Otaku man rotten goddess horse is the most annoying

Chapter 32 Tears Blur Uncle McNair's Exquisite Makeup

Chapter 32 Tears Blurred Uncle McLough's Exquisite Makeup

Xiaolu and Xiaobei came to the house I rented to play.The glasses, the uncle, and the painter saw how lively it was, and quickly asked to join, so it turned into a very lively house party.After drinking some wine, everyone became even more high. At this time, Xiaobei suggested: "Would you like to play Xingxiangxi?" I asked: "What is Xingxiangxi?" Xiaobei said: "It is a game. Put it on your own mouth, then suck it hard, and then pass it to the next person, and the next person should also suck it hard to prevent the playing cards from falling halfway to the ground..." After listening to the rules, the painters were very excited Say yes, yes, let's play.

Then everyone started playing.The uncle who had been secretly in love with Xiaobei took the lead in sucking up the poker immediately. His face was flushed with too much force, and he was almost out of breath... The uncle waved his hand and instructed someone to take the baton quickly. The painter who is also interested in Xiaobei is of course happy to show it in front of his sweetheart, so he volunteered to suck the playing card from the uncle's mouth with his mouth... At the very moment, Xiaolu made a sudden move and took the playing card away up.Then, the uncle's and the artist's four lips met together without any suspense.

There was a dead silence.Someone's cup fell to the ground, and the Coke spilled out.

After the separation, the uncle and the painter all had expressions of "I just kissed and pooped." They stared at Xiao Lu with shame and anger, which made me, a boyfriend, very embarrassed.I reprimanded Xiaolu: "How can you do this? Why are you doing this!"

Xiaolu put his hips on his hips confidently and said, "It's more interesting because of this kind of gameplay!" Xiaobei and Glasses nodded silently.The little deer said: "Who should it be next?" I, the painter and the uncle said in unison: "Who wants to play!"

Watch the weather forecast with Xiaolu.Recently, the weather in our south is very unstable and it rains a lot, so we should be concerned.Looking at it, I suddenly heard Xiaolu sneer.

"What are you sneering at?" I asked Xiaolu.

"That weather forecaster is gay." Fawn pointed contemptuously at the very gentle-looking man on TV and said, "And I'm sure he just got rid of his virginity not long ago."

"My God! How do you know that?"

"Didn't you hear what he said just now? 'There is blood in the Kikube area'..."

At that moment, I really wanted to hit the deer on the ground.

Going shopping with Xiaolu, Xiaolu often reminds me to pay attention to the girls on the street. "Look, look, that girl's legs are so long" "Look, look, that girl's waist is so thin" and so on.Because Xiaolu feels that he is not in good shape, he is always envious of the good figure of others.

I said to Xiao Lu: "You are wrong, right? How can there be a girl who keeps telling her boyfriend to pay attention to other women?"

The little deer said, "What should I do then?"

I said, "I think it's more normal for you to pay attention to boys." As I said that, I pointed to a man who just passed by, and said, "Look, that man's buttocks are quite strong." Then I pointed to another man. The man said: "Look, that man is so handsome..."

Xiao Lu was silent for a while, then said, "We are indeed a match made in heaven."

I told Xiaolu: "Did you know that KFC has three times as many stores as McDonald's in China?" Xiaolu said in surprise, "Well, McDonald's can't compete with KFC anyway." I said : "That's not true."

Then the next day Xiaolu sent me a fanart, which showed three KFC grandpas laughing lewdly and teasing the disheveled McDonald's uncle.Poor Uncle McDonald's kept calling softly "Ya Die, Ya Die...", but he still couldn't stop the three KFC grandpas from doing their best, tears blurred Uncle McDonald's exquisite makeup...

Xiao Lu proudly announced to me: "'Rot' is already a culture officially recognized by the world!" There is a "Chrysanthemum Channel" on it.I suddenly felt that the world was over.

Xiaolu always conveys similar information to me very diligently and in a timely manner.

Once, Xiaolu and I went shopping in the supermarket, and when we reached the drinks section, Xiaolu shook his head and sighed: "There are many gays in Nestlé."

"How do you know?" As a loyal Nescafé user, I couldn't accept it.

Xiaolu then pointed to show me a new Nestle drink called "Chrysanthemum Soothing".

... what else can I say.

Another time, Xiaolu told me excitedly: "South Korea may be the country with the most homosexuals in the world!"

"Why?!" I was shocked.

"Because I suddenly remembered that there is a best-selling book in Korea called "The Fragrance of Chrysanthemums". Kee!"

...Since Xiaolu is talking about Korea, I don't bother to complain about her.

Although the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I still insist on cooking every day.Inspired by my spirit, the painter and the glasses also planned to join forces and start the fire by themselves.I asked the painter and the glasses: "Which of you can cook?" The painter said: "He can't, I can."

So I couldn't help but have the following associations:
The painter was busy in the kitchen wearing a nude apron, and occasionally took a break from his busy schedule to wipe off the bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead.

Glasses came to the kitchen: "Do you need my help?"

"No need, it's almost ready, you can go back and sit." The painter smiled at him.

"But, I want to be by your side with you." Glasses said, came behind the painter, leaned forward slightly, and stuck to the painter's buttocks.

"Ah..." The painter couldn't help moaning softly.

"What's the matter?" The glasses brought his face close to the painter's ear, exhaled like blue, and at some point, his hands were lightly pressed on the painter's hand holding the kitchen utensils.

"The vegetables... will burn..." The painter's face was so red, his body trembled slightly.

"What... what kind of food...?" The glasses didn't seem to loosen at all, but hugged the painter even more tightly, and the dreamlike voice seemed to come from a distance.

"It's... fried chrysanthemums with cucumbers..." The painter writhed in pain. At this moment, his body seemed to be hotter than the fire of the stove.

The glasses, which were so emotional that they couldn't help themselves, suddenly pulled a wok with their backhands, and stuffed them into the painter's chrysanthemum without any explanation...

After thinking of this, I stopped urgently, feeling that I was really infected by the deer.

At this time, the painter took out a small table and a lot of tableware, and said to the glasses: "We can also eat together in the living room in the future."

This situation can't help but make me fall into the association again:
The painter and the glasses sat down on either side of the small table.The table was full of dishes, and each of them had a pair of bowls and chopsticks in front of them.

"Come, try my cooking." The painter said heartily to the glasses.

The glasses didn't move, just smiled and looked at the painter.

"What's the matter? Is it not to your liking?" asked the painter.

"No. But, if you don't feed me, how can I eat?" Glasses smiled elegantly.

The painter's face flushed.Glasses opened its mouth at this moment, and said mischievously, "Ah——"

The painter picks up a piece of meat with trembling chopsticks: "Just, just this time..."

But when he stretched the chopsticks in front of the glasses, the glasses closed their mouths again, showing no intention of eating.

"Why don't you eat it?" the painter said angrily.

"I want you to feed me, who said to feed me with chopsticks?" The glasses pushed the glasses, fingers straightened, and gently tapped on the artist's cherry lips, "Use-this-in-feed-I- —”

The painter, who was blushing as if he was about to spurt blood, squeezed the piece of meat to his mouth like a ghost, then leaned his upper body, and sent it towards the mouth of the glasses...

"Well, it's really a good dish." Glasses licked his lips and praised with satisfaction.

"Really, you must not do this again next time." The painter said, and was about to sit back to his original position, but his hands were pulled by his glasses, and he fell towards the small round table.

Vegetables, sprinkled all over the floor.Lying on the round table, the painter, covered in food and fragrance, shouted angrily, "Why is this, the dishes I worked so hard for..."

But the glasses held him down with a seductive smile, gently licking the sauce on his chest. "It doesn't matter, what I wanted to eat most at first was you..."

When I recovered from another longer and more detailed delusion, the painter and the glasses in reality had given up the idea of ​​firing together because of their inconsistent tastes.

...So what the hell was I thinking just now!

Rotten girls are really scary creatures.I said this to Xiao Lu heartbrokenly more than once.Xiao Lu said: "If you have seen some of my rotten sisters, you will think that my degree is very slight. For example, a friend of mine once brought her boyfriend home. The boyfriend asked, 'Where is the toilet? Where?' My friend pointed it out to him. At that time, the toilet door was closed, and my boyfriend asked anxiously, 'Is anyone in there?' My friend said, 'No one, it is used to being closed.' So the boyfriend opened the door with confidence Went in... and saw his future father-in-law peeing. Two men burst into screams of being violated in the toilet."

"...Why did your friend do this!" I asked Xiaolu who was stunned.

"Quickly shorten the distance between your boyfriend and his family, isn't it good?" Xiaolu said.

... There will be ghosts if it will be fine!
But after hearing such a story, I'm really glad Xiaolu didn't arrange such a trip for me when he took me home.

I was chatting with my uncle in the living room, and I somehow talked about Jay Chou. I said his music is good, and the uncle said: "Yeah, the movies are not good, and the commercials are often shot so that people are speechless. Hey, do you remember? He has an ad in which a woman asks Jay Chou: 'What am I yours?'"

I immediately connected: "You are my Yulemei."

"Ah, so I am milk tea." The uncle said.

"In that way, I can hold you in the palm of my hand." I finished the last sentence.

Then my uncle and I laughed at memorizing all the advertisements.At this moment, the door opened, and the artist came in with his head down and a bunch of things.

In order to improve the relationship with the neighbors, I offered to help the painter, but he declined.

"Do not touch me."

"What are you doing?" I said.

"Go touch your Yume, fag," he said.

"……"you misunderstood!
(End of this chapter)

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