Otaku man rotten goddess horse is the most annoying

Chapter 29 Yoshihiro Tomina and Naoko Takeuchi Divorce

Chapter 29 Yoshihiro Tomina and Naoko Takeuchi Divorce
Passing by a shop selling bags with Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu went in to pick up one, the proprietress kindly introduced that it only cost 480, I said casually, "400 is about the same." Then we walked out of the shop, and the proprietress followed behind and asked, "The most you can do is How much will it cost?" But we have no intention of fighting.Xiaolu told me later: "Actually, if you can bargain up to 350, maybe you can win it." I suddenly realized that I was still too conservative, so I should cut at least 150 as soon as I came up. Add it.

So I couldn't help but start fantasizing.One day, I went to a store to buy something, and the price was 100 yuan. I immediately cut off 150 yuan and said, "Boss, why don't you pay 50 yuan instead?" The profit is also very low." I immediately turned around and left.The boss hurriedly chased him out and asked, "Sir, how much can you pay at most?" I then slowly added up, from 50 to 40, 30, 20... Finally, the boss and I finally reached a consensus that we will pay for free make a deal.The boss made a deal and happily sent me out.

I told Xiao Lu about this fantasy, and she said, "What dream are you having?"

The gentleman who lives opposite my room and next door to the toilet, please don’t suddenly raise your arms excitedly and shout out that cannibals capture prey in the gaps between playing Kaixin.com, reading online novels, and making phone calls with unknown people. How about a weird smile from time to time?It scares me a lot every time, and several times I have the urge to dial 114 and ask for the phone number of the mental hospital.Also, don't take off your clothes as soon as you come back and take off yourself like Astro Boy, okay?Astro Boy's panties are black, but yours are snow white!I can't stand you shaking your snow-white buttocks, shaking a pile of dirty clothes in front of me to do the laundry.Of course you can explain that the washing machine is right outside my room, but that doesn't mean I have to look at your body!

The above is a letter that I found out by accident and wrote to my roommate when I was renting a house in the Year of the Monkey, but I didn’t hand it over in the end.After comparing, I feel that the place where I live now is really a paradise...

Recently, there have been rumors that have been rampant: Yoshihiro Togashi and Naoko Takeuchi are divorced!This news quickly caused a sensation among readers, and everyone expressed, "If it is true, will "Hunter" be republished! Will it be republished? Will it be republished!" "I look forward to his eruption after self-reflection." Opinions from the perspective of loyal readers, some people gloated and said, "It will become a typical fate of procrastinators in the future, so be warned!" "What to do! Fu Jian is going to starve to death!" And those who are worried think about "Who should the child be with? One side is Sailor Moon and the other is Hunter. It's so hard to choose!" Such questions.As for the most important question of "why did they divorce", someone helped Ms. Naoko imagine such a reason, "I wanted to marry him as a manga artist's wife, but ended up marrying the original author as a gunman...... What a fart!” Some people said from the perspective of reverse thinking that the truth may be like this, “Because Fu Jian refused to stop publishing permanently to accompany him, so he divorced him.”…Miss Naoko, which one is the real one? you?
In addition, some people rationally thought of the possibility that "this may be Fu Jian's new trick of delaying manuscripts"... It can only be said that Fu Jian has no credibility at all in the industry or in the minds of readers!Even if people want to sympathize with you, they can't do it!
Of course... maybe the rumors are just rumors.But this is the only fun that the unscrupulous Fujian can provide us at the moment.

I recalled my childhood.At that time, I was still living in my hometown, a small village. Opposite my house was a large public toilet, which was very smelly. It was only a road away from my house, and the environment was very dangerous. Important playground.I mean, we often have fun with this toilet.For example, at night, my younger cousins ​​and I climbed up to the second floor, almost at the same level as the roof of the public toilet, and then we folded paper airplanes and threw them towards the toilet without bias. Without leaning on the paper plane, it will enter the interior through the window of the toilet. We are also very happy to imagine that a certain plane may bring a surprise to the people who are going to the toilet but forgot to take the paper.But soon, when we were young, we found that this way of playing was not enjoyable enough, so my cousin, who was not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, suggested: "Why don't we set fire to the paper airplane." , A flame was lit in the nose.Watching paper airplanes burn and enter the toilet, illuminating the sinister environment where there is no light at night, and hearing the screams of panic coming from the toilet... We couldn't straighten our backs with laughter.

...It was only when I grew up that I realized how horrible this was!If that toilet is filled with methane gas, the burning paper airplane might cause a big explosion, and then dung and water will splash everywhere!It's really a way of death that will last forever...

Working with a new editor at a new magazine who seemed to have heard my name but knew nothing about me made it easy for me to take advantage of her ignorance sometimes.For example, once I delayed the manuscript for two days, she came to remind me.

"Hello, can you give me the manuscript?"

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I've been busy taking wedding photos recently, so I delayed the progress of the manuscript."

"Huh? Are you getting married?"

"Yeah, you know, we women, it's like this once in a lifetime, and it's really troublesome for us to take wedding photos..."

"I understand, I understand. I also took wedding photos with my sister before. It was very troublesome."

"Yeah, so please allow me to delay for another day, because everyone is a woman."

"Okay, okay, but when the time comes, you have to show me the wedding photos. I really want to see a photo of you and your husband."

"Well! That's the deal!"


After successfully dragging the manuscript, I went to another group to show off my skills to my friends, and everyone sighed: "...this person can even tell such a big lie just to drag the manuscript." "I think the more amazing thing is that editor I actually believed it all..."

My dad became cranky and sentimental as he got older.For example, I received a call from the courier that day, saying that he was downstairs at my house and asked me to come down and pick up my courier.And I was not at home at that time, so I had to call my father quickly and ask him to go down and get it for me.So my father went down, but couldn't find the courier, so he had to call me again to confirm the location, and I had to call the courier to confirm the location... Anyway, it took a lot of work to get them to connect successfully.

Later, my father said to me very unhappy: "In the future, if you have express mail or something, you can just take it yourself, don't ask me to help you, it's really troublesome."

I was displeased when I heard this, and retorted, "If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't get it myself, how could I want to ask you! You are moody, and I'm afraid I owe you favors!"

After listening to my words, my father was silent.After a while I realized that was a heavy statement, so I went to make up with him and said, "Dad, don't take what you just said to heart. I didn't mean to say that."

My sullen father's face softened slightly when he heard the words, but he still said quietly: "Oh, you will know in the future, being someone else's father is not easy, it is very hard."

I comforted him and said: "I know, how about this, in the next life I will be your father and you my son, and I will experience your hard work."

"Go, who wants to be your son."

"...What are you being arrogant about?"

(End of this chapter)

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