digital storm

Chapter 289 Chains

Chapter 289 Chains ([-])

The ranger started to move, with light steps.Although the cockpit is empty, the two cameras on the head that are even more precise than the movie level are constantly focusing on various scenes, and the light reflected by the layers of lenses inside is the same.Not everyone who pilots a mecha anthropomorphizes the mecha, but many pilots affectionately refer to this complicated reflection as the eyes of the mecha.

The starting point they carefully selected was not a short distance away from the 9903 Research Institute, with several blocks between them.But although the entire area cannot be said to be under control, at least the monitors will not work.In front of You Xia, An Lian and Huo Di, there was Yuzhuo acting as a scout.Compared with the mecha, the Jade Claw moves more dexterously and quietly.But this also made An Lian a little worried.For Lin Wenfang, Jade Claw and Ranger are actually very good carriers of the artificial intelligence core "Fire Feather".As long as the two carriers are operating separately, then Lin Wenfang has very sufficient security.Whether it is Ranger or Jade Claw, their combat power is beyond doubt.As the first special product called "Hero Mecha", Ranger stands at the forefront of military technology in the world in every aspect.According to the evaluation of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Armament Department, under Lin Wenfang's operation, a ranger can fight against a regiment-level non-heavy armor formation.If you really encounter a heavy armored unit, it depends on the relative positions of the two sides.If it is in a plain area, the decision tends to be heavy armored units. If it is in a terrain with undulations and shelters, the decision tends to be Ranger and Lin Wenfang.

As for Jade Claw, since there is no standard for judging it, and there is no data support to simulate Jade Claw's fighting style, so I dare not say how powerful it is, but at least it is not bad.Moreover, the lack of understanding of the fighting style of the jade claw at this stage will also increase the evaluation of the use of this weapon to a certain extent.It's an interesting rating curve that comes up time and time again throughout history and never fails.Mechs are also on this evaluation curve.

On the way from the scheduled location to the 9903 Research Institute, An Lian had thought many times about the consequences of falling out with Lin Wenfang.Lin Wenfang is no longer the former Lin Wenfang. When he entered the army, he was a simple soldier and technician.But step by step, he has grown to what he is today, a great soldier and scientific research worker, an equally great entrepreneur and organizer, and a master strategist who understands conspiracy and can organize it.Lin Wenfang now exposed the deepest hole card in his hand: Huo Yu, in front of her. Is this just a helpless move in Moya's dangerous and complicated situation?In other words, he feels that his combat power is indispensable now no matter what, and they need each other completely. At this time, he will show Huo Yu to them without worrying that they will abandon him, retaliate against him, or Leave him to fend for himself in this strange land.

In fact, after learning about Huo Yu's existence and her functions that are very different from MARS, An Lian really thought about it.Is a fire feather that has developed to this level really what they need, is it what the future world needs?She's not so sure.However, Lin Wenfang is now the only one who can control Huo Yu. Not only did An Lian not dare to touch him, but she tried every means to protect him.An Lian couldn't imagine what kind of existence an artificial intelligence as powerful as Huo Yu would become if it lost its shackles.Perhaps she will become a monument to guide the electronic world and the future of mankind, but the prophecy that artificial intelligence dominates the world that abounds in the past does not seem to be completely unfounded.An Lian was also hesitant in this regard, so she could only comfort herself, thinking that Lin Wenfang was capable of handling these problems well.

Yes, only believe it.You can't gamble on this kind of thing, and you can't think about it too much, otherwise, the terrifying imagination will eventually occupy her whole body and mind.She was still thinking, is this really the whole situation carefully arranged by Lin Wenfang?Did Lin Wenfang think of what he thought of?Are you thinking too much, or are there some issues that haven't been covered yet?An Lian was a little confused for a moment.

The closer it is to the 9903 Research Institute, the more heavily guarded it can be felt.They had to stop when they were nearly 700 meters away from the institute, and paused to rest in a building, waiting for the development of the institute.

The news poured in, causing the Institute to fall into a mess.The intelligence team of Raymond Brothers was very panicked. It was Grad and Sorrento who had an accident in Sidney, both of them were high-level executives in the group.Grad may not have experienced it because of his young reputation, but Sorrento Raymond is different. He has always enjoyed extremely high treatment at Moya's side.It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a state guest. Kane often discusses economic and technical issues with him, trying to dig out more resources from him.However, now that Sorento and Grad were kidnapped together, the kidnappers actually killed a large number of bodyguards and then easily disappeared from the police's sight.So far, it seems that the police have been completely fooled.Then, the whole thing looks more and more weird. The previous robberies, traffic accidents, etc., are all connected together, and it seems that there is an invisible hand that gathers all the military and police forces that can be used in Sidney. , and then scattered throughout the city like pepper noodles, unable to concentrate on what to do.Has today's Sidney City become a big dish for others?
However, such a thing happened outside, but they still dare not leave the institute casually.The hotel is obviously not safe now, the situation outside is unknown, God knows if someone has targeted them.Instead, the research institute has become the place where they feel safest.

In the current situation, it seems that everyone is not in the mood to work. Although there are many people in the institute, most of them are sitting in the library, drinking coffee, waiting for new news in silence: whether it is good news Still bad news.

"Who the hell could have done this?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"There are too many possibilities. The Federation, the Principality of Eaton, Yingtai, Dresden, even in our country, do you think it is really so united and so peaceful?"

"Federation! It must be the Federation. Those yellow-skinned monkeys want to kill us all."

Lin Wenfang stood up and walked towards the workshop helplessly.Everyone's eyes followed his figure, but the discussion was completely interrupted in an instant.This federal descendant is their pride. Although he is not a federal citizen, according to a certain theory, all the federal descendants have the same cultural background and are very united inside.They yelled so much just now, which made Ke Yonghua unhappy.

"Let's chat, I'll go do some work." Ke Yonghua turned around and said to everyone: "Don't worry. I'm not a federal citizen after all, and that really has nothing to do with me."

Seeing Ke Yonghua walk into the workshop, close the soundproof door, and draw down the curtains, they all felt relieved.

Lin Wenfang was indeed sitting in front of the machine tool, but after blocking his view, he immediately took control of the camera in the workshop.Then he sat down in front of the machine tool and took a deep breath.He has been here for too long, and he has countless opportunities to do things, but he is still very careful, so careful that he is still sitting in front of the machine tool, not touching the high-performance computer next to it.In case someone crashed in, that would require more explanation, but this kind of thing could happen almost any time.

However, under this machine tool, there is already a short connection that allows the machine tool to be directly connected to the internal backbone network.His hand instantly danced into a phantom, typing out a line of procedures.He had been spying on the spacious research room occupied by Raymond Brothers for a long time. The 9903 Research Institute originally had its own program and digital engineering research room, but that did not meet the requirements of Raymond Brothers. They brought almost everything, various servers, large light curtains, many A thing that is prohibited from being exported by the Federation.At any time, there are two security guards with live ammunition at the door of the laboratory. Even now, there are still two people on duty in the laboratory, even if they don't do any work.They just need to know that the equipment is functioning normally and nothing unusual has happened.

Lin Wenfang had already obtained the sample of the intelligent core made for Cerberus, and it was the program core of the large version and the standard version. Through the analysis of the two cores, Lin Wenfang was able to roughly deduce the Raymond What kind of core generation tool did the brother company give the intelligence group, and the characteristics of the intelligence core.The intelligent core produced by Raymond Brothers is very interesting. According to Lin Wenfang's understanding, this core has a simple logical judgment. Compared with Huo Yu, it seems to be more suitable for mecha-type military products.However, just knowing these things is not enough. Through a deeper understanding of the intelligent team of Raymond Brothers, Lin Wenfang can understand how far the core of the other party has developed and how much potential it has.

Especially the potential, which determines how much energy he has to spend to compete with the opponent in this area, and how to kill the opponent.At least, compared to the inexplicable existence lurking in Moya's network, this thing is in the clear, allowing him to strike first.

On the intranet of the research institute, Lin Wenfang has already done countless tricks these days. Although it can't be said that it is easy for him to invade the research room of Raymond Brothers, it is indeed not a trouble.Glancing at his watch, Lin Wenfang speeded up his progress.According to the scheduled time, federal troops will attack the 9903 Research Institute in a short time, destroying Moya's most promising project and the closest to success... At that time, he still has a role to play.

(End of this chapter)

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