Mixing Marvel with Warrior Templates

Chapter 137 Thor Asks for Help

Chapter 137 Thor Asks for Help
After the Hell's Kitchen incident, New York once again restored the busy and prosperous city of the past.The people who shuttled back and forth enjoyed the rare calm.People in Brooklyn, especially, don't have to worry about going out like they used to, fearing that someone will use a gun on a certain street corner to 'borrow' something from you.

Huang Ming even ushered in his high school graduation ceremony. The arrival of Tony Stark that day gave him a lot of limelight, but he said that he would not continue his studies.He really misses the campus life, but in his own words, enough is enough.

For this reason, Pepper called him and scolded him, including Tony.

But no matter what happened to Pepper, the two big boys, Huang Ming and Tony, recently discovered something interesting, and they have been staying in the new base to study it.This is also thanks to Skye, who discovered a project called Tianma Project in the intercepted S.H.I.E.L.D. materials.

Among them, the study of interstellar flight attracted the attention of two big boys.May I ask which boy does not yearn for the stars and the sea?And there happened to be a deciphered alien fighter at hand, so the two stayed there all day to study how to go to the sky?

Looking at the fighter plane in front of him, which was shaped like a horizontal note, Huang Ming said suspiciously: "Mr. Stark, do you think this guy can fly out of the atmosphere? After all, this guy was only in Asgard last time." Intraplanet flight operations."

Tony, who was tinkering with the circuit, took the wrench from Huang Ming with an oily hand, and then replied: "Theoretically, anything has the ability to fly out of the atmosphere, as long as it has enough power and endurance burn!"

After finishing it, Tony snapped the metal plate shut.Calling up the holographic information of this fighter from the tablet on the desktop shows: "And this guy obviously has enough power output and a strong engine. We just need to modify it in terms of sturdiness and fire resistance." Tony Say it with confidence.

"So that's why you ordered three rocket boosters?" Huang Ming shouted while holding up the bill in his hand. Although the group had recently placed several big orders, the rocket is not a mobile phone, and there are still three at once.Moreover, the rich man didn't seem to plan to reimburse him, and even had a smug expression on his face.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, not only rocket boosters, I also purchased some aerospace materials and equipment."

Huang Ming suddenly felt a darkness in front of his eyes. Damn, when he had no money, he thought he would buy two cups of soy milk and drink a cup when he had money. He didn't expect that now that he has money, the speed of spending money is Angel Fall.

Tony looked at Huang Ming's face full of tears, and comforted him: "Don't worry, as long as Pepper is not angry with me, I will bear half of the expenses."

"Then when will she not be angry?"

"You have to ask her!"

Huang Ming, who had just ignited hope, suddenly felt that something was broken.The sound is still very crisp, and there are actually some energy fluctuations.He woke up immediately, jumped up from the ground and yelled: "Put on the battle suit quickly! There is a situation!" After shouting, he rushed to the express elevator and quickly went to the ground to check the situation.

When Tony heard that Huang Ming's tone was wrong, he didn't care to wipe off the oil stains on his face, and directly hit the table with his fist, and the ceiling above his head cracked, revealing the blue sky and white clouds outside.The whole person jumped up on the spot, and Jarvis had already manipulated the suit at this time, and finished dressing before Tony landed.

"call out!"

Somewhere in the Nevada desert, a sand dune suddenly exploded, a red figure rose into the sky, and then many small discs scattered from his body, and began to search for any unidentified people nearby.It was Tony who was wearing the battle suit equipped with the Dragoon system. Although he really wanted to call it the Meteor system, Huang Ming had no choice but to respect the copyright.

Huang Ming followed him to the sandy ground, holding a Giant Ripper in his hand, catching any suspicious aura around him. Saurfang was activating his Giant God Soldier underneath, ready to come up to support him at any time.

But at this moment, a familiar voice came: "I said, are you holding a welcome ceremony for me?"

The voice is very rough, and it also speaks English with a strong Nordic accent.Huang Ming put down his guard immediately, and greeted him with a smile: "Why did you come to Earth? Come to me to discuss or drink?"

Tony in the air also landed, looking at Thor with a smile on his face.He complained softly: "Next time you come, remember to be quieter. After all, this is not a hotel, and the sound insulation is not very good."

After Thor and Huang Ming hugged each other, they didn't show a happy smile. Instead, they said sadly: "Actually, I'm here to ask for help, uh. Yes, we're in some trouble."

"En?" Huang Ming just wanted to ask something, but Tony interrupted: "Come in first, I don't want to bask in the sun, eat sand and chat."

Entering the base, Huang Ming saw that Thor was not in the mood to appreciate their new base.It can be seen that this time the matter is not small, and there is a drum in my heart, and I can't help asking: "Jane broke up with you?"
"Don't make trouble, how is it possible! My charm is great." After finishing speaking, Thor took out a pure and transparent crystal from his arms, "Take a look at this first, and you will probably understand a little bit after reading it."

Tony and Huang Ming looked curiously at the picture Thor projected with the crystal, and soon they were shocked by the content.

In the picture, a team of hundreds of Asgardian troops is patrolling or exploring something on a certain planet. Then, for some unknown reason, the originally clear sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning.The blue Razer kept beating in the clouds, as if something was moving through the clouds.

Soon a whale poked out from the clouds, but this whale had a body as large as an aircraft carrier, with four huge tentacles floating on its back, surrounded by clusters of blue energy clusters, and many pilots and Soldiers similar to Kirita star chariots guarded its surroundings.

The Asgardian army noticed the strangeness in the air, and quickly set up a combat formation.However, the formation was broken up by more than a dozen bloated heavy infantrymen holding huge round shields and swords, and under the sweeping sweep of those infantrymen's swords, there were actually shocking energy waves emitting.

And all the soldiers shocked by the energy wave were forced into a stunned state.Let it be slaughtered by a group of extremely fast warriors with double knives following the heavy infantry.Their dual knives glowed with blue light, and when they swung them like pieces of blue light curtains, they would be stumped limbs and severed hands.

Then the whale roared in the air, and the energy cluster around the body fell on the Asgardian army like a meteor. The army that could barely support it was wiped out in an instant, leaving only corpses and blood on the ground.

The picture stopped abruptly, and Huang Ming and Tony glanced at each other.Then Tony asked, "Did you fight them?"

Thorton was a little discouraged and said: "They are very strong. That huge whale is one of their leaders, called the Whale King! They claim to be gods, and they say they are here to find something, but they start fighting everywhere."

"Asgard has been retreating steadily so far, this is only a small part of their force, and there are some weirder guys who have not appeared among them. Compared with the Asgardians, these guys are better at using thunder and lightning. A weird energy."

Huang Ming sounded a little wrong: "What about Odin, can he not beat him?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Thor's expression became a little strange.Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "My father, he is missing." Well, one of the strongest combat forces in the Nine Realms disappeared at this moment.Thor couldn't fight again, no wonder he wanted to ask for help.

"But Asgard's army can't beat it, I don't think the Earth army can win!" Tony said the most critical question.The opponent is an established alien army, and it seems that it is an expeditionary civilization capable of interstellar expeditions. In front of it, the earth must be a primitive civilization.

"No, what we need is not an army, but high-end combat power!" Thor answered Tony's question, and then looked at Huang Ming: "I came here to ask you to help me fight against this group of enemies, because according to Their route of travel, the solar system will face these guys sooner or later."

"You've said it all, do I still have room to refuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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