such strong aliens are coming. Are you talking about love with me at this time? Do you need me to call you for an ambulance?" After finishing his suit, Tony said very seriously: "I know what you are thinking, but there are some things that I cannot avoid."

"Like Thor said, they will eventually come to the solar system, and I don't want to know nothing about those bastards."

As soon as this sentence came out, Huang Ming seemed to see the Iron Man who did not hesitate to carry the nuclear bomb to the outer space again. Maybe this is the reason why this man is so popular.He turned to look at Thor, indicating that Tony had a good point.

Thor simply shook his head and smiled: "To be honest, I misunderstood you a lot before, but after going through a few incidents, I admire your courage!" The words were full of appreciation for Tony's behavior.It is rare to see yourself clearly, but what is even more rare is to make some difficult decisions after seeing yourself clearly.

"If that's okay, let's go." Thor took the two of them back to the desert ground, because if the Rainbow Bridge was summoned inside the base, the base might have an extra panoramic sunroof in the future.Thor's hammer pointed to the sky and called out the name of his best friend, Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard.

In an instant, a rainbow of energy descended from the sky, and then took the three people who were on the earth away together.After a feeling of nausea, Tony, who was a little dizzy when he landed, saw the scene in front of him clearly. There were big craters and fallen trees everywhere, and the mountains in the distance were still on fire.The whale king seen in the crystal is looming in the clouds in the sky.

And Huang Ming, who is already familiar with the feeling of teleportation, has already followed Thor for a distance, and he can feel the power that blows his face when he watches it on the spot.There is also a restless energy breath in the air, and a few lightning flashes in the sky from time to time.In the distance, besides the Whale King Thor mentioned, there are several giants, whose image is almost the same as the Bull Demon King in Huang Ming's impression.

Huge double horns soared into the sky, and the huge body was like a hill. The ground shattered one after another while walking, and the tail flicked behind, bringing gusts of wind.Some of them still had blue flames on their bodies, wrapped in a thick layer of armor, but these giants looked like rhinos.

"Have I encountered the prehistoric world?" Huang Ming couldn't help talking to himself. Thor, who walked in front of him, couldn't hear clearly, and turned around to ask, "What? What flood world?"

"Hey!" Tony flew over, lifted his mask, and his eyes were still shocked: "Those guys, how many times have you fought with him, why are there still giants, am I just intervening in the mythical battlefield?"

"Those giant statues, we call them iron giants, they are infinitely powerful, and their bodies are harder than steel." Fandral, Thor's vassal, suddenly appeared, pointing to the iron giants in the distance to introduce.Look at his face covered with stains, and his armor is also scarred.It's not as chic as what I saw in Asgard before.

Thor saw Fandral and hurried over to ask: "How is the situation? Fandral! How is the army doing?"

"I can still hold on now." As soon as this sentence came out, Huang Ming felt that the meaning was different.It can still hold on rather than be able to control it, which means that the current Asgard army is close to the brink of collapse, and may be directly defeated in the next failed battle.Van Daal's meaning is clear: they need a victory of sufficient weight to inspire people.

"Gather your hands!" Thor, who had experienced many battles, immediately understood the meaning and ordered decisively.But Thor was still shocked when he came to the gate of the barracks.

The once invincible Asgardian army now looks like a pool of stagnant water. Every soldier no longer holds his head up high, but all of them are downcast.

The whole barracks gives people a lifeless salted fish feeling.

"Drip, sir, I detected a miniature life reaction nearby."

"Jarvis, there is an entire barracks in front of us..." Tony didn't take it seriously at first, but then closed his helmet: "Turn on the infrared detector!"

"Something is approaching!!!"

Huang Ming's lightning reflex also sensed a large wave of malicious aura rushing towards him, and at the same time he reminded loudly, anger was beating on his body.

Fandral seemed to have thought of something terrible, and immediately yelled at the barracks: "Let the priests activate the visualization magic!!"

The next moment, in Tony's infrared detector, a large group of humanoid creatures brandished double knives and rushed towards them like a tide.

"Jarvis, Dragoons, straight ahead! Cover shot!" Tony yelled as he lifted off into the air as many discs flew out of his suit pack.


"Boom boom boom..."

Countless energy cannons bombarded the open space in front of the barracks, and suddenly many blue limbs emerged from the air, but most of them were dual-sword warriors with blue blood all over their bodies.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Thor roared and rushed into the enemy's formation, the priests' manifestation magic lifted into the air, and the next moment a large group of warriors wearing blue light armor, wearing ghost masks, and wielding double knives were close at hand.


The ring-shaped lightning shock spread out from where Thor fell, clearing out a large area of ​​enemies, but filling the gap with more.

This group of samurai did not take defensive actions at all. They rushed into the camp, charged against the incoming swords, and cut through the enemy's armor with deadly double knives.

The Asgard barracks were immediately thrown into chaos by using the method of killing each other, and then a group of enemies wearing light armor appeared on the heights.

This group of enemies didn't have dual swords, they wore white armor, and generally had a red fist armor on their right hand.

They did not charge, but when they came to a similar distance, they held up their fist armor with blue lights flashing on it.

In the next second, countless blue light beams rushed into the sky, crossed parabolas, and landed inside Asgard's barracks.

"Boom boom boom..."

Before the opponent's attack was over, a whale king poked its head out of the clouds, roared, and smashed the energy group surrounding its body to the rear of the barracks.

A combination of fist attacks completely stunned the Asgardian army. Countless people screamed and fought on their own. They wanted to organize a decent counterattack, but they were scattered by the brave warriors with two swords.

Thor looked at this situation, endless anger welled up in his heart, and lightning filled his eyes.Razer jumped wildly on its body, looking at the whale king who was about to leave in the sky, he roared and rushed up
"For Asgard!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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